O fim do conhecimento e o desvario político
(Source: Psicologia USP)
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Resumen Los efectos positivos del mindfulness en el tratamiento de m últiples problemas psicológicos en diversas poblaciones han popularizado su uso dentro de la psicología clínica en los últimos años. No obstante, las investigaciones empíricas y revisiones teóricas sobre el mindfulness muestran tres usos diferentes del mindfulness dentro de las aproximacione s conductuales: como proceso, como habilidad y como estrategia. Las discrepancias en las definiciones de mindfulness han generado ambigüedad con respecto a qué y cómo se investiga este fenómeno. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis conceptual de las de...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Resumen Los efectos positivos del mindfulness en el tratamiento de m últiples problemas psicológicos en diversas poblaciones han popularizado su uso dentro de la psicología clínica en los últimos años. No obstante, las investigaciones empíricas y revisiones teóricas sobre el mindfulness muestran tres usos diferentes del mindfulness dentro de las aproximacione s conductuales: como proceso, como habilidad y como estrategia. Las discrepancias en las definiciones de mindfulness han generado ambigüedad con respecto a qué y cómo se investiga este fenómeno. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis conceptual de las de...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Mindfulness: process, skill or strategy? A behavioral-analytic and functional-contextualistic analysis
Resumen Los efectos positivos del mindfulness en el tratamiento de m últiples problemas psicológicos en diversas poblaciones han popularizado su uso dentro de la psicología clínica en los últimos años. No obstante, las investigaciones empíricas y revisiones teóricas sobre el mindfulness muestran tres usos diferentes del mindfulness dentro de las aproximacione s conductuales: como proceso, como habilidad y como estrategia. Las discrepancias en las definiciones de mindfulness han generado ambigüedad con respecto a qué y cómo se investiga este fenómeno. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis conceptual de las de...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Incest avoidance and prohibition: psychobiological and cultural factors
This article aims to develop a theoretical discussion about incest prohibition and avoidance, emphasizing the evolutionary mechanisms underlying these phenomena. One argues the existence of endogenous mechanisms that have evolved for inhibiting sexual activity between close relatives and form the basis to regulate the incest prohibition (exogenous mechanism) socially. The Westermarck effect is highlighted, in which the close proximity of persons living together from early childhood triggers sexual intercourse aversion between them. The absence of disposition to incest and its institutional prohibition represent a complex i...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Female same-sex parenting: biological and affective bonds in family dynamics
This article aimed to study the dynamic of same-sex parenting families formed by two women with children who have a biological bond with only one of them. We interviewed nine women - eight of them formed four couples and one was divorced - with ages ranging between 33 and 45 years, with children aging from 2 to 8 years, who were middle-class residents of the state of Rio de Janeiro, and had planned motherhood together using new reproductive technologies with semen from an anonymous donor. The following evaluation categories were discussed: kinship and affective relationship terminology; division of childcare related tasks;...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Discourse and positioning in a dialogue meeting on LGBT violence
Resumo A promo ção do diálogo visa à problematização de discursos e posicionamentos que cristalizam ações e posturas favorecedoras de práticas de violência. Objetivamos compreender de que forma diferentes discursos demandam posicionamentos específicos e vice-versa, entendendo essa articulação a partir dos efeitos da estrutura de diálogo proposta pelo Projeto de Conversações Públicas. Um encontro do grupo de facilitação de diálogo sobre o tema da violência à população de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis, transexuais e transgêneros foi selecionado para análise considerando sua r iqueza em dis...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Notes on individual and consciousness in Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno
This article discusses the materialistic bases of the concept of individual and consciousness according to the thinkers Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno. Therefore, it brings the analysis of the object of psychology, the individual, through the journey of his material movement under his different expressions in history, and, with this, presents some considerations on consciousness from the perspective of the Critical Theory of Society. In this sense, it seeks to highlight the relationships between the object of sociology and psychology, recalling that society contains in its determinations, as potentiality, the movemen...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Hypochondriacal anxiety and the eternal recurrence of the present: considerations about the film Synecdoche, New York
Resumo A partir de questionamentos levantados pelo filme Sin édoque, New York (2008), pretende-se discutir a articulação da angústia hipocondríaca com a temporalidade. Observa-se que no filme o recurso do flashback não é utilizado; a temporalidade, que se instaura diante da angústia relacionada a sintomas hipocondríacos do personagem, calca-se em um presente absoluto. A hipocondria foi considerada por Freud uma neurose atual e a angústia a ela articulada opera como a contrapartida afetiva do encontro com o desamparo gerado pelo desfacelamento da imagem corporal. Estamos, portanto, diante da face traumática desse...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Reflections on the formation of the individual: considerations about the idea of compassion
This study aims to present and discuss some aspects of the concept of compassion in the philosophy of the Critical Theory of Society and in Greek tragedy, in an attempt to understand the meanings and forms attributed to it. The aim is to reach the aspects related to the dominant social formation, inquiring about how human relations are configurated, the process of sociability and the idea of experience. The text is divided as follows: a brief introduction of the topic based on some writings by Horkheimen and Adorno; a discussion of the ambiguities and contradictions attributed to the concept of compassion, presenting a few...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The local structure in psychoanalysis
This article investigates the efficacy of formal thought in Lacan ’ s psychoanalysis in the form of local structures. In the same way that the structures of structuralism are not met in a single system, the Lacanian mathemes will not be part of a larger structure that organizes it. The creation of mathemes that refer to local structures allows the discussion of contemporary clinic diagnostic questions about, for instance, the universalism of psychoanalysis axioms from the Oedipus complex. (Source: Psicologia USP)
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Building the notion symptom: connections between pragmatics and psychoanalysis
This study aims to identify confluences between psychoanalysis and studies on language presented in Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein ’ s work. In order to do so, one starts from the construction of the notion of symptom, its definition in the medical and psychiatric fields, to its demarcation in the psychoanalytical field, where the symptom is only defined by its relationship with the discursive practices of the subject. When introducing the concept of language-game, Wittgenstein emphasizes the pragmatic aspect of language: the rules of use established in a particular context give meaning to a linguistic expressi...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Crossing the Rubicon: from psychoanalysis to cognitive therapy
In this study we describe some of the reasons that lead Aaron T Beck to move away from psychoanalysis and participate in the creation of cognitive therapy. With this aim in view, we describe the research developed by Beck between 1959 and 1962. In these studies the data that promotes the fall of the psychoanalytic explanatory hypothesis for depression began to be processed. Within this analysis we include some elements that we consider essential to understand this process of change: From Beck ´s obtaining a grant to investigate depression and his starting to work with collaborators like Marvin Hurvich and Sigmour Feshbach...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Psychiatry’s clinical tradition, psychoanalysis and current practices in mental health
Resumo Este artigo aborda a cl ínica da psicose no campo da saúde mental propondo uma retomada de categorias da psiquiatria clássica pela psicanálise, especialmente o automatismo mental. Seu objetivo é demonstrar a utilidade do que pode ser considerado um programa de trabalho para o campo de tratamento da psicose na saúde m ental, polarizado hoje entre o reducionismo biológico e a atenção psicossocial. A riqueza clínica dessas descrições psiquiátricas clássicas, em sua releitura pelo viés da teorização lacaniana, possibilita reconhecer o funcionamento complexo da psicose e, em particular, o trabalho do suj...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The elected representative as an intermediary between the group and the power
Resumo Este artigo investiga a hip ótese de que o sistema democrático como modelo de organização de grupos instituídos tem a função intersubjetiva de manter o vínculo social, ao transferir para o representante eleito o mal-estar da convivência, mas sem permitir ao representante o poder absoluto. O representante ocupa, portan to, a posição de tabu, que mantém o desejo narcísico e onipotente rejeitado entre os membros. Do ponto de vista do representante, significa submeter seu ideal de Eu aos ideais do grupo, num movimento contrário ao do líder descrito por Freud em Psicologia das massas e análise do eu. Essa...
Source: Psicologia USP - July 10, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research