Niedodma płuca prawego jako ciężkie powikłanie astmy trudnej do leczenia
Conclusion Severe exacerebration of asthma may be a rare cause of lung atelectasis. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 28, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Ogniskowy rozrost guzkowy wątroby – opis przypadków oraz przegląd literatury
We presented two different cases of focal nodular hyperplasia in children. The first child underwent chemotherapy and bone marrow allotransplantation due to non-Hodgkin lymphoma and focal nodular hyperplasia was diagnosed incidentally a few years later. In the second child, a diagnosis of focal nodular hyperplasia was established in the course of differential diagnosis of abdominal pain. Focal nodular hyperplasia might be difficult to diagnose on the basis of imaging procedures and sometimes liver biopsy is required. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 24, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Genetyczne i autoimmunologiczne mikroangiopatie zakrzepowe u dzieci – współczesna strategia diagnostyki i leczenia
Publication date: Available online 22 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Ryszard Grenda Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) in children are very complex family of acquired and hereditary defects of complement and coagulation systems with severe clinical pattern and potentially poor outcome, especially in case of genetic forms of these diseases. The substantial progress in genetic diagnostics of underlying mutations and evaluation of the relevant clinical patterns has been achieved recently. Two major types of TMAs are distinguished: thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and atypical hemolytic-uremic sy...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 22, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Nawracające zakażenie układu moczowego jako pierwszy objaw choroby Leśniowskiego i Crohna
Publication date: Available online 18 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Maria Augustyn, Magdalena Silska-Dittmar, Jolanta Sołtysiak, Janusz Rataj, Jarosław Walkowiak, Danuta Ostalska-Nowicka, Jacek Zachwieja Crohn's disease belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases, known as inflammatory bowel disease. The inflammation may span the entire depth of the intestinal wall. In effect the typical complications of Crohn's disease can be the formation of fistulas: external (perianal, between the bowel and skin) and internal (between two loops of bowel, between the bowel and bladder, between the bow...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 20, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in a 9-year-old female patient with severe presentations of ulcerative colitis. A case study and the review of the literature
Publication date: Available online 19 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Sabina Wiecek, Urszula Grzybowska-Chlebowczyk, Ludwik Stoltny, Halina Wos Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a clinical and radiological condition characterised by convulsions, loss of consciousness, headaches, blurred vision, nausea/vomiting, dysarthria and features of focal damage of the central nervous system. The mortality rate of the syndrome is 15%. Imaging examinations of the central nervous system, magnetic resonance imaging in particular, reveal lesions within the white matter in the form of vasogeni...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 20, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

CFSPID – czyli pozytywny wynik przesiewu noworodkowego w kierunku mukowiscydozy, ale niejednoznaczna diagnoza
Publication date: Available online 19 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Dorota Sands, Ewa Tramś, Katarzyna Zybert Chloride channel dysfunction caused by pathogenic mutations in the CFTR gene leads to clinical symptoms of cystic fibrosis. With the development of techniques of molecular diagnostics, the number of discovered mutations has increased. Not every change in the CFTR gene causes clinical symptoms. The course of disease is variable, and it may also present in adulthood. The introduction of neonatal screening has led to creation of a new group of potential patients – children without symptoma...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 20, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Witamina K i jej rola w profilaktyce chorób dzieci w świetle nowych doniesień
Publication date: Available online 19 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Agnieszka Kozioł-Kozakowska, Anna Stochel-Gaudyn, Krzysztof Fyderek For many years vitamin K has been considered to be associated only with blood clotting processes. Thanks to the research of last thirty years its other equally important role has been discovered. Vitamin K acts as a cofactor for the posttranslatioinal γ-carboxylation of glutamate residues in proteins such as osteocalcin or matrix Gla protein (MGP). Thus the diet reach in vitamin K or supplementation of this vitamin on early stages of development may decrease ris...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 20, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Retropharyngeal abscess leading to fatal airway obstruction in a child – A case report
Publication date: Available online 19 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Santosh Kumar Swain, Mahesh Chandra Sahu Retropharyngeal abscess (RPA) with respiratory distress is an uncommon clinical situation in the current era of medicine, as patient come to the physician earlier in the disease process. RPA with airway compromise in children is a rare and life threatening situation which need emergency care not only to drain abscess but also important to secure the airway. RPA need prompt diagnosis and early management which often require surgical drainage to achieve optimum result. The diagnosis is based on...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 20, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Porównanie dwóch technik intubacji dziecka w warunkach symulowanego uszkodzenia kręgosłupa szyjnego. Badanie randomizowane, krzyżowe
Conclusions In this simulation trial, during pediatric normal airway scenario, paramedics performed intubation with comparable efficiency using a standard Macintosh laryngoscope and videolaryngoscope Intubrite. However, in the case of a trauma patient with immobilization of the cervical spine cervical intubation higher efficiency was obtained for videolaryngoscope Intubrite. Further clinical trials are needed to confirm these results. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 17, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

80-lecie fenyloketonurii. Część I: historia nazwy i nietuzinkowi pionierzy badań nad chorobą
Publication date: Available online 14 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Kamil K. Hozyasz Phenylketonuria is one of the best-known examples of inherited metabolic diseases. It is widely considered as a triumph of western medicine. Untreated phenylketonuria manifests as mental retardation, epilepsy, light complexion, eczema, and a „mousy” odour. This review gives some insight into history of the use of the disease's name, which was probably coined by the biochemist J.H. Quastel and focuses on the contributions of the first medical investigators in the area of abnormal phenylalanine metabolism – I.A. F...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 15, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Współczesne poglądy na patogenezę idiopatycznego zespołu nerczycowego u dzieci w odniesieniu do potencjalnych nowych możliwości terapeutycznych
Publication date: Available online 4 March 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Ryszard Grenda Nephrotic syndrome in children is represented by the complex family of disease variants, with variable clinical course and different underlying mechanisms. Those which are not related to genetic mutations (responsible for abnormal microstructure of podocytes) are currently regarded as the effect of different “protein permeability factors”, which after binding to specific targets (receptors) on podocytes, change their shape and function, causing clinically overt proteinuria. Different relevant cytokines are released b...
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 6, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Ocena sposobu żywienia dzieci kierowanych do oddziału pediatrycznego oraz wiedzy żywieniowej ich opiekunów – wyniki badania pilotażowego
Conclusion Despite a good parent‘s knowledge about nutrition, both we and other authors found that nutrition habits of children in Poland are inadequate to the recommendations. Education of the parents about nutrition is needed. The aim of this education should be not only to provide the knowledge about food and nutrition but also to inform which sources of this knowledge are credible. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 3, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

Produkty imitujące śmietanę: badanie dostępności w sklepach sieciowych oraz przyczynek do dyskusji o właściwościach odżywczych i roli śmietany w żywieniu
Conclusions There is high availability of OCS in the investigated stores. Mapping of food available could be useful in providing baseline nutritional information for consumers. (Source: Pediatria Polska)
Source: Pediatria Polska - March 3, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

An unusual presentation of pleomorphic adenoma of the soft palate in a 13-year-old boy – A case report
Publication date: Available online 23 February 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Santosh Kumar Swain, Alok Das, Mahesh Chandra Sahu Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the commonest benign neoplasm of major and minor salivary glands. PA of the minor salivary gland in the palate is a common clinical entity. When the minor salivary glands are affected, commonly occurs at the junction of hard and soft palate. Due to its diverse clinical and morphological appearance of PA in the palate, the diagnosis is complex so histopathological examination is essential. Malignant degeneration of this lesion is a potential complicat...
Source: Pediatria Polska - February 25, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research

An unusual presentation of long standing foreign body at nasopharynx of a child – A case report
Publication date: Available online 10 February 2016 Source:Pediatria Polska Author(s): Santosh Kumar Swain, Mahesh Chandra Sahu The long-standing foreign body (FB) at the nasopharynx is an extremely rare clinical entity. It is always a challenging situation for an Otolaryngologist to diagnose and removal of a FB from nasopharyngeal airway. We are reporting an unique case of FB at nasopharynx of a child who presents with acute otitis media due to obstruction of nasopharyngeal opening of Eustachian tube. The FB was diagnosed by flexible nasopharyngolaryngoscope and documented by X-ray skull with lateral view and same...
Source: Pediatria Polska - February 11, 2016 Category: Pediatrics Source Type: research