New York's New "Gun Mental Health" Law
I am very, very concerned about New York's new law.  I have no opinion about guns, that battle belongs to other people, not me.  What is in the law DOES disturb me very much, very, very much.  Part of the mental illness section of the bill is that if a person is determined to be a danger of harming himself or others, a doctor must report that to the GOVERNMENT.  The government then goes to that person's house and seizes their guns, if they have any, of course.  I've never owned a gun, and I've never been any harm to anyone except myself and never, ever by a gun, are you kidding me?   &nbs...
Source: - January 15, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs

Observations about Chicago
Before bed tonight, I walked the dog and it was 19 degrees outside.  I didn't comprehend what that would be like in the WINDY CITY until I got outside - holy hell!  People live like this?  And survive? I don't know why it seemed so very cold, I've run in 25 degree weather in Dallas, but 19 and windy at night was something I was not prepared for at all! Mark ran this morning when it was a little bit icy on the roads - I thought he was crazy, but he's been coming to Chicago and running for five years now so he's used to the weather. I've been trying to figure out what people WEAR here in the winter. ...
Source: - January 14, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs

And the House Hunting Begins!
Crazy day.  Out of three showings on our house, we got three offers in the first two days it was listed.  They got into a bidding war, and we went with an offer that was slightly over the asking price. It's so strange. I watched homes sit in our neighborhood for 6+ months without selling and that's what I had prepared myself for as well.  We're looking at homes tomorrow. Ideally I'd live to live in Naperville, but we found a few in Plainfield (north or south, I don't remember, but the realtor said that was important), a few in Naperville, and one, strangely enough, in Aurora. I know very little about these a...
Source: - January 12, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs

Road Trip - Check!
We made it! We are in our apartment and are, for the most part, unpacked.  But it was a miserable trip.  We were both sick, Mark much less so since he had taken the flu shot earlier last year.  As we drove, I got progressively worse, and now I am so sick I find myself taking hydrocodone for my throat and chest just to contain the pain, and I've had this stuff for years and years so it's not like I abuse it.  We spent the night at the Ritz Carlton which should have been a fun time, but we were so sick we ordered room service, took way too much flu medicine and went to bed.  I was worse in the mornin...
Source: - January 11, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs

Disaster Strikes!
This is terrible.  With two days to go to move yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat.  By the middle of the morning, it was full blown flu.  I felt awful, awful, awful!  Now we move tomorrow, and I'm still sick.  The things I need to move to Chicago won't magically move themselves into the SUV, so laying in bed being sick isn't an option.  It wasn't an option yesterday either, there were people in and out of the house all day long.  I took way too much flu medicine just to get through the day.  Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. But I'm miserab...
Source: - January 8, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs

Getting Close!
I saw my psychiatrist for the last time until the move this week, and he was very generous and gave me prescriptions for an entire year so I could find a doctor in Chicago. It was sad leaving his office, I wanted to tell him how much he had helped me, hug him, something, but he's not an emotional guy.  I did tell him that he had "saved" me and he seemed genuinely happy about that, but it's hard to tell someone the huge impact they've had in your life.  I've been to the depths of depression hell so many times for him to lift me out quickly time and again.  He helped me get well when I met him and was sui...
Source: - January 5, 2013 Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs