Purchase of family farm and organic foods by the Brazilian School Food Program in Santa Catarina state, Brazil
Conclusion Most Santa Catarina municipalities purchased f amily farm foods in 2011, and most municipalities that complied with Article 14 of Law nº 11,947/2009 were in the South state region. Finally, municipalities with low Municipal Human Development Index and number of students had the most difficulties buying family farm foods.RESUMO Objetivo Descrever a aquisi ção de alimentos da agricultura familiar e alimentos orgânicos, no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar em municípios catarinenses. Métodos Trata-se de pesquisa descritivo-analítica, realizada entre 2010 e 2011. Enviou-se um questionár...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Food consumption pattern and obesity in preschool children in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil
Conclusion The results obtained showed that the high intake of energy-dense foods (dietary pattern 3) was a contributing factor to childhood obesity. These data reinforce the need for public policies and food education programs in health units and schools, aiming to change children ’ s eating habits, significant predictors of nutritional problems.RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a associa ção entre padrões de consumo alimentar e a obesidade de pré-escolares em Feira de Santana, Bahia. Métodos Análise transversal de 813 crianças de uma coorte de nascidos vivos de base populacional, iniciada em 2004 em Feira de Santana, Ba...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Validation of the Online version of the Previous Day Food Questionnaire for schoolchildren
Conclusion The Previous Day Food Questionnaire Online possessed satisfactory validity for the assessment of food intake at the group level in schoolchildren from the 2nd to 5th grades of public school.RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a validade da vers ão baseada na Internet do Questionário Alimentar do Dia Anterior (Online) para escolares do segundo ao quinto ano do ensino fundamental. Métodos Participaram do estudo 312 escolares de 7 a 12 anos de uma escola pública de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. A validade foi testada pela sensibilidade , especificidade e taxas de concordância (acertos, omissões e intrusões) dos iten...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Skipping breakfast and associated factors among Brazilian adolescents
Conclusion The omission of breakfast was observed in more than a third of adolescents, being associated with demographic and lifestyle factors. In the public health perspective, the importance of encouraging the consumption of this meal is highlighted, with actions involving the school environment and the family.RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a preval ência e os fatores associados à omissão do desjejum entre adolescentes. Métodos Estudo transversal com adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos de idade, avaliados entre 2009 e 2011, pertencentes a um estudo de coorte na região Central do Brasil. A omissão do desjejum, variável desfec...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Vitamin A deficiency and factors associated with retinol levels in public school students
Conclusion Vitamin A deficiency was characterized as a mild public health problem in the students, indicating the need of actions that address this issue in schools and of studies with larger samples to investigate the problem at the municipal and state levels. Untreated water intake, a possible source of waterborne illnesses, contributed to lower retinol levels.RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a preval ência de deficiência de vitamina A e analisar fatores socioeconômicos e demográficos associados aos níveis de retinol séricos em estudantes de escolas públicas. Métodos Estudo transversal conduzido com 245 estudantes da zo...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Adequacy of energy and macronutrient intake of food supplements for athletes
Conclusion The use of supplements did not significantly reduce inadequacies of diet and the athletes ’ intake of calories and carbohydrates was below the recommended for these groups. However, the protein intake was above the recommended levels for athletes.RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a contribui ção dos suplementos alimentares para a adequação nutricional de energia e macronutrientes em relação às recomendações propostas para atletas. Métodos Estudo transversal, composto por 182 atletas de 19 modalidades esportivas (150 homens e 32 mulheres), com média de idade, peso, altura e í ndice de massa corporal de 23...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Comparison between resting metabolic rate and indirect calorimetry in postmenopausal women
Conclusion This study suggests that differences in body composition in postmenopausal women influence the accuracy of predictive equations, demonstrating the need for more accurate estimation methods for resting metabolic rate in postmenopausal women with different body compositions.RESUMO Objetivo Comparar os valores de taxa metab ólica de repouso determinados por calorimetria indireta com os valores obtidos utilizando diferentes equações preditivas em mulheres pós-menopausicas eutróficas e com sobrepeso. Métodos Vinte e quatro mulheres com pelo menos dois anos de menopausa foram submetidas à avaliações antropo...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Constipation in patients with myofascial pain syndrome as important aspect for clinical and nutritional treatment: A case-control study
Conclusion Constipation was a frequent nosological entity in this patient population and the persistence of a change in intestinal motility showed a significant correlation with the pain intensity and low water intake. The reduction of the number of stools per week seems to be associated with the use of benzodiazepines.RESUMO Objetivo Identificar a ocorr ência de constipação em pacientes com síndrome dolorosa miofascial e correlacionar essa desordem da motilidade intestinal com variáveis clínicas e nutricionais. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo de caso-controle, realizado com 98 indivíduos adultos de ambos os sexos,...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Self-reported and measured weight, height and body mass index for the diagnosis of the nutritional status in people living with HIV/AIDS
Conclusion The use of self-reported measures of weight, height and body mass index for nutritional assessment of people living with HIV/AIDS is valid and must be considered for similar populations when time and resources are limiting factors.RESUMO Objetivo Validar dados autorreferidos de peso e altura de pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS. M étodos Estudo seccional envolvendo 481 pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS atendidas em serviço de referência de João Pessoa, Paraíba, entre setembro a dezembro de 2015, dos quais 99 (20,5%) tiveram seu peso e altura aferidos. Calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse para medir...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Scored patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment: Length of hospital stay and mortality in cancer patients
Conclusion The patient-generated Subjective Global Assessment score is an important risk marker of prolonged hospitalization and mortality rates. It is a useful tool capable of circumventing significant biases in the nutritional evaluation of cancer patients.RESUMO Objetivo Associar a Avalia ção Subjetiva Global produzida pelo paciente à mortalidade e ao tempo de internação em pacientes com câncer. Métodos Pesquisa transversal analítica com coleta secundária de dados, conduzida entre julho e setembro de 2014 em 366 prontuários de pacientes internados entre janeiro de 2010 a j aneiro de 2014 de um hospital de re...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - December 18, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Perinatal serotonergic activity: A decisive factor in the control of food intake
ABSTRACT The serotoninergic system controls key events related to proper nervous system development. The neurotransmitter serotonin and the serotonin transporter are critical for this control. Availability of these components is minutely regulated during the development period, and the environment may affect their action on the nervous system. Environmental factors such as undernutrition and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may increase the availability of serotonin in the synaptic cleft and change its anorectic action. The physiological responses promoted by serotonin on intake control decrease when requested by ac...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - August 10, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Blenderized feeding formulas with nutritious and inexpensive foods
Conclusion: The planned diet can be an excellent choice for patients using blenderized tube feeding formulas as it consisted of habitual food items, had physical and nutritional quality, and was inexpensive.RESUMO Objetivo: Propor uma formula ção de dieta enteral manipulada com alimentos com composição nutricional padrão que atendam às necessidades nutricionais de pessoas com idade acima de 51 anos e que tenha baixo custo. Métodos: As dietas enterais foram formuladas principalmente com alimentos in natura e testadas quanto às ca racterísticas físicas (homogeneidade, estabilidade, osmolalidade, pH e fluidez) e q...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - August 10, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Evaluation of nutritional care of overweight adults from the perspective of comprehensive health care
Conclusion: Overweight is not an outcome based on Primary and Secondary Care, but rather on prescriptive practices, which are not very effective in promoting users ’ autonomy. It is necessary to guide the actions taken in these two levels of care to ensure the promotion of effective nutritional care.RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever e avaliar a aten ção nutricional aos adultos com excesso de peso, na Atenção Primária e Secundária à Saúde, em Santos, São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo de caráter quanti e qualitativo, realizado entre 2013 e 2015, em duas etapas: diagnóstico (1) e avaliação (2). Na etapa 1, fez-se um cens...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - August 10, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Professional practice of dietitians in the Brazilian School Feeding Program: A multiple case study
Conclusion: The number of dietitians in most of cities working at School Feeding Program is not sufficient to meet the number of students. The ins uficient workload and excessive activities could hinder the development of dietitian ’ s private activities. The hiring of nutrition and dietitian technicians and administrative assistants for bureaucratic activies is recommended.RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar a adequa ção dos parâmetros numéricos de nutricionistas na alimentação escolar e discutir limites e possibilidades da atuação profissional no Programa de Alimentação Escolar em municípios do Vale do Ivaí, Norte ...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - August 10, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research

Reception of nutrition information by adult and older adult users of Primary Healthcare: Occurrence, associated factors, and sources of information
Conclusion: Primary healthcare users received little nutrition information, and television could be a useful tool for the institutions responsible for the sector to disseminate the official nutritional recommendations.RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar o recebimento de informa ções sobre nutrição, fatores associados e tipos de fontes. Métodos: Estudo transversal, realizado em 2013, com 1.246 adultos e idosos usuários da Atenção Primária de Saúde de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. A amostra foi caracterizada quanto ao recebimento de informações sobre nutrição, s uas fontes, e variáveis demográficas, socioeconômicas,...
Source: Revista de Nutricao - August 10, 2017 Category: Nutrition Source Type: research