The net is cast and the management rhythm snags
This article presents a researcher in post-doctoral internship and her advisor ’ s experience report about the events around the research, oriented by an experience that happened before the events themselves. It brings transformations occurred before the establishment of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) and during its implantation process, including the Psychiatric Reform process based on the new legislation, which contributed to the deinstitutionalization. It shows that the organization of the De Volta para Casa Program (Back Home Program) and the implementation of the Residential Therapeutic Service allowed f...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - October 8, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Narratives and senses of the De Volta para Casa Program (Back Home Program): we are back, and now what?
This article presents and summarizes some of the main findings of the research about the repercussions of the De Volta para Casa Program (PVC - Back Home Program) at beneficiaries ’ existential territories, in the field of international and national studies on public policies and their evaluation by the beneficiary ’ s perspective. Due to data volume and extent, the analysis of structured narratives is presented in four main aspects: history of life, autonomy, in which form money has provided and provides power, and the relation with health services. Considering that the beneficiaries participating in the research hav...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - October 8, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Building stories in slow tessitura: deinstitutionalization and narratives in research
Resumo As cr íticas ao modelo manicomial fazem frente não só à existência do hospital psiquiátrico como também, no caso da desinstitucionalização, às estruturas e lugares de poder que corroboram a desimplicação na vida e na própria dignidade do sujeito. Nesse sentido, estudos sobre os desafios do cu idado em liberdade e a produção de conhecimento advinda desse cenário se fazem indeclináveis. O artigo esmiúça a utilização de narrativas em uma pesquisa nacional multicêntrica sobre a repercussão do Programa de Volta para Casa na vida daqueles que são beneficiários há cerca de 15 anos. A partir do ma...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - October 8, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Shared knowledge production in mental health: the Research Monitoring Committee
This article intends to reflect on the functioning of the Research Monitoring Committee (CAP) adopted in the national study that evaluated the effects of the De Volta para Casa Program (PVC - Back Home Program) in the lives of the beneficiaries in eleven Brazilian municipalities. The research was approved by Research Ethics Committee and developed between 2015 and 2018. The CAP can be understood as: a device of interlocution by circulating opinions, questions and criticism of the social actors involved in the research process; a device of research qualification, considering that procedures ’ definitions and findings ’...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - October 8, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

De Volta para Casa Program (Back Home Program) in its beneficiaries’ daily lives
This article presents the methodological course of a multi-territorial and multi-method research, which evaluated the effects of the De Volta para Casa Program (PVC - Back Home Program) in the process of social reintegration of people who had long periods of psychiatric hospitalization. PVC was established by the Law No. 10,708/2003 to fulfill a fundamental role in redirecting mental health care in Brazil and consists of a financial aid that facilitates the process of deinstitutionalization and social reintegration of its beneficiaries. In each municipality, a Research Monitoring Committee (CAP) was implemented, composed o...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - October 8, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Between challenges and possible openings: life in freedom in the context of the Brazilian deinstitutionalization
(Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - October 8, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Resumo Apesar dos esfor ços de despoluição desde os anos 1990, não houve percepção, por parte da opinião pública, de que houve evolução do deteriorado quadro social da região da bacia da Baía de Guanabara (RJ). A importância dos indicadores sociais emerge em um momento em que se faz necessário prestar contas à população quanto aos investimentos e resultados obtidos, direcionar as ações às questões sociais e locais em situação de maior urgência e acompanhar os resultados para a identificação de ajustes nas ações para o alcance de melhores resultados. A atual agenda de discussão das questõ es so...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Elaboration and analysis of social indicators as an instrument to support decision making in the process of depollution of the Guanabara Bay
Resumo Apesar dos esfor ços de despoluição desde os anos 1990, não houve percepção, por parte da opinião pública, de que houve evolução do deteriorado quadro social da região da bacia da Baía de Guanabara (RJ). A importância dos indicadores sociais emerge em um momento em que se faz necessário prestar contas à população quanto aos investimentos e resultados obtidos, direcionar as ações às questões sociais e locais em situação de maior urgência e acompanhar os resultados para a identificação de ajustes nas ações para o alcance de melhores resultados. A atual agenda de discussão das questõ es so...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Waterborne diseases in Argentina and Brazil at the beginning of the 21st century
This article aims at analyzing the evolution of mortality from waterborne diseases during the first decade of the 21st century, by age groups, comparing two countries of the southern cone: Argentina and Brazil. The method of years of potential life lost (YPLL) due to death, based on the technique described by Eduardo Arriaga, was used. For all death estimates, moving averages are used to establish two periods: 2000-2002 and 2009-2011. There is a general trend towards a reduction in mortality because of water-related diseases, both in Argentina and Brazil, with an average reduction rate of years of life lost close to 1% per...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Emigration of Brazilian doctors to the United States of America
This article considers, initially, the mobility of doctors throughout the world from a bibliographic database collection and identifies the lack of information regarding Brazilian doctors. The aim is to analyze aspects that determine the emigration of Brazilian doctors to the United States of America. The methodology is based on bibliographic research using the keywords brain drain, medical migration, physicians migration, data migration physicians; identification of articles related to the emigration of doctors throughout the world; elaboration and validation of the questionnaire “ Emigration Motives ” ; identificatio...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Pacheco e Silva’s discourse over psychoanalysis: São Paulo, 1926-1979
This article aims to re view this historical gap, being based on the analysis of the psychiatrist ’ s own papers about Psychoanalysis. We seek to contribute to the understanding of the history of the Psychology field in S ão Paulo. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

From prescription to listening: effects of gaining autonomy and medication on health workers
This article reports aspects of a qualitative research that intervene in 10 health services (primary and secondary care) at two Brazilian cities (Campinas and Amparo, in S ão Paulo). Following the principle of Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, defending users ’ rights to decide about their treatment, we worked with the gaining autonomy and medication (GAM). GAM comes from Canada and proposes to “ empower ” users regarding the use of drugs in their therapeutic projects. This article aims to evaluate the impact ’ s perception of the workers moderators of the GAM groups. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with t...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Obesity: possibilities of developing and care practices
Resumo A obesidade apresenta origem multifatorial e é bastante frequente no Brasil. Hábitos alimentares podem refletir conflitos psíquicos que influenciam diretamente as práticas de cuidado, especialmente a dieta e a atividade física. A obesidade expressa formas de ser; segundo Merleau-Ponty, por meio do corpo, o homem vivencia o mundo - o corpo carrega valores e percepções. Com o objetivo de compreender quais comportamentos são vividos como cuidado pelas pessoas obesas e quais são as implicações disso para a prática profissional em saúde, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa com pessoas obesas em grau I e II,...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The problem of obesity in times of late capitalism: from neoliberal economics to collaborative public policies based on “good living”
Resumen Estudiamos el problema de la obesidad a partir de la teor ía crítica actual, que analiza el problema planteado desde el capitalismo tardío como su causante. Se utiliza una perspectiva crítica que se enmarca en los estudios hegelianos, concretamente en uno de sus libros centrales, La ciencia de la lógica, pues en él “ lo inmediato ” nos permite visualizar c ómo opera la ideología actual subjetivando al ser humano y cómo “ lo inmediato ” es uno de los principios que dominan el capitalismo desde el cual analizamos el tema. Las l ógicas capitalistas son una realidad que crean un modelo social, polí...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Social representations associated with HIV/AIDS in Colombian university students
In conclusion, the need to empower the different socialization agents and to strengthen educational processes from the recognition of the human rights of all people is highlighted. Therefore, it is required an articulated, integral and transversal work of the different agents, not only for the deconstruction of the negative beliefs and attitudes towards the disease, but for the construction of a responsible and healthy sexuality that is centered in the self-care. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - July 1, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research