On traditional healing practices: subjectivity and objectivation in contemporary therapeutics
This article is a theoretical study featuring a brief historical outline of traditional healing practices and also a discussion on their persistence and efficiency in the contemporary world, despite the advances of scientific medicine. Given the increasing relevance of subjectivity in contemporary medicine, our hypothesis aims to emphasize that the objectivation of patients by medical practices eclipses the role of subjectivity and reveals an important deficit in the therapeutics of the biomedical model. Our aim is to understand the role of traditional healing practices and how they may contribute to the medical model. (So...
Source: Psicologia USP - April 11, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Mental health professionals and family members of people with mental distress: encounter or disagreement?
This study examines the dilemmas faced by mental health professionals in the inclusion of the family in the projects of therapeutic care to the person with psychological distress. Semi-structured interviews with mental health professionals from two psychosocial care centers in the Southeastern region of Brazil were conducted. The content analysis pointed out discursive regularities that delineated four categories: serving the families: insecurity and rivalry; taking responsibility; primary focus: diagnosis or necessity?; trust, bonding and difference. Having the ethical philosophy of Spinoza and the politics of mental heal...
Source: Psicologia USP - April 11, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Art and madness as the threshold for another history
Resumo Pretendemos problematizar arte e loucura, inicialmente discutindo a experi ência do pesquisador em relação às imagens do mundo, com o testemunho e a figura do louco e, consequentemente, com o fora que ela evoca. Em seguida nos colocamos diante do muro, situação-limite na qual a loucura enquanto catástrofe e a arte enquanto via poética vêm compor um limiar, ausênc ia que Blanchot transpõe à linguagem para dar a ver outras constelações possíveis, tanto de palavras quanto de seus inomináveis. Por fim, com Walter Benjamin, pomos a história da loucura a contrapelo, e, mergulhados no Ateliê de Escrita do...
Source: Psicologia USP - April 11, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Secreted lives: notes on perversion in the Witness Protection Program
This article addresses perversion in the clinical and social field, comprehending the clinic as a field of investigation through which it is possible to access the current social phenomena and dominant discourses. We worked with research in psychoanalysis, choosing to dialogue mainly with readings of two authors - Contardo Calligaris and Edilene Queiroz - who use their experience in the psychoanalytical clinic to build an analysis concerning the social field. Taking a text by Calligaris (1991) entitled A Sedu ção Totalitária (1991), along with the book A Clínica da Perversão (2004), by Queiroz, we intended to merge th...
Source: Psicologia USP - April 11, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

O ensaio e as bombas
(Source: Psicologia USP)
Source: Psicologia USP - April 11, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Not all that glitters is Marx: analysis of Stalinist critiques of Vigotski within the Soviet science
Resumo No Brasil, tem havido not ável crescimento da chamada “ teoria da atividade ” , cuja fundamenta ção é associada especialmente ao pesquisador russo A. N. Leontiev (1903-1979). Isso se tem feito em conexão direta com a noção de que Vigotski, Luria e Leontiev compuseram uma troika, responsável pela elaboração da teoria histórico-cultural e da teoria da atividade. O objetivo deste artigo é iniciar a problematização da própria veracidade dessa narrativa a partir de uma análise do contexto no qual se dispôs o conteúdo das críticas stalinistas a Vigotski de 1931-1937, da construção do sistema de p...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Jung’s Active Imagination in Whitehouse’s Dance: notions of body and movement
This study presents the notions of body and movement found in Mary Starks Whitehouse ’ s dance, known as Authentic Movement. Whitehouse was a pioneer in the construction of therapeutic meaning of dance for using Carl Gustav Jung psyche theory. The analysis has been carried out after Whitehouse texts written between 1958 and 1979 and re-edited by Patr ícia Pallaro in 1999. These research findings suggest that, in Whitehouse ’ s view, the body is the physical aspect of the personality, becoming visible through its movement. This may be generated in a continuum between subconscious impulse and Ego control, not only to ma...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The experience lived by psychotherapists and clients in group psychotherapy in Humanistic Phenomenological Clinic: a phenomenological study
This article describes how psychotherapists and clients live the experience of group psychotherapy under the humanistic-phenomenological view executed as part of qualitative study of phenomenological nature, in which Versions of Meaning written by two psychotherapists and ten clients are used as tools. The critical phenomenological analysis of the emerging issues suggests that when people are together seeking growth, in a mutual care and acceptation atmosphere, their life stories meet and a wisdom that is particular of the group arises, guiding it into its own creative way to continue life. The use of critical phenomenolog...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Husserl’s theory of perceptive donation according to profiles
We present and discuss the description of the original form of donation of the perceived thing which, according to the philosopher, occurs amidst perception horizons marked by an inexhaustible multiplicity of perceptive profiles. Our specific problem is to evidence, among Husserl ’ s description of the perceptive process, the conjugation of three elements of phenomenological research: the intentional unity of perceptive awareness, the bodily I and the dynamics of presence and absence that characterizes the perceptive field. We are guided by the hypothesis that the link among these elements represents an affective conditi...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Discursive psychology contributions to qualitative research in social psychology: An analysis of its ethnomethodological heritage
This article aims to characterize the specificity of Discursive Psychology (DP) as a particular theoretical and methodological proposal for qualitative research in social psychology, differentiating it from other forms of qualitative research and discourse analysis in this area. In order to do this, we highlight the important influence of the ethnomethodological perspective as a central theoretical background of the DP, largely defining its conceptualization of social order and its approach to empirical work. First, we characterized the ethnomethodological approach to social reality, emphasizing how it conceives the social...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

I do not walk alone: Hannah Arendt and the commitment of education
This article presents considerations concerning the relationship between the self and the world, or between ethics and politics, in Hannah Arendt ’ s theory. The purpose is to analyze the author ’ s statement that the educator would undertake responsibility for the world by presenting it to the child. The hypothesis posed here is that education, this act of engagement with the world, can be sustained as an articulation between politics and ethics in Hannah Arendt ’ s theory. (Source: Psicologia USP)
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Barriers and resources to learning and participation of inclusive students
This study aimed at investigating the quality of inclusive service offered to a student with visual impairment enrolled in a mainstream class through the identification of barriers and resources to learning and participation. Results showed that in the school routine of the student subject matter of this study there are inclusion and exclusion situations. The lack of accessibility-oriented curriculum adjustments leads to the exclusion of content, which is briefly conveyed to the student. Therefore, the school can be considered as having a low level of inclusion. Although the student seems to socialize with others, her lear...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Medea’s children and the Parental Alienation Syndrome
Resumo A S índrome da Alienação Parental (SAP) refere-se a um conjunto de sintomas manifestos pela criança durante e após o processo de separação dos seus pais. A SAP demonstra o sofrimento da família e os golpes psíquicos sofridos pela criança quando enredada nos sentimentos de vingança, ódio e re jeição. A criança é desrespeitada e usada como instrumento para punir e provocar dor no genitor alienado. Como no mito de Medeia, no qual a mãe mata seus filhos, na alienação parental, o alienador os sufoca e aniquila neles a capacidade de perceber, sentir e julgar livremente. A criança torn a-se uma extensã...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Body memory and hypochondria: an ever present archaic experience?
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a singularidade da dimensão de memória na hipocondria. A angústia corporal que lhe é característica constitui um dos modos mais arcaicos de vivência da experiência de morte, projetando-se na concretude e no imediato do corpo. Na hipocondria, o caráter persecutório que incide sob re o corpo do sujeito implica uma “ atualiza ção ” no sentido de um retorno demon íaco do mesmo, de um vivido traumático primordial. O perigo iminente de morte, apresentado pela doença grave da qual esses sujeitos estão convencidos de terem sido acometidos, expressa a contínua percepç...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Identification of psychological intervention needs: a pilot study in Portuguese higher education
This study aims to explore the psychological intervention needs of the students attending the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Portuguese Catholic University. 157 students were evaluated on their personal, career and learning needs and concerns, as well as on their possible support preferences, through the questionnaire of identification of psychological intervention needs. The results indicate that participants need more information or support in the following areas: (i) management of anxiety and nervousness, (ii) fear of failure, (iii) job search, (iv) career choice and (v) time management skills. There is a preference f...
Source: Psicologia USP - January 26, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research