Inclusion of madness into thinking: the possible dialogue between Lacan and Husserlian phenomenology
The objective of this paper is to show that the reflection of what is said as abnormal could open room to rethink Husserl ’ s phenomenology. (Source: Psicologia USP)
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Vygotsky with Lacan: considerations about the concept formation in adolescence
This article contains an analysis of Lacan ’ s relationship between the maturation of object a at puberty and the formation of concepts, with emphasis give to the interlocution between this psychoanalyst and Vygotsky. From the Vygotskyan perspective, the entrance into the conceptual thought only takes place from the pubertal maturation by virtue of the new psychological functions acquired during that phase. This conception corroborates the Lacanian proposition that the transformations arising from the encounter with the object in puberty, the logical time in which the subject has to be with the lack in an unprecedented w...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

From autoimmune resistance to multiplicity in psychoanalysis
This article discusses resistance in the psychoanalytic movement based on the provocation, set out by philosopher Jacques Derrida, that there would be an autoimmune resistance of psychoanalysis, thereby causing it to resist itself. The aim is to extrapolate the elaborations on the resistance to analytical treatment, which is more commonplace within the scope of the psychoanalytic clinic, in order to delve into the ethical-political discussion regarding the possibility of psychoanalysis resisting the tyranny of the One. In this way, psychoanalysis would resist the temptation to commit to sovereignty or cruelty. Finally, it ...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Psychoanalysis and science: the equation of the subjects
This article aims to demonstrate that Jacques Lacan ’ s assertion that modern science was the condition of possibility of the emergence of psychoanalysis derives a set of propositions: to modern science; psychoanalysis could only arise in the modernity of thought; and between psychoanalysis and science there is a logic of compatibility. To do so, from an epistemological point of view, the article aims to define the status of a world affected by modern scientific activity as opposed to the ancient world. This led research to the axiomatic, in a broader scope, from Descartes ’ works and mathematical physics, which propo...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Freud and Judaism: mourning, trauma, and transmission
This article aims to discuss the relationship between the concept of transmission in psychoanalysis and the position of Judaism in Freud ’ s desire. We are interested in understanding the subjective operation through which it is possible to become an heir, based on the assumption that the Freudian work itself bears witness to how its author was able to appropriate the heritage both of the Jewish culture and his family genealogy. To this end, we will examine the writing of three of his texts in contrast to his personal experiences, suggesting that the relationship between trauma, mourning, and transmission provides a key ...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

“I will not miss you”: tessituras between fantasy and (de)negation in psychoses
This article aims to establish its originality by first proposing that the different tessituras of negation and affirmation are equally recurrent in psychoses. It is worth emphasizing that theoretical-clinical studies which phenomenologically and structurally articulate denegation and psychoses are still scarce. Such singular tessituras, which are different from the Freudian negation, are herein denominated (de)negation. Secondly, the originality of the current study lies on the aspect that it does not view (de)negation as merely a clinical phenomenon, but also as an operator itself in the treatment of psychoses. Thus, thi...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Health care practice in psychosocial institutions: effects of the capitalist mode of production
Resumo O modo de produ ção de bens materiais é correlato ao modo de produção de saúde e indica as formas de subjetivação possíveis em uma sociedade, portanto, está relacionado às maneiras como impasses sociais e psíquicos se materializam. Os conflitos da luta de classes produzem contradições, de maneira que é crucial observar que os sintomas desencadeadores das crises vêm enunciar objeção ao contexto social no qual emergiram. Partindo da análise organizacional, constatamos que os estabelecimentos institucionais de saúde mental no contexto do modo capitalista de produção têm servido para agenci ar ess...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Modes of body absence and presence based on bodily sensorimotor telos
Resumo A fenomenologia evidencia que nossa rela ção com as coisas e com outrem envolve, fundamentalmente, a questão da nossa realidade corpórea, e que as circunstâncias de aparecimento do próprio corpo remontam a, sobretudo, sua condição primordial não de objeto de percepção, mas de estrutura do aparecer. Nesse contexto, discutimos os modos de ausência e de presença do corpo segundo a fenomenologia, buscando traçar um panorama da questão com base na opção metodológica de Drew Leder: iniciar uma fenomenologia do corpo pelos princípios estruturais da atividade sensório-motora. Pautamo-nos por três dimens...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Affection and social behavior in teaching planning: the role of the consequences of behavior
Resumo Nosso objetivo neste ensaio é refletir sobre a necessidade de uma visão integrada do desenvolvimento da cognição e do afeto para o planejamento acadêmico. O estudante a todo tempo manipula e transforma o ambiente ao seu redor. Relações sociais que se desenvolvem nesse contexto envolvem unidades comportamentais entrelaç adas em que indivíduos ora atuam sobre o ambiente, transformando-o, ora funcionam como aspectos críticos do ambiente em que outros atuam. Este texto aponta a necessidade de identificar relações entre o sujeito que se comporta e seu ambiente social. Um recurso prático para lidar com questÃ...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Psychoethological perspective on play: implications for research and practice
This study focuses on play from a psychoethological perspective and examines the implications for research and practice. Over the past decades, children are provided with more educational opportunities and more access to adult-led activities, albeit suffering a severe lack of self-directed play. This fact is worrying when we consider the indications in animal models that self-directed play is important for the development of the social brain and emotional self-regulation. This essay represents an invitation-justification for children to recover opportunities for natural play, of which they have been deprived. The more we k...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Interaction and language directed at children aged 15 months
In this study we compare maternal and paternal interaction and speech directed to their children, in order to analyze differences and similitudes between the dyads. For that purpose, 80 dyads were taped in a free play situation - forty 15 months old children (25 girls, 15 boys) interacting with their parents. Results demonstrate no significant differences regarding the way mothers and fathers interact with their sons and daughters. However, differences in mothers versus fathers ’ style of communication toward their children were found, particularly naming and positive evaluation behaviors. Although differences were foun...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The musical dimension of lalangue and its effects on the practice with children with autism
Resumo Este artigo resulta da experi ência com autistas em uma extensão universitária articulada à rede de saúde mental e a um serviço de psicologia. Investiga-se a relação de lalíngua com a música e estabelece suas contribuições à clínica do autismo. Para tanto, foi feita a leitura de textos nos campos da psicanálise e da música. Como material explorado, utilizaram-se relatos de experiência de profissionais e trabalho no grupo de extensão. A relação de lalíngua com a música é apresentada a partir da consideração dos jogos rítmicos de presença e ausência do som no decorrer do tempo que trazem el...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

(Im)possibilities of the testimonial subject: interdisciplinary approaches to the memory of the trauma
This article has the general objective of promoting interdisciplinary reflection, considering contributions of psychoanalysis and history about memory transmission, in their individual and collective dimensions, of traumatic events linked to human rights violations in the context of authoritarian regimes, based on witness perspective. The main assumption is that the subject set discourses that articulate both dimensions, representable and irrepresentable by word. Thus, it is important to question the possibility that the testimony presents in its own discursive organization this dimension that resists narrative articulatio...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The expressive dimension of inner speech
This article is a theoretical proposal about the expressive dimension of inner speech, a phenomenon that emphasizes the Karl Buhler ’ s proposal in relation to the expressiveness of the language; the Heinz Werner ´s studies about a physiognomic-organismic dimension of human language and the theoretical and empirical approach of Lev Vygotsky about the phenomenon of inner speech in human experience. It is concluded that some passages of Vygotsky ’ s work are the keys to the comprehension of the expressive inner speech, specifically the influence of affective-volitional sphere in the development of thought and language. ...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The archive as an auratic space of images of insanity
Resumo Neste artigo temos como objetivo problematizar a fun ção do arquivista no trabalho de catalogação das obras expressivas da Oficina de Criatividade do Hospital Psiquiátrico São Pedro, localizado em Porto Alegre, RS. Entendemos que, neste procedimento, é possível realizar um exercício de desmontagem do território a partir de escolha ética sob re o modo de narrar e analisar as criações daqueles que foram levados a viver na marginalidade da sociedade, asilados por longo tempo em hospital psiquiátrico. Nesse sentido, nossa intenção segue no contra fluxo dos discursos hegemônicos patologizantes, produzind...
Source: Psicologia USP - December 18, 2017 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research