Pictorial instrument to guide the classification of foods in the dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population
ABSTRACT This communication describes an instrument for food and nutrition education of food categories based on the new classification according to type of commercial processing, used by the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population published by the Ministry of Health. The instrument uses, in a practical and schematic manner, the visual resources of food "circles", colors and images. This scheme aims to guide the most appropriate and healthy proportions, as follows: the largest circle contains the foods that should be consumed in the greatest amounts, and so on, until the smallest circle. The front of the circles pr...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Contamination by intestinal parasites in vegetables marketed in an area of Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Conclusion: Vegetables marketed in Diamantina presents a wide variety of intestinal parasites, which may represent a potential risk to the health of consumers of fresh vegetables.RESUMO Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a presen ça de helmintos e protozoários intestinais em hortaliças comercializados em Diamantina, um município localizado no Vale do Jequitinhonha, uma das regiões mais pobres do mundo. Métodos: Cento e oito exemplares, incluindo alface, cebolinha e rúcula, foram mensalmente coletados em uma feira liv re, uma quitanda e um supermercado do município. As amostras foram processad...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Modeling of Food and Nutrition Surveillance in Primary Health Care
Conclusion: Modeling enabled the description of food and nutrition surveillance based on its components and may guide the development of viable plans to monitor food and nutrition surveillance actions so that modeling can be established as a local intersectoral planning instrument.RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as etapas de modeliza ção da vigilância alimentar e nutricional na Atenção Primária em Saúde no Sistema Único de Saúde, considerando suas atividades, objetivos e metas. Métodos: Foram utilizadas as técnicas de análise documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas para identificar os componentes, descrever a i...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Ketogenic food pyramid for patients with refractory epilepsy: From theory to clinical practice
Conclusion: The ketogenic diet food pyramid can be used as nutritional guidance for patients undergoing this dietary therapy by illustrating the variety of foods that can be eaten during the treatment, optimizing adherence to the treatment, and guaranteeing beneficial effects on seizure control.RESUMO Objetivo: Desenvolver uma representa ção gráfica sob a forma de pirâmide alimentar para a dieta cetogênica destinada a crianças e adolescentes com indicação de tratamento dietético da epilepsia refratária. Métodos: A construção foi baseada na estimativa da necessidade energética por faixa etária, na distribui...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Evaluation of a mobile application for estimation of food intake
Conclusion: The Nutrabem app can be used as a tool to assess dietary intake among university students since it produces results similar to those obtained by the 24-hour dietary recall method.RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a utiliza ção do aplicativo Nutrabem (São Paulo) como recurso para a medida da ingestão alimentar entre universitários. Métodos: Estudo transversal conduzido em uma amostra aleatória com 40 universitários adultos da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Campus Baixada Santista. Os dados de ingestão al imentar foram estimados por meio do aplicativo Nutrabem e pelo Recordatório de 24 horas; foram calcul...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Dairy products consumption in Brazil is associated with socioeconomic and demographic factors: Results from the National Dietary Survey 2008-2009
Conclusion: Therefore, in view of the low intake of dairy products by Brazilian population and the nutritional benefits associated with this food group, public health strategies to increase dairy consumption are justified.RESUMO Objetivo: Estimar o consumo de produtos l ácteos pela população brasileira. Métodos: Dados de consumo alimentar obtidos por meio de registro alimentar de dois dias não-consecutivos de 34.003 indivíduos com 10 anos ou mais de idade participantes do Primeiro Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação (2008-2009) foram utilizados para estima r o consumo de produtos lácteos. Os produtos lácteos fo...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Excessive maternal weight and practice of exclusive breastfeeding among women of low socioeconomic status
Conclusion: Excessive maternal weight was not confirmed as a risk factor for early discontinuation of exclusive breastfeeding. However, women who reported being smokers had a higher risk of early discontinuation of exclusive breastfeeding than those who did not smoke. This indicates the need for public health interventions to promote smoking cessation during pregnancy and in the postpartum period because of the deleterious effects of this habit on maternal and infant health.RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar o impacto do excesso de peso gestacional na interrup ção precoce do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Métodos: Estudo lon...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Nutritional status variation and intestinal and extra intestinal symptomatology in patients with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity given specialized dietary advice
Conclusion: The patients were normal weight on both study occasions (T1 and T2), and the symptoms improved after dietary advice. Thus, we reinforce the importance of proper dietary management in both clinical conditions to make dietary adjustments that improve these individuals' symptomatology.RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar a evolu ção do estado nutricional e a sintomatologia de pacientes com doença celíaca e sensibilidade ao glúten não celíaca após orientação dietética especializada Métodos: O estudo prospectivo foi realizado com 80 pacientes portadores da doença celíaca e de sensibilidade ao glúten não cel...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Excess weight in preschool children: The role of food intake
Conclusion: The results suggest that food intake has an important role, but that other variables contribute to excess weight in children. Recognition of the problem's many causes should guide the public policies directed at this age group to prevent this nutritional disorder.RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar o consumo alimentar entre pr é-escolares com excesso de peso e eutróficos e verificar a associação do baixo peso ao nascer, presença de catch-up growth, desmame precoce e atividade física/sedentarismo com o excesso de peso Métodos: Realizado um estudo caso-controle em Unidades de Saúde da Família da cidade de Olinda...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Associated factors of malnutrition among African children under five years old, Bom Jesus, Angola
Conclusion: It was identified independent variables from different levels of determination of malnutrition, standing out the basic sanitation conditions and family structure as important predictors of the nutritional deficits. The knowledge of the associated factors of malnutrition may contribute for subside public policies in planning interventions to improve the childhood nutrition status in Bom Jesus and communes with similar characteristics in Angola.RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar os determinantes dos deficit estatural ( índice altura/idade) e ponderal (índice peso/altura) entre crianças menores de cinco anos da Comu...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Vitamin C decreases the obesogenic and hyperglycemic effect of invert sugar in prediabetic rats
Conclusion: Vitamin C has anti-obesogenic and glycemia-lowering effects in Wistar rats, which might be promising to prediabetics. Future studies are needed to understand the anti-obesogenic and anti-hyperglycemic mechanisms of vitamin C in prediabetes.RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da vitamina C na preven ção da obesidade e da hiperglicemia, em ratos Wistar tratados com sobrecarga de açúcar invertido, para induzir o estágio de pré-diabetes. Métodos: Ratos Wistar machos (100 dias de vida e peso médio de 336,58±23,43g) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente nos grupos: (1) controle água; (2) con trole açúcar inv...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Intestinal absorption of iron and calcium from soy and cow's milk-based infant formulas in weanling rats pups
Conclusion: Intestinal iron and calcium absorption from soy-based infant formula is similar to that from milk-based infant formula in weanling rats.RESUMO Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou comparar a absor ção intestinal de ferro e cálcio entre fórmulas infantis à base de leite de vaca e de soja em ratos recém-desmamados. Métodos: Vinte ratos machos Wistar, com 21 dias de vida e no primeiro dia do desmame foram utilizados neste experimento, divididos em dois grupos: um alimentado com fórmula infantil à base de proteína de soja e o outro com fórmula infantil à base de proteína do leite de vaca. Durante o perío...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Scenario of research on Food Service in Brazil
Conclusion: The inclusion of Food Service in graduate programs is still limited. The main trend observed is towards a closer relationship with Food Science and Technology in terms of the lines of research, professional qualification, and published studies.RESUMO Objetivo: Busca-se uma aproxima ção com o cenário da pesquisa em Alimentação Coletiva no Brasil a partir dos programas de pós-graduação Stricto Sensu pertencentes à área da Nutrição, dos grupos de pesquisa e da produção científica. Métodos: Foi realizado levantamento das linhas de pesquisa em que são desenvolvido s trabalhos de interesse, bem com...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - March 9, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to present a report of the experiences of the adoption of the Approach to Nutritional Care during Prenatal and Postpartum Periods, resulting from a partnership between the university and the municipal primary health care system of Santos, SP, Brazil. This approach was developed through joint work plans based on the need to incorporate nutritional care into the prenatal and postpartum care. All stages of design and implementation and the results of this strategy were documented in a field diary. This approach was adopted in two basic health units between 2010 and 2014. The stages of thi...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 13, 2016 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Nutritional care during prenatal and postpartum periods: A report of experiences in a city on São Paulo's coast
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to present a report of the experiences of the adoption of the Approach to Nutritional Care during Prenatal and Postpartum Periods, resulting from a partnership between the university and the municipal primary health care system of Santos, SP, Brazil. This approach was developed through joint work plans based on the need to incorporate nutritional care into the prenatal and postpartum care. All stages of design and implementation and the results of this strategy were documented in a field diary. This approach was adopted in two basic health units between 2010 and 2014. The stages of thi...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 13, 2016 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research