Développer une bioéconomie dans l'Europe rurale
Une fois le cycle des cultures terminé, de nombreuses installations agricoles restent inutilisées. Leur conversion en sites de bioproduction pourrait prolonger leur activité sur l’année et profiter aux agriculteurs et industries agricoles. Un projet financé par l’UE a élaboré une gamme de produits biosourcés dont la production pourrait être assurée par ces installations nouvellement converties. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 18, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Sviluppare una bioeconomia nell'Europa rurale
Dopo le fasi di semina, crescita e raccolta, molte strutture agricole sono inutilizzate, ma convertirle alla coltivazione di piante per bioprodotti potrebbe estenderne l’attività a tutto l’anno, con più guadagni per agricoltori e per l’agroindustria. Perciò un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha sviluppato e dimostrato alcuni potenziali bioprodotti producibili da tali strutture convertite. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 18, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Rozwój biogospodarki na obszarach wiejskich w Europie
Po zakończeniu zbiorów wiele budynków rolniczych nie jest wykorzystywanych do żadnych celów. Mogą jednak stać się fabrykami bioproduktów, dzięki czemu będą używane przez cały rok, przynosząc dodatkowe zyski rolnikom i sektorowi rolnemu. Aby to umożliwić, zespół unijnego projektu AGROinLOG opracował serię różnych bioproduktów, które mogłyby być wytwarzane przez gospodarstwa poza sezonem. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 18, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Home improvements for the planet
Renovating energy-inefficient buildings is crucial if Europe is to reduce its carbon footprint. That is why an EU-funded project is making renovations faster and easier, helping homes to save energy - for the benefit of the general public and the planet. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 16, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Cracking pottery identification in the digital age
The recognition of pottery types from their fragments is key to dating and understanding the context of archaeological sites. A new app developed thanks to EU-funded research will greatly facilitate this process for archaeologists. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 13, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Gemeinsam stärker: Koordinierte Anstrengungen gegen Pandemien
Die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft soll durch Forschungsfinanzierung auf neu auftretende Krankheiten vorbereitet sein und umgehend reagieren können. Dazu bedarf es jedoch ihrer konsequenten und koordinierten Unterstützung durch Förderorganisationen. GloPID-R, ein EU-finanziertes globales Netzwerk, trägt führend zum effektiven und schnellen Kampf gegen Pandemien, gegenwärtige und zukünftige, bei. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 11, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Stronger together: Coordinated efforts against pandemics
The scientific community is expected to be prepared for and react promptly to emerging diseases by funding research and development. But to do so, it needs the unyielding and coordinated support from funding organisations. GloPID-R, an EU-funded global network, leads the way in helping ensure that the fight against all pandemics, present and future, is effective, rapid and leaves no one behind. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 11, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Juntos somos más fuertes: esfuerzos coordinados ante la pandemia
La comunidad científica debe prepararse y reaccionar rápido ante nuevas enfermedades mediante la financiación de la investigación y el desarrollo. Para ello, se necesita un apoyo firme y coordinado de los organismos de financiación. GloPID-R, una red mundial financiada con fondos europeos, lidera el camino para que la lucha contra las pandemias, actuales y futuras, sea eficaz, rápida e inclusiva. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 11, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Plus forts ensemble: des efforts coordonnés contre les pandémies
La communauté scientifique devrait pouvoir contrer les maladies émergentes et réagir rapidement en finançant la recherche et le développement. Mais pour cela elle a besoin du soutien inébranlable et coordonné des organismes de financement. GloPID-R, un réseau mondial financé par l’UE, montre l’exemple en garantissant une lutte efficace, rapide et inclusive contre toutes les pandémies. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 11, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Più forti insieme: sforzi coordinati contro le pandemie
Perdere una mano è invalidante e ha effetti negativi su qualità di vita, indipendenza e mobilità. Ma la maggioranza delle mani protesiche sul mercato offre sensibilità e gamma di movimento limitate. Ciò potrebbe presto cambiare, grazie a un progetto finanziato dall’UE che sta creando gli strumenti necessari a costruire una mano protesica più realistica che migliori le vite dei soggetti amputati. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 11, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Razem jesteśmy silniejsi - skoordynowane działania przeciwko pandemiom
Środowisko naukowe ma być gotowe na nowe choroby i błyskawicznie na nie reagować, finansując działania badawcze i rozwojowe. Realizacja tego założenia w praktyce wymaga jednak niezawodnego i przede wszystkim skoordynowanego wsparcia organizacji finansujących. Celem finansowanej przez UE globalnej sieci GloPID-R jest dopilnowanie, by walka z pandemiami była skuteczna, szybka i sprawiedliwa. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 11, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Artificial intelligence and freedom of expression: implications for democracy
The use of algorithms in digital media to personalise content has important implications for the democratic role of the media. EU-funded research is helping to ensure that these powerful new tools are harnessed for the benefit of society as a whole. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 9, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Enabling citizens to take control of their own data
EU-funded research has helped improve citizens' confidence in big data by creating a decentralised platform that gives people greater control over their personal data and enables them to take part in decision-making. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 6, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Entwicklung einer verbesserten Handprothese
Der Verlust einer Hand ist ein einschneidendes Ereignis, das die Lebensqualität, Selbstständigkeit und Mobilität beeinträchtigt. Die meisten derzeit erhältlichen Handprothesen bieten nur wenig Tastgefühl und Bewegungsfreiheit. Mithilfe neuer Instrumente für den Bau möglichst „lebensechter“ Handprothesen möchte ein EU-finanziertes Projekt dies ändern und so die Lebensqualität Amputierter verbessern. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 5, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news

Building a better prosthetic hand
Hand loss is a disabling condition that negatively affects quality of life, independence, and mobility. Unfortunately, most of the prosthetic hands currently on the market offer limited feeling and a restricted range of motion. But this could soon change, thanks to an EU-funded project that is creating the tools needed to build a more 'life-like' prosthetic hand that will improve the lives of amputees. (Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre)
Source: EUROPA - Research Information Centre - November 5, 2020 Category: Research Source Type: news