S'appuyer sur l'expérience
De nombreux facteurs, qu’une simulation ne peut pas prendre en compte, peuvent influencer la performance énergétique d’un bâtiment. Un projet financé par l’UE a ainsi permis de recueillir les avis d’autres acteurs des secteurs du bâtiment et de l’énergie sur ce qui a fonctionné ou non. En a découlé enbuibench, une plateforme où les utilisateurs peuvent comparer la consommation d’énergie d’un bâtiment à celle d’autres bâtiments similaires. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - August 12, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Opierając się na doświadczeniach
Na charakterystykę energetyczną budynku wpływa wiele czynników, których symulacja może nie uwzględnić. W finansowanym przez UE projekcie zebrano doświadczenia zainteresowanych stron z branży budowlanej i energetycznej w zakresie stosowanych rozwiązań i stworzono platformę enbuibench, na której użytkownicy mogą porównać zużycie energii w budynkach o podobnej charakterystyce. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - August 12, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Basarsi sull'esperienza
Sono molti i fattori che incidono sulle prestazioni energetiche di un edificio e una simulazione non può tenerne conto. Così, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha messo insieme i dati basati sull’esperienza di chi opera nel settore edile e dell’energia, su cosa ha o non ha funzionato. Il risultato è Enbuibench: una piattaforma su cui confrontare il consumo energetico tra edifici simili.  (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - August 12, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

A breath of fresh air for organ transplantation
Better outcomes, even with older and less-promising donor organs: new methods trialled by an EU-funded project have generated compelling results, widening the scope to transplant kidneys and livers that might otherwise not have been considered. Patients and healthcare systems both stand to benefit. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - August 11, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

From value chain to value loop with biogas and mushrooms
Waste is only waste if you cannot put it to good use! EU-funded researchers have developed a circular value chain deriving income sustainably from wet straw, biogas digestate and similar residues, via products such as fertiliser, fuel pellets and mushroom substrate – and boosting energy generation in the process. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - August 6, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

New material enables switch to energy-efficient electronics
Engineers are racing to replace silicon in electronics with a more responsive and energy-efficient alternative. EU-funded researchers have designed new devices with potential applications in communications, Internet of Things technology, and even in detecting coronavirus. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - August 4, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Unravelling the mystery of how viruses evolve and spread
Emerging viruses pose a serious threat to global public health. EU-funded research is helping to advance our understanding of how infectious diseases evolve and adapt genetically, informing our efforts to develop an effective response. Researchers have already applied these new methods to several public health crises, including COVID-19. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - August 3, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Protein analysis paints clearer picture of health and disease
A visit to your doctor could soon provide a much more complete picture of your overall health thanks to new technologies developed by EU-funded researchers. They will enable a quick and accurate analysis of proteins from blood or urine samples to be carried out in the clinic. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 30, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Machines help humans take control
Employees can often have difficulty working with sophisticated machinery in modern factories. EU-funded researchers have now devised a control interface that can adapt to the experience and abilities of any operator. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 28, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Innovative contrast agents for more versatile medical imaging
EU-funded researchers have developed an innovative and 'smart' prototype contrast mechanism for use in medical imaging that could provide doctors with important new insights to help diagnose injury and disease. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 17, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Getting smart with electricity networks
An EU-funded project has helped to drive the development and use of smart grid solutions across Europe. It has also provided external engineering teams with free access to state-of-the-art facilities to enable them to carry out their own research. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 15, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Roboter helfen Pflanzen, in urbanen Räumen zu gedeihen
Überfüllte Städte sind nicht gerade die ideale Umgebung für ein gutes Gedeihen von Pflanzen. Ein EU-finanziertes Forschungsteam lenkt mithilfe von Robotik das Wachstum von Pflanzen in die unnatürlichen Formen, Größen und Ausrichtungen, die urbane Räume erfordern. So könnten Städte bald von einer soliden grünen, vielseitig nutzbaren, Infrastruktur profitieren, die von der Lebensmittelproduktion bis hin zur Klimaregulierung reicht. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 13, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Robotics to help plants thrive in urban environments
Crowded cities aren't exactly optimal environments for plants to thrive. However, a team of EU-funded researchers is using robotics to help plants automatically grow into the unnatural shapes, sizes, and configurations that urban environments demand. As a result, cities could soon benefit from a robust green infrastructure used for everything from food production to climate control. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 13, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Robótica para ayudar a las plantas a proliferar en entornos urbanos
Las ciudades abarrotadas no son el mejor lugar para que proliferen las plantas. Un equipo de investigadores financiados con fondos europeos emplea la robótica para que las plantas adapten automáticamente su morfología a los entornos urbanos. Así las ciudades podrían beneficiarse pronto de una infraestructura verde y robusta multiuso: desde la producción de alimentos hasta el control climático. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 13, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

La robotique au service de la croissance des plantes dans les environnements urbains
Les villes surpeuplées ne sont pas un environnement optimal pour la croissance des plantes. Une équipe de chercheurs financés par l’UE a recours à la robotique pour aider les plantes à prendre les tailles et configurations qu’exigent les milieux urbains. Ainsi, les villes pourraient bientôt bénéficier d’une infrastructure verte utilisée pour tout de la production alimentaire au contrôle du climat. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - July 13, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news