Risk factors and injury prevention in elite athletes: a descriptive study of the opinions of physical therapists, doctors and trainers
Conclusions: The main factors affecting the appearance of lesions were over-training, incorrect sports technique, inadequate nutrition and factors related to the athlete's behavior. The main injury prevention strategies were muscle strengthening, nutritional counseling and guidance. Introdução: Lesões musculoesqueléticas ocorrem frequentemente na população de atletas de elite. Entender o que os profissionais que atuam com esporte de alto rendimento pensam sobre lesão e prevenção tem sido sugerido como um importante aspecto para se aumentar a eficácia de programas de prevenção de lesões no esporte. Objeti...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - May 16, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Determination of exacerbation predictors in patients with COPD in physical therapy - a longitudinal study
Conclusion: Upon analyzing the predictors of risk over 6 months of follow-up in patients with COPD, we found that the DW in the 6MWT was associated with the risk of exacerbation, although this risk also depended on the covariates BMI and FFM. Contextualização: A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) normalmente cursa com condições clínicas características de exacerbação e, quanto maior o número delas, maior é a ocorrência de perda funcional e, consequentemente, menores são as chances de sobrevida dos pacientes. Objetivos: Determinar os preditores de exacerbação, isoladamente ou em interação, em...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - May 16, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Postural alignment in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and its relationship with balance
Conclusions: The balance deficit in children with DMD was accompanied by an increased forward position of the center of mass and significant pelvic anteversion that constitutes a compensatory strategy to guarantee similar performance to the children not affected by the disease. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - May 16, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Effectiveness of muscle strengthening and description of protocols for preventing falls in the elderly: a systematic review
Conclusions: The methodological quality of the studies in this area appears to leave little doubt regarding the effectiveness of lower limb strengthening exercises for preventing falls in elderly subjects, however the interventions in these studies were poorly reported. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - May 16, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Measurement properties and feasibility of clinical tests to assess sit-to-stand/stand-to-sit tasks in subjects with neurological disease: a systematic review
CONCLUSIONS: The five-repetition sit-to-stand test was used more often in subjects with ND, and most of the measurement properties were investigated and showed adequate results. CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO: Indivíduos acometidos por doença neurológica (DN) comumente apresentam limitação no desempenho do levantar/sentar em cadeira, com consequente redução do nível de mobilidade. OBJETIVO: Determinar as propriedades de medida/aplicabilidade de testes clínicos que avaliam o levantar/sentar em cadeira em indivíduos com DN. MÉTODO: Trata-se de revisão sistemática da literatura, seguindo o PRISMA (Preferred Report...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - May 16, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Cold water immersion of the ankle decreases neuromuscular response of lower limb after inversion movement
CONCLUSIONS: After cold water immersion of the ankle, special care should be taken in activities that require greater neuromuscular control. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Citations of Brazilian physical therapy journals in national publications
Conclusion: On average, 22.47% of the works cited by the evaluated articles were national articles. No significant differences were detected among the three analyzed years. Contextualização: A principal fonte das citações dos periódicos brasileiros provém de artigos nacionais, sendo fundamental conhecer o quanto eles referenciam artigos de periódicos brasileiros. Objetivo: Verificar a frequência com que artigos nacionais são citados nas referências de artigos de três periódicos brasileiros de fisioterapia. Método: Avaliaram-se todas as referências dos artigos publicados nos periódicos: Fisioterapi...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Lung function and six-minute walk test performance in individuals with sickle cell disease
Conclusions : SCD promoted changes in lung function and functional capacity, including RVPs and a reduction in the distance walked in the 6MWT when compared to the predictions. In addition, significant correlations between the variables were observed. Contextualização: A doença falciforme (DF) caracteriza-se por mutação genética na cadeia Beta da hemoglobina, gerando disfunções no organismo, como comprometimento da função pulmonar e da capacidade funcional. Objetivo : Avaliar as alterações da função pulmonar e da capacidade funcional de indivíduos com DF assim como identificar a relação entre essas va...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Low and high-frequency TENS in post-episiotomy pain relief: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial
Conclusions: LFT and HFT are an effective resource that may be included in the routine of maternity wards. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Functional outcomes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a multivariate analysis
Conclusions: The results indicate that the outcomes, while based on functioning parameters in COPD patients, could be partly explained by the personal and clinical factors analyzed, especially by the symptoms assessed by the SGRQ. Thus, it appears that the health conditions of these patients cannot be described by isolated variables, including pulmonary function parameters. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Description of research design of articles published in four Brazilian physical therapy journals
Conclusions : Most of the research published in Brazilian physical therapy journals used levels II and III of evidence. Increasing the publication rate of systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials would provide more high-quality evidence to guide evidence-based physical therapy practice. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Endothelial wall thickness, cardiorespiratory fitness and inflammatory markers in obese and non-obese adolescents
Conclusions : Our findings show that c-IMT correlates not only with body composition, lipids, insulin resistance, and inflammation but also with low VO2max values in children and adolescents. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Combined exercise circuit session acutely attenuates stress-induced blood pressure reactivity in healthy adults
Conclusion: A combined exercise circuit session at moderate intensity promoted subsequent post-exercise hypotension and acutely attenuated BPR in response to a cardiovascular stress test. In addition, the post-exercise BP reduction was correlated with BPR attenuation in healthy adults of both genders. (Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia)
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

The influence of resistance exercise with emphasis on specific contractions (concentric vs. eccentric) on muscle strength and post-exercise autonomic modulation: a randomized clinical trial
Conclusions: Resistance training with emphasis on eccentric contractions promoted strength gain and an increase in cardiac vagal modulation during recovery compared to baseline. Contextualização: Ações concêntricas apresentam maior estresse cardiovascular quando comparadas às excêntricas. Entretanto, não se sabe a influência desses tipos de ações no comportamento da modulação autonômica cardíaca durante o processo de recuperação pós-esforço. Objetivo: Comparar o efeito de um treinamento resistido para o grupo extensor do joelho realizado com ênfase concêntrica vs excêntrica sobre a força muscu...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research

Body posture changes in women with migraine with or without temporomandibular disorders
Conclusion : The results demonstrated the presence of postural changes compared with a control group in women with migraines with or without TMD, and there were similar clinically relevant postural changes among the patients with migraines with and without TMD. Contextualização: Há relatos na literatura sobre associações entre migrânea e disfunção temporomandibular (DTM). Entretanto, não há relatos sobre a associação entre migrânea, DTM e alterações da postura corporal. Objetivos: Avaliar a presença de alterações da postura corporal em mulheres com migrânea com e sem DTM em relação a um grupo con...
Source: Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia - March 26, 2014 Category: Physiotherapy Source Type: research