Green solutions to lower urban air pollution
Air pollution is a major risk factor for health in Europe. EU-funded research is helping to find innovative, inexpensive and green solutions for improving air quality, particularly in urban environments. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 28, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Big data offers big gains for transport operators
A huge EU-funded project has demonstrated how big data and artificial intelligence could transform Europe's transport sector, cutting costs and fuel consumption on road, rail, air and sea while boosting operational efficiency and improving customer experience. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 25, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Better planned care improves cancer patient welfare
An EU-funded project carried out an 'advance care planning' trial on patients with late-stage cancer in a bid to improve their welfare and boost their involvement in care-giving decision-making. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 23, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Neue Wege zur Steigerung des europäischen Schafbestands - und der Rentabilität der Schafhaltung
Europas Schafhaltung geht zurück. In der Folge importiert die EU heute mehr Schaffleisch als je zuvor. Deshalb vereint ein EU-finanziertes Projekt Europas führende Schafhaltungsnationen, um neue Lösungen und bewährte Verfahren zu entwickeln. Europaweit verzeichnet die Landwirtschaft nun bereits einen Anstieg in Erzeugung wie auch Rentabilität, der auch den Verbrauchern zugutekommen wird. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 21, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

New ways to increase Europe's sheep population - and sheep profitability
Sheep production in Europe is on the decline - meaning the EU is now importing more sheep meat than ever. That's why an EU-funded project is bringing Europe's leading sheep producing countries together to create new solutions and best practices. As a result, farmers across Europe are already seeing an increase in both sheep production and profitability that will also benefit consumers. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 21, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Nuevos métodos para aumentar la población y rentabilidad ovina
La producción ovina en Europa está en declive y se importa más carne de ovino que nunca. Por eso hay un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos para que los países que lideran esta explotación agrícola colaboren y creen nuevas soluciones y mejores prácticas. Así, ganaderos de toda Europa ya ven un aumento en la producción ovina y su rentabilidad, lo que acabará por beneficiar al consumidor. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 21, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

De nouveaux moyens d'accroître la population ovine européenne et la rentabilité des élevages
La production ovine en Europe est en déclin, ce qui signifie que l’UE importe plus de viande ovine que jamais. Un projet financé par l’UE réunit les principaux pays producteurs de moutons d’Europe pour élaborer de nouvelles solutions et établir de bonnes pratiques. Ainsi, les éleveurs constatent déjà une augmentation de la production et de la rentabilité, qui profitera également aux consommateurs. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 21, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Nuovi metodi per aumentare la popolazione ovina europea e la sua redditività
In Europa la produzione ovina è in calo: l’UE sta dunque importando più carne ovina che mai. Perciò un progetto finanziato dall’UE sta unendo i paesi europei leader nella produzione ovina per nuove soluzioni e migliori prassi. Di conseguenza, gli allevatori in Europa stanno già assistendo a un incremento della produzione ovina e della sua redditività che porterà benefici anche ai consumatori. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 21, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Nowe sposoby na zwiększanie pogłowia owiec i opłacalności ich hodowli w Europie
Wydajność chowu owiec w Europie spada, co oznacza, że importujemy więcej baraniny niż kiedykolwiek w historii. Z tego powodu zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu skupia największych europejskich producentów owiec, by wspólnie opracowywać nowe rozwiązania i najlepsze praktyki, które zapewnią europejskim hodowcom wzrost wydajności i opłacalności hodowli, co przełoży się na korzyści dla konsumentów. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 21, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Troubled pasts, and their implication for European integration
How do you build a common future from a legacy of conflict? Determination goes a long way, as the history of the EU shows – but building bridges is not easy. EU-funded researchers are analysing collective memories of past strife that still affects community relations today, in a bid to help advance European integration. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 16, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Wasserroboter überwachen Klimawandelfolgen in venezianischer Lagune
Klimawandel, Umweltverschmutzung, Massentourismus und invasive Arten richten in großen Lagunenregionen wie Venedig verheerende Schäden an. Zur Überwachung – und Linderung – der Folgen für die Unterwasserwelt nutzt ein EU-finanziertes Projekt kleine autonome Wasserroboter. Forschende führen nun gleichzeitig Messungen an verschiedenen Punkten durch, was im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel sehr hilfreich sein wird. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 15, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Aquatic robots to monitor how climate change impacts Venice's lagoon
Climate change, pollution, mass tourism, and invasive species are wreaking havoc on large lagoon areas like Venice. To help monitor - and mitigate - the impact these factors have underwater, one EU-funded project is using a swarm of autonomous aquatic robots. As a result, researchers can now take multiple measurements at the same time and from different places, which will be hugely beneficial in the fight against climate change. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 15, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Robots acuáticos para vigilar cómo afecta el cambio climático a la laguna de Venecia
El cambio climático, la contaminación, el turismo masivo y las especies invasoras causan estragos en grandes áreas lacustres como Venecia. Un proyecto de la UE usa un enjambre de robots acuáticos autónomos para vigilar y mitigar el impacto subacuático de estos factores. Así, los investigadores pueden tomar muchas medidas a la vez y desde varios sitios, lo que ayudará a combatir el cambio climático. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 15, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Des robots aquatiques pour surveiller l'impact du changement climatique sur la lagune de Venise
Le changement climatique, la pollution, le tourisme de masse et les espèces invasives font des ravages dans les grandes zones lagunaires comme Venise. Pour aider à surveiller, et atténuer, l’impact de ces facteurs sous l’eau, un projet financé par l’UE utilise une flotte de robots aquatiques autonomes. Les chercheurs peuvent donc désormais prendre plusieurs mesures simultanées à différents endroits, ce qui sera extrêmement utile dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 15, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Robot acquatici per monitorare gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici sulla laguna di Venezia
Cambiamenti climatici, inquinamento, turismo di massa e specie invasive scatenano il caos in vaste aree lagunari come Venezia. Per monitorare e ridurre l’impatto di tali fattori sott’acqua, un progetto finanziato dall’UE sta utilizzando uno sciame di robot acquatici autonomi. In questo modo, i ricercatori possono effettuare, allo stesso tempo e da posti differenti, varie misurazioni estremamente utili nella lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - September 15, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news