Disaster Strikes!

This is terrible.  With two days to go to move yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat.  By the middle of the morning, it was full blown flu.  I felt awful, awful, awful!  Now we move tomorrow, and I'm still sick.  The things I need to move to Chicago won't magically move themselves into the SUV, so laying in bed being sick isn't an option.  It wasn't an option yesterday either, there were people in and out of the house all day long.  I took way too much flu medicine just to get through the day.  Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. But I'm miserable.The realtor put the "For Sale" sign in our yard yesterday.  I don't know why, but Mark and I were quite excited about that and had to walk out with her to look at it.  The photographer came and took pictures of the house for marketing, the house looked awesome from all our work and the staging (and the contractors, carpet cleaners, window washers, etc. etc. etc.).  Everyone kept saying they would be surprised if it didn't sell soon, it's a beautiful house.  It does look like it great now, even Mark commented he would buy it, I would too, but...it is our house, ha!  I'll try to post some pictures when I get them of our first house together!  So sad to be leaving after 10 years.  This is the longest I've ever lived in once place.There's something I *so* want to do before we move.  I want to knock on several neighbors ...
Source: bipolar.and.me - Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs