Cure in cancer: an improbable ambition
This article proposes a reflection about the notion of cure and its uses in oncology. A first point examines its implementation as the utmost medical and political ambition of the founding mission of French oncology. A second axis points to its various social accommodations, observing the different figures and misadventures of the concept confronted with the test of the incurability of numerous cancers. Finally, a third part of the article focuses on the effects of the chronic uncertainty inherent in oncology. Based on empirical research made from the late 1900s to our days, inspired by grounded theory, interactionism and ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - December 12, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Investigating a failed policy: the French state and medical demography (1960-2015)
R ésumé La France n ’ a jamais autant compt é de médecins qu ’ aujourd ’ hui. Pourtant, le syst ème de santé français se caractérise par une répartition très inégale de l ’ offre de soins, si bien que l ’ acc ès aux soins médicaux devient plus difficile pour des fractions croissantes de la population. Cette situation apparaît d ’ autant plus surprenante qu ’ à partir des années 1970, quand l ’ État français s ’ est dot é d ’ instruments suppos és réguler le nombre de médecins exerçant en France, tant au niveau de leur effectif global que de leur répartition entre disciplines. En ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - December 12, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

New Public management and hospital professions
R ésumé La Nouvelle Gestion Publique (NGP) peut être définie comme un ensemble de pratiques et d ’ id ées visant à importer dans le secteur public les méthodes de travail du secteur privé. Qu ’ advient-il, dans ce contexte, des agents publics, charg és de mettre en œ uvre les politiques publiques, ceux dont les pratiques quotidiennes sont directement vis ées par cette volonté de transformation ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous utilisons des observations, entretiens et questionnaires réalisés dans le cadre d ’ une th èse sur les hôpitaux français dans les années 2000. Nous montrons qu ’ il y...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - December 12, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The government of groups at the margin of the healthcare system in French public hospital: the example of the department for access to healthcare
This article analyses how the modern public hospital handles poverty. To do so it goes from the example of the hospital-based Departments for access to healthcare (Permanences d ’ acc ès aux soins de santé - PASS), that is specialized in taking care of patients experiencing difficulties to access healthcare in the French healthcare system. The article relies on an empirical study achieved as part of a PhD work in sociology. The study combines participant observations and interv iews (n=49) which have been conducted in 16 different PASS. On a theoretical level, the paper mirrors the work on the metamorphosis of the soci...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - December 12, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Presentation - Sociology of health in France and Brazil: structural and genetic affinities
(Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - December 12, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Qualitative research in health: routes and difficulties in beginner researchers’ education
This article describes the cores of social significance identified in the speeches of primary healthcare professionals regarding the quality of the actions performed. This is a case study carried out in two services organized according to different models: a “ traditional ” unit, with community agents, and one for family healthcare. The interviews and observations are analyzed based on the framework proposed by Vigotsky, dialogically with the literature on the working processes in health care. The results point as the main cores of quality in basic care: reception as interaction between professional and user of the Br...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Political partisanship and influence from the funding structure on the adhesion of municipalities to health policies: evidence from the project Mais Médicos para o Brasil
This study investigates if political partisanship and the funding structure have influence in the decision of municipalities to join the project. For such, this study uses data of adhesion from municipalities depending on the party affiliation of mayors and conducts interviews with health secretaries from two municipalities selected in the region of Limeira in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The results suggest that both political partisanship and the funding structure have influence. This study concludes that even in federated countries marked by regional di fferences, national public policies that require cooperation f...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The story of building healthful houses in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Abstract While the State plays an important role in actively transforming communities into conditions considered as ‘ developed ’ , at the micro level there are some traditional features which persist. This short ethnographic observation carried out among the Dawan in the village of Oinlasi, South Amanatun, East Nusa Tenggara, revealed that the ume kbubu, a Timorese traditional house style, has experienced some changes as a consequence of the introduction of the Ministry of Health ’ s ‘ healthful housing ’ program around fifty years ago. It was found that this program, along with other development programs, has ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Socio-environmental vulnerability to human leptospirosis in urban agglomeration metropolitan of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil: methodological proposal from the multicriteria analysis and maps algebra
Resumo A an álise da vulnerabilidade socioambiental é realizada por meio de distintas abordagens, que utilizam uma gama de dados e técnicas. Nesse contexto, este trabalho aborda um índice sintético de vulnerabilidade em face dos condicionantes socioambientais da leptospirose humana no aglomerado urbano met ropolitano de Curitiba. Para isso, aplicou-se a técnica da cartografia de síntese para avaliar a vulnerabilidade social e, de modo integrado, demarcou-se as áreas de inundações. Os resultados indicam, dentro das possibilidades e limites do mapeamento, que a metodologia é eficaz para representa r a vulnerabilid...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Socio-sanitary-environmental process of pesticides in the basin of the rivers Juruena, Tapajós and Amazonas in Mato Grosso, Brazil
This study aimed to understand the process of pesticide-related environmental pollution in the cities of Campo Novo do Parecis, Sapezal, and Campos de J úlio, in Mato Grosso, Brazil. We used an integrated, multidimensional, and contextualized interpretative model, which understands the phenomenon of contamination as a historical, social-sanitary-environmental process, to overcome an approach restricted to the results of laboratory tests. In the rea l process of rural chemical pollution, we identified that latifundiums, where millions of metric tons of agricultural products are produced per year, are the main areas with pe...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Social class, territory and health inequality in Brazil
This study analyzes how social class and territory are combined to produce health patterns in the population. Particular and converging spatial variations of the focal relationship between social class and health in Brazil were considered. Predicted probabilities and both absolute and relative health inequality measures were used in the analyzes. The probabilities of not having good health were estimated for the capital city of each Brazilian state and in its hinterland. Spatial location and social class are combined to dramatically accentuate health discrepancies. In general, the relative discrepancies of social class are...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Caregivers of children and adolescents with mental disorders: social, family and sexual changes
Resumo Com o processo de desinstitucionaliza ção psiquiátrica, as famílias passaram a ser as principais provedoras de cuidados aos pacientes. Essa mudança marcou uma alteração no modo como a família vinha participando do cuidado ao doente mental, mas as dificuldades enfrentadas no desempenho do papel de cuidador têm contribuído para transformações na sua vida. Esta pesquisa objetivou observar quais mudanças ocorrem nos âmbitos social, familiar e sexual de cuidadores de crianças e adolescentes com transtornos mentais atendidos em Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSi). Participaram da pesquis...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Approach to the experience of older people living alone in precarious contexts: Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá-Colombia
This article presents the results of a qualitative approximation of the city conditions perceived by older adults in a precarious urban context of Bogot á-Colombia. For this approach, some domains of the “ Age-friendly Cities ” models, by the World Health Organization, were used, such as: habitation, habitability, transportation, community support, social networks, support, social participation, employability, respect and social inclusion, all this considered central to evaluate from the perspective of the individuals to an age-friendly city and their perception of health. Based on the application of qualitative tool...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Perceptions of primary healthcare professionals about quality in the work process
This article describes the cores of social significance identified in the speeches of primary healthcare professionals regarding the quality of the actions performed. This is a case study carried out in two services organized according to different models: a “ traditional ” unit, with community agents, and one for family healthcare. The interviews and observations are analyzed based on the framework proposed by Vigotsky, dialogically with the literature on the working processes in health care. The results point as the main cores of quality in basic care: reception as interaction between professional and user of the Br...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Domestic violence against rural women: care practices developed by community health workers
This study sought to know the care practices developed by community health workers in the care of women in situations of domestic violence and living in rural areas. This is an exploratory-descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, in which 13 community health workers participated. The production of data was done through a focal group and semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The results showed that these health professionals used relational care practices, such as dialogue, active listening and bonding, as well as those relating to the context itself and the health service, suc...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 16, 2018 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research