Do family doctors refer less? Impact of FCM training on the rate of PHC referrals
Conclusion: The study showed that FCM residency significantly reduced PHC referral rates. (Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva)
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Infant mortality and gender in Brazil: an investigation using updated statistics
Resumo Diversos estudos indicam que a mortalidade para crian ças do sexo masculino é maior do que a do feminino no Brasil. Estudos recentes também têm mostrado uma redução na sobremortalidade infantil masculina nos últimos anos. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre quais fatores estão associados a esse fenômeno. Como os bebês do sexo masculino são, em g eral, mais frágeis, uma hipótese é de que melhorias no nível de renda e cuidados com a saúde pré e pós-natal tenham um impacto maior na redução da mortalidade infantil masculina. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste artigo foi analisar como esses fatores afetam a mo...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Adverse drug reaction notification forms of the pharmacovigilance systems in Brazil and twelve other Latin-American countries: a comparative analysis
Resumo Avaliou-se os formul ários de notificação de suspeitas de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM) do sistema de farmacovigilância do Brasil e outros doze países latino-americanos. O estudo foi composto por três etapas. Na primeira, os formulários foram pontuados em relação à presença de itens essenciais para compor uma notificação de RAM. Na segunda, as variáveis dos formulários foram quantificadas e classificadas, quanto à razoabilidade em contribuírem para a avaliação de causalidade. Na última etapa, recorreu-se à análise de agrupamento hierárquico para identificar os formulários similare s...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Consumption of fruits and the association with ultra-processed food intake in Brazil in 2008-2009
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o consumo de frutas no Brasil e a associa ção com a ingestão de alimentos ultraprocessados (UP) em amostra representativa de 32.900 brasileiros da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009. A associação entre a participação calórica (% energia) das frutas na dieta e quintos de consumo de UP foi analisada por meio de regressão li near. Frutas representaram 5% das calorias, sendo cerca de metade (2,4%) como suco. Homens apresentaram consumo inferior ao das mulheres e houve maior consumo com aumento da idade, renda e escolaridade. Foi observada associação inversa entr...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Prevalence of high risk for cardiovascular disease among the Brazilian adult population, according to different risk calculators: a comparative study
This study compares the proportion of the Brazilian adult population classified as being at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) based on six different CVD risk calculators in order to assess the agreement across different tools. A cross-sectional study was conducted using laboratory data from the National Health Survey (NHS). The prevalence rates of high 10-year risk of CVD among individuals aged between 45 and 64 years were as follows: Brazilian Society of Cardiology (BSC) global risk score (GRS) – 38.1%; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) score – 44.1%; Framingham Heart Study/...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Differences between self-reported and laboratory measures of diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and hypercholesterolemia
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é comparar as prevalências autorreferidas e medidas por exames laboratoriais, assim como a ocorrência de valores de falsos positivos e negativos, para diabetes, doença renal crônica e hipercolesterolemia. Foram utilizadas informações da entrevista e exames laboratoriais da Pesquisa Nacional d e Saúde (2013, 2014-2015). Foram calculadas a sensibilidade e a especificidade, segundo sexo, idade, escolaridade, ter plano de saúde e tempo desde a última consulta médica. Por meio de regressão logística, foram analisados fatores associados à ocorrência de falsos positivos e falsos negat...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Monitoring and projection of targets for risk and protection factors for coping with noncommunicable diseases in Brazilian capitals
This study aimed to monitor the trends and projections of targets of risk and protection factors for coping with noncommunicable diseases in Brazilian capitals and verify whether the economic crisis and austerity policies have interfered with these targets ’ behavior. This is a time-series study with data from the Surveillance System for Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey. We analyzed the trends in the prevalence of tobacco use, obesity, physical activity, consumption of fruits and vegetables, and alcohol abuse, and their projections until 2025. The Prais-Winsten regression was employed...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

National Health Survey, laboratory analyses and monitoring of Noncommunicable Diseases reduction targets
(Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva)
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - April 19, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Response to the article: Insufficient physical activity levels and high screen time among adolescents: the impact of associated factors
The objective of this article is to analyze the spatial distribution of Hepatitis B vaccine (HBVAC) of pregnant women. This is a cross-sectional study carried with 266 puerperae. The HBVAC record was obtained through the prenatal care booklet. The spatial scanning technique was used to detect a cluster of risk for the presence or absence of an HBVAC record. After this cluster identification, the individual and environmental variables were compared between the Coverage Areas of Basic Health Units (CAs-BHUs). The mean prevalence of non-HBVAC was 88.34%. Scan spatial scan analysis observed a cluster of a high prevalence of pu...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - March 12, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Capellano T, Carramenha B. Work and psychic suffering: Stories that tell this story. São Paulo: Atarukas Editora Ltda; 2019.
The objective of this article is to analyze the spatial distribution of Hepatitis B vaccine (HBVAC) of pregnant women. This is a cross-sectional study carried with 266 puerperae. The HBVAC record was obtained through the prenatal care booklet. The spatial scanning technique was used to detect a cluster of risk for the presence or absence of an HBVAC record. After this cluster identification, the individual and environmental variables were compared between the Coverage Areas of Basic Health Units (CAs-BHUs). The mean prevalence of non-HBVAC was 88.34%. Scan spatial scan analysis observed a cluster of a high prevalence of pu...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - March 12, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Spatial analysis of vaccination against Hepatitis B in pregnant women in an urban Brazilian area
The objective of this article is to analyze the spatial distribution of Hepatitis B vaccine (HBVAC) of pregnant women. This is a cross-sectional study carried with 266 puerperae. The HBVAC record was obtained through the prenatal care booklet. The spatial scanning technique was used to detect a cluster of risk for the presence or absence of an HBVAC record. After this cluster identification, the individual and environmental variables were compared between the Coverage Areas of Basic Health Units (CAs-BHUs). The mean prevalence of non-HBVAC was 88.34%. Scan spatial scan analysis observed a cluster of a high prevalence of pu...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - March 12, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

The production of care in psychosocial care services: home visits as an intervention technology to be used in the territory
Resumo A visita domiciliar na aten ção à saúde mental constitui tecnologia de abordagem ao sujeito em sofrimento psíquico e à sua família. Pretende-se analisar os saberes e as práticas dos profissionais relacionadas à visita domiciliar, tomando como referencial analítico as dimensões da Reforma Psiquiátrica: teórico-conc eitual, tecnoassistencial, jurídico-política e sociocultural. Trata-se de um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa, realizado num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais, além de observação livre...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - March 12, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Provision of information on the amount of sugar in processed foods
The objective of this study was to assess the provision of information on the amount of sugar and identify the position of sugar in the list of ingredients of processed foods. A cross-sectional study was conducted to analyze all processed traditional and diet/light/zero food products sold in a hypermarket containing the word sugar or sucrose in the list of ingredients. The food labels were read and the position of sugar on the list of ingredients and presence, or absence, of information on the amount of sugar in the nutrition facts table were recorded. Information on the amount of sugar was also requested from the manufact...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - March 12, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Application of the refinements of ICF linking rules to the Visual Analogue Scale, Roland Morris questionnaire and SF-36
Resumo A Escala Visual Anal ógica (EVA), o Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland Morris (RMDQ) e Questionário de Qualidade de Vida SF-36, amplamente utilizados, tiveram seu conteúdo conectado à CIF por regras propostas em 2002 e 2005. Em 2016 foram refinadas e ainda não foram aplicadas. Aplicar as regras de conexão de conteúdo refinadas para os instrumentos EVA, RMDQ e SF-36. Dois profissionais de saúde identificaram os conceitos significativos e vincularam às categorias mais específicas da CIF, um terceiro arbitrou divergências. O grau de concordância foi dado pelo coeficiente kappa. Houve alto grau de con c...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - March 12, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research

Determining factors in children’s screen time in early childhood
Resumo O uso de m ídias por crianças na primeira infância está cada vez mais habitual, o que torna necessário investigar os fatores determinantes para o tempo de tela, entendido como o tempo total pelo qual a criança permanece exposta a todas as telas, incluindo televisão e mídias interativas. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo e exploratório, realizado com 180 crianças, entre 24 a 42 meses de idade, alocadas em: Grupo 1, exposição à tela inferior a duas horas/dia; Grupo 2, exposição à tela igual/superior a duas horas/dia. Realizou-se análise bivariada e de regressão logística biná ria. Os fa...
Source: Ciencia e Saude Coletiva - March 12, 2021 Category: Occupational Health Source Type: research