Health in the border area: what documents of Mercosur and Unasur reveal
This article analyzed the treatment given to the subject of health in the border area concerning Mercosur and Unasur. For such, a documentary research was performed in archives available in the electronic websites of these institutions with the keywords “ health ” and “ border ” . The data were analyzed using content analysis. In Mercosur, the subject is addressed in several meetings of the Subgroup on Health Work with the proposal of creating a Mercosur-Health consortium, which did not take effect. What it has advanced are proposals for the harmonization of general standards for health and epidemiological surveil...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

In Brasilia, but in Recife: techno-methodological crossings in health, gender and maternities in a research on the Zika virus epidemic’s repercussions
This article discusses the practice of medical anthropological research in multiple dimensions, from our first field visit among mothers of babies with congenital Zika Virus syndrome (SCZV) in Recife in 2016. The insurgent methodological arrangements were so innovative and challenging that impelled us to reflect on the contributions of this research to the more general theoretical debate on social research in health. Therefore, in these lines, we reflect on the practice of collective ethnographic research; the plurality of roles of a teacher and researcher; authorship and ethics in the use of field diaries and research res...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Masculinities and health care in aging and health-illness process among male workers from Campinas/São Paulo, Brazil
This article discusses gender, health, illness and masculinity anchored in the social markers of identity that endorse the diversity of masculinity regarding social behavior and health care. This is a qualitative study with 15 men from the low income working class living in Campinas, S ão Paulo. It focuses on the social representation about health and illness as well as aging and health care. Strength and willingness to work were associated with health and dominant masculinity, in contrast to illness and unwillingness to work. Aging involves the effect of the time on body wear, b odily fragilities, and their position rega...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 1, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Fake news on drugs: post-truth and misinformation
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os discursos sobre drogas em publicações da internet cujo conteúdo foi identificado como falso em plataformas de checagem de dados. Trata-se de estudo de abordagem qualitativa, que seguiu procedimentos de análise do discurso. A partir de pesquisa na internet, selecionaram-se 85 notí cias falsas sobre drogas. A análise indica que o tom negativo e alarmista é o mais comum. O desfecho trágico mais citado foi a morte. Outros desfechos negativos também foram lembrados, como: assalto, transformar-se em zumbi, câncer, prostituição, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e at...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 1, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Concerns and needs of parents of hospitalized children
This study recorded the main concerns and needs experienced by parents during the hospitalization of a child under acute hospitalization, and verified the potential differences between the father and the mother regarding their shared experiences. This qualitative study of exploratory nature involved 16 couples (16 fathers and 16 mothers), with a child hospitalized in a pediatric service of a hospital in the north of Portugal. The data were collected through interviews and analyzed using content analysis. The parents ’ discourse shows significantly more concern regarding the state of health of the child as well as their ...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - May 1, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Comparative study of innovations on chronic conditions in primary health care in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and Ferrara, Italy
This study compares the main challenges related to innovations in health care concerning chronic conditions perceived by primary care professionals from Porto Alegre, Brazil, and Ferrara, Italy. This is a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach performed in primary care units whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews with professionals from the Local Sanitary Unit of Ferrara and focus groups and semi-structured interviews with workers of the Community Health Service of the Grupo Hospitalar Alegre Concei ção of Porto Alegre. Data were discussed using thematic analysis. By analyzing bot...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 27, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Hormones and “natural enhancement” of the body: personalized aging in anti-aging medicine
This article discusses the role of hormonal therapies in the narrative concerning longevity present in anti-aging medicine. The objective is identifying the meaning that hormones have in the body enhancement process aimed to preserve natural functions and enable the personalization of aging. This analysis is part of a study conducted in Brazil with practitioners of anti-aging medicine, patients and objector members of the Brazilian Council of Medicine, by means of semi-structured interviews and fieldwork observation. The discussion addresses the formation of an international network of professionals and institutions suppor...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 27, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Essure in Brazil: unveiling senses and social uses of a biomedical device that promised to sterilize women
This article analyzes the international circulation and the introduction of this biomedical artifact in Brazil. This documentary research investigated websites of regulatory agencies, the aforementioned pharmaceutical laboratory, public disclosure made by hospitals in the country, associated with the Brazilian National Health System. This is the first approach to the subject that questions the social conditions of the implementation of Essure in users of these health services when it was available in the country, from 2009 until 2017. This permanent contraceptive method was presented as a safe and easy-to-use clinical mana...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 27, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Judicialization of health in Manaus: analysis of judicial demands between 2013 and 2017
This article analyzes the judicialization of health phenomenon as a means of ensuring access to health technologies (medicine, supplies, specialized medical appointments and procedures, orthoses, prostheses, and special materials) in the health system of Manaus, Brazil. Based on a delimited analysis between 2013 and 2017 of existing lawsuits in the Amazonian first degree jurisdiction, with a referential and critical analysis of similar situations in other Brazilian states found in the literature. Carried out in four stages, the research consisted in identifying all health related resolutions, selection, construction of dat...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Sanitary surveillance on Facebook: strong and weak points of sanitary surveillance communication in the internet
This article presents the results of a master ´s program study on sanitary surveillance communication through Facebook, the most popular social platform in Brazil that offers a new communication configuration for health promotion. It verifies the strong and weak points of digital communication processes that evoke sanitary risk mediatization i n order to evaluate whether such strategies can be considered tools for social protection and the consolidation of the right to health. Firstly, public organizations in Brazil identified as Sanitary Surveillance Services (SSS) that hold a fanpage on Facebook are listed. We then desc...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Integrative and complementary practices in the health field: towards a decolonization of knowledge and practices
Resumo O manuscrito, em forma de ensaio, objetiva contribuir para o di álogo entre as abordagens das Epistemologias do Sul e o campo da saúde, com ênfase nas relações entre a biomedicina e os saberes e práticas tradicionais, complementares e integrativos. Essas relações são exploradas a partir da produção do conhecimento sobre as dimensões do saber, do pode r e do ser na perspectiva da descolonização. Estudo de natureza teórico-conceitual. A descolonização do saber procura descolonizar a ciência e apropriar-se dela de forma contra-hegemônica, valorizar a interculturalidade, abrindo espaços para a inclus...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Active ageing and the culture of perfection
This study analyses the websites of several Portuguese medical clinics specialized in anti-ageing medicine, where one can find advertisements of the services provided, and, in some cases, opinion articles drawn up by doctors of this medical specialty, for a lay audience. Considering the increasing international dimension of the aesthetic and hormonal enhancement biotechnologies market, the ideal of Active ageing can, today, be at the service of the culture of perfection. (Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Cognitive enhancement and the production of subjectivity modes: a study on the use of nootropics according to a Brazilian blog
Resumo O consumo de medicamentos para aprimorar processos mentais, como mem ória, concentração e estado de alerta, tem se expandido. As chamadas smart drugs e fármacos nootrópicos são utilizados na expectativa de obter melhor desempenho em tarefas profissionais e acadêmicas. Este artigo analisa a difusão do uso de medicamentos para aprimoramento cognitivo, a partir de um blog brasileiro chamado Cérebro Turbinado, com ênfase na discussão da categoria “ nootr ópicos ” . A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa socioantropol ógica documental, baseada em materiais de divulgação científica que integram o conteú...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The industry of whitening in Lisbon: an ethnography of practices and products for skin bleaching and its risks to dermatological health
Resumo Por meio de um exerc ício de walking ethnography, pretendemos apresentar uma etnografia da oferta cosmética destinada à despigmentação da pele no coração de Lisboa, focando num fragmento da cidade que junta diferentes propostas e produtos estéticos: spas chineses, salões de beleza e cabeleireiros africanos, loj as do comércio dito “ étnico ” ligado a imigrantes e portugueses descendentes de popula ções asiáticas ou africanas. Definimos esse passeio como “ caminho do branqueamento ” - parafraseando ironicamente o t ítulo de um dos mais famosos livros de Michael Jackson, Paths towards a cleari...
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The culture of perfection: transnational circuits in marketing and consumption of cosmetic and hormonal enhancement products
(Source: Saude e Sociedade)
Source: Saude e Sociedade - April 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research