Hybrid structures and cultural diversity in welfare services for people with intellectual disabilities. The case of inclusive education and disability arts in Sweden
Publication date: Available online 11 July 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Jens Ineland In this article, I deal with the professional and ethical implications within welfare organizations that are characterized by having what I refer to as a hybrid structure in inclusive education and disability arts in Sweden. The article is predominantly theoretical in its character and excerpts from empirical research are used primarily as illustrations of the theoretical issues and themes addressed. Empirical data was collected using qualitati...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - July 10, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Comment reconnaître autrui, C. Huyard. Les Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, collection « Le (bien) commun », Paris (2015)
Publication date: Available online 8 July 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Noémie Rapegno (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - July 7, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Individual support planning with people with ID in The Netherlands: Official requirements and stakeholders’ expectations
In this study, we report on requirements as found in Dutch official ID policy and on the results of consultations of panels of stakeholders and experts working in the field of ID. It was intended to describe, summarize and discuss these requirements for the purpose of enhancing ISP practices. Method A combination of desk research of policy documents and consultation of two expert panels was performed. Results A variety of criteria on content, procedures, quality and person-centeredness of ISP is being used by different stakeholders. These criteria were described and summarized. Discussion The broad range of inconsist...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - June 29, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Le problème public de l’autisme dans la presse française
This article aims to study the representations of autism in the French press to the prism of the theoretical framework of public problems (Gusfield, 1981/2009). The corpus Defining, Counting, Arguing is composed of 326 articles of the regional and national French press (1988–2008), selected from the Europresse database. According to that press analysis, recurrent use of a common discursive background includes the following topics: the fuzziness of definitions, the sharp increase in numbers, the parent's scapegoating, the correlation behavioral strategies/biological causes/handicap (in a deficit sense), the rhetoric of ef...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - June 29, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Out of the shadows: Violence against girls and women with disabilities in Portugal
Publication date: Available online 26 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Paula Campos Pinto To live a life free from abuse and violence is a fundamental human right. Yet for many girls and women with disabilities, this remains a difficult goal to achieve. This paper examines the issue of violence against girls and women with disabilities in Portugal, by addressing three key questions: what forms of violence against girls and women with disabilities are more prevalent? How significant is the issue in Portugal? How to ensure the ...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 26, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Colonialism and disability: The situation of blind people in colonised Algeria
Publication date: Available online 26 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Gildas Brégain Our article analyses the mode of assistance to the blind in Algeria from the beginning of the 20th century until the Declaration of Independence of the country (1962). If Muslim blinds face discriminatory practices, all the blind – French citizens and subjects – are victims of unequal treatment because they are not entitled to the social measures granted to the blind in metropolitan France. Nevertheless, during the first decades of th...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 26, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden
This article draws on 15 interviews with informants with psychosocial disabilities and discusses their experiences and the difficulties that they met during their lives. These experiences are conceptualised with the framework of “active citizenship” developed by Hvinden et al. (2016), which distinguishes three core dimensions of active citizenship: security, influence and autonomy. The empirically grounded article discusses the opportunities and barriers that encourage or hamper persons with psychosocial disabilities to be active citizens in the Swedish welfare state and underlines some of the main challenges that sta...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 26, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Fourth Alter conference 2015
Publication date: Available online 25 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Isabelle Ville, Noémie Rapegno (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 25, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Quatrième conférence d’Alter 2015
Publication date: Available online 25 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Isabelle Ville, Noémie Rapegno (Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research)
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 25, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Scandinavian disability policy: From deinstitutionalisation to non-discrimination and beyond
This article discusses recent significant moves in disability policy in two Scandinavian countries, Norway and Sweden. The aim is to outline the Scandinavian twist on ongoing international developments. The analyses are limited to two major reforms: (i) the shift towards community living and full deinstitutionalisation in the 1990s, and (ii) the introduction of social regulation as part of the disability policy system in the first decade after 2000, particularly legislation on non-discrimination and accessibility. Changes during the reform years and beyond are discussed, and current challenges regarding the two significant...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 22, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Repenser le handicap : leçons du passé, questions pour l’avenir. Apports et limites du modèle social, de la sociologie des sciences et des techniques, de l’éthique du care
Publication date: Available online 21 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Myriam Winance Dans cet article, j’analyse l’une des évolutions des recherches sur le handicap depuis 30 ans : le passage d’une approche individuelle à une approche sociale du handicap. Si actuellement, la majorité des recherches sur le handicap ont « socialisé » le handicap, ou du moins, situent la personne handicapée dans un contexte social, toutes ne le font pas de la même manière, ni à partir des mêmes présupposés. Elles aboutiss...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 21, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Colonialisme et handicap : la situation des aveugles dans l’Algérie colonisée
Publication date: Available online 20 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Gildas Brégain Notre article analyse le régime de prise en charge des aveugles en Algérie, du début du XXe siècle jusqu’à la déclaration d’indépendance du pays (1962). Si les aveugles musulmans sont l’objet de pratiques discriminatoires, tous les aveugles – citoyens et sujets français – sont victimes d’un traitement inégalitaire car ils ne bénéficient pas des mesures de protection sociale accordées aux aveugles de la métropole...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 19, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Barriers and facilitators to societal participation of people with disabilities: A scoping review of studies concerning European countries
Publication date: Available online 7 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Elisabeth Hästbacka, Mikael Nygård, Fredrica Nyqvist The aim of this scoping review is to explore previous scientific studies relating to the scholarly understanding of societal participation of people with disabilities. Six relevant databases within social science were searched using societal participation of people with disabilities, or different combinations thereof, as search words. The criteria for inclusion were: working-age people with disabili...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 7, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Rethinking disability: Lessons from the past, questions for the future. Contributions and limits of the social model, the sociology of science and technology, and the ethics of care
Publication date: Available online 1 April 2016 Source:ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap Author(s): Myriam Winance In this article, I analyze one evolution in disability research over the past 30 years: the shift from an individual to a social approach to disability. While most disability research has currently “socialized” disability or at the least situates disabled people within a social context, not all do so in the same way nor based on the same assumptions. They lead to different concepts of the person and society and different concepts of disa...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - April 1, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research

Expériences et effets biographiques du sport adapté de haut niveau. Étude de trajectoires sportives et professionnelles d’athlètes catégorisés comme ayant une déficience intellectuelle
This article, based on an ethnographic research, offers to update any inflection or changes in life course and identity that can be generated for athletes labeled as intellectually disabled, by joining a career of “high-level sport”. The experience of sport intensification, improvement of success of competitive practice, leads to the expression of a pride that, outside the sport world, is often discreet, and concomitantly some stigma perdure. For most athletes, their experience in the France Center result in a distancing towards medico-social world, and create a desire for participation in adapted sport in long-term, c...
Source: ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research - March 30, 2016 Category: Disability Source Type: research