Health-related quality of life of patients with permanent cardiac pacing
Conclusion: the patients gave the highest health-related quality of life ratings in regard to mental domains and the lowest ratings for the physical domains.RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de pacientes con marcapaso card íaco definitivo. Método: estudio observacional descriptivo, transversal, realizado en el ambulatorio de arritmia de un hospital universitario del interior del estado de Sao Paulo. La muestra consecutiva y no probabilística estuvo constituida de pacientes de los dos sexos, mayores de 18 años, co n marcapaso hace, por lo menos, un mes. Fueron excluidos los que no ...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Educational intervention on hiv/aids with elderly individuals: a quasi-experimental study
Conclusion: it was found that the educational intervention contributed to the improvement of knowledge about HIV/AIDS in the elderly population. Thus, it is reasserted that the health promotion policy finds it s essential foundation in health education strategies.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el conocimiento de los ancianos atendidos por el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) acerca de la infección por VIH/SIDA en una unidad de salud, tanto antes como después de una intervención educativa. Método: estudio cuasi-experimental en el que se analizaron los cambios relacionados con el conocimiento sobre VIH/SIDA de 60 ancianos sub...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Factors associated with the clinical deterioration recognized by an early warning pediatric score
Conclusion: Children ≤ 2 years old, with comorbidity, diagnosed with respiratory disease and hospitalized in the emergency unit showed an increased likelihood of clinical deterioration. The identification of factors associated with clinical deterioration may alert and direct the health team to children more susceptible to this phenomenon.RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados al deterioro cl ínico reconocido por una Puntuación Pediátrica de Alerta Temprana. Método: estudio de corte transversal realizado en un hospital público pediátrico terciario con 271 niños de cero a diez años de edad, hospita...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Building solutions for the safety of the patient with heart disease using warfarin: a qualitative study
Conclusion: the moments of discussion favored by this study served as learning to continue the future implementation of the strategies pointed out by the group and thus increasingly improve the care provided to patients with heart disease and their families.RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar, junto con el equipo de enfermer ía, estrategias para promover la seguridad del paciente en tratamiento con warfarina. Método: investigación exploratoria y descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo, realizada en las unidades de internación clínica/quirúrgica de un hospital público de referencia en atención cardiovascular. Los pa rticip...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Medical-device-related pressure injury on adults: an integrative review
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify factors associated with medical-device-related pressure injury. Method: an integrative review of published articles on the subject related to the adult population in the databases of PUBMED, Scopus, MEDLINE, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ci ências da Saúde, LILACS), Web of Science and Nursing Database (Banco de Dados em Enfermagem, BDENF), between 2013 and 2018. Results: medical-device-related pressure injuries were common in adults, especially in the elderly, due to capillary fragility, among other changes. Other ...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Health promotion in care for people with chronic non-transmitable disease: integrative review
Conclusion: some limits were identified that need to be overcome, among which stands out the inter-sectoral work that needs to grow beyond the health sector.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las pr ácticas de promoción de la salud llevadas a cabo por los enfermeros al cuidar d personas con enfermedades crónicas no transmisible en la atención primaria de la salud, en publicaciones científicas de 2007 a 2017. Método: revisión integradora de la literatura con enfoque cualitativo realizad a en cinco bases de datos, en las que se efectuó una lectura y un análisis crítico de los estudios de modo de conocer las prácticas...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Disturbed sleep pattern (000198): content analysis in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Conclusion: seven of the eight defining characteristics were considered valid after the application of binomial test. This study will contribute to the refinement of the Disturbed Sleep Pattern Nursing Diagnosis (000198) and may enable the improvement of the quality of care of patients hospitalized with Acute Coronary Syndrome regarding changes in sleep pattern. The content analysis stage will support the next stage of the validation process of the present diagnosis, the clinical validation.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el contenido de las caracter ísticas definidoras del Diagnóstico de Enfermería de Patrón de Sueño P...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Mental health nursing education in brazil: perspectives for primary health care
Conclusion: It is suggested that the institutions, courses and professors make the commitment and focus efforts to overcome the gaps, which hinder the nurse ’ s education process regarding primary knowledge in mental health, so that they can offer care to patients in psychological distress in the context of the community, as well as strengthen national mental health policy.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar limitaciones, estrategias, importancia y obst áculos en el ejercicio de la enseñanza de salud mental en la carrera de grado de Enfermería, para el desempeño de los enfermeros en la Atención Primaria de la Salud. Méto...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Prevalence of friction injury and associated factors in elderly in intensive therapy
Conclusion: the prevalence of friction injury was high and associated with age, comorbidities, dry and scaly skin, and mean duration of corticosteroid use.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la prevalencia de lesiones por fricci ón y los factores asociados en los ancianos ingresados en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. Método: estudio transversal y analítico, desarrollado en una Unidad de terapia intensiva de un hospital universitario, con una muestra de 101 ancianos. La recolección de datos se realizó de noviembre de 2017 a mayo de 2018, mediante entrevistas, consulta de registros médicos y examen físico. Para el análisi...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 7, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Nursing professor in higher education: time, money and resistance in the management vision
Conclusion: from the analysis produced with the participants, the choices of the nursing professor are so much more grounded in managerialism and so much less based on pedagogical references, especially those arising from dialectical theories. In this sense, resistance is transformed into a movement of adaptation.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la docencia universitaria en enfermer ía a partir de la dialéctica institucional. Método: investigación cualitativa fundamentada en la Socioclínica Institucional. Participaron 18 profesores-enfermeros de cuatro regiones de Brasil y seis establecimientos públicos de educación sup...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 7, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Contributions and challenges of teaching-service-community integration
Conclusion: there is a need to institutionalize teaching-service-community integration and emphasize initiatives that dynamize and provide flexibility to multiprofessional and interdisciplinary activities. Institutions involved in the modification of health training and the transformation of health care processes also need to make a commitment.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las contribuciones de la integraci ón enseñanza-servicio-comunidad para la educación en salud y para el Sistema Único de Salud, así como las potencialidades y desafíos existentes en dicha integración, conforme la visión de los docentes. Método: ...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - February 3, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The meaning of labor activities for young women with breast neoplasms
Conclusion: it was difficult to experience and accept changes in work activities. The support of family, friends and coworkers was paramount to cope with this process, which should also be taken into account by the health team, especially nursing.RESUMO Objetivo: compreender o significado das atividades de trabalho para mulheres jovens com c âncer de mama. Método: estudo qualitativo que utilizou como referencial teórico o Interacionismo Simbólico e, metodológico, o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Desenvolvido em um ambulatório de mastologia e em um núcleo de reabilitação de mastectomizadas cuja coleta de dados ...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - January 27, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Salutogenesis and cardiovascular health in adults: a scoping review
Conclusions: as a central concept of the salutogenic theory, a sense of coherence represents a topic of interest for nursing professionals. Through their interventions, nurses can strengthen and improve people ’ s skills in the quest for and maintenance of their own health.RESUMO Objetivo: identificar e sintetizar as evid ências que relacionam a teoria salutogênica proposta pelo Antonosvsky com doenças cardiovasculares em adultos. Métodos: realizou-se uma revisão exploratória da literatura de acordo com a proposta de Arksey e O ’ Malley e identificou-se artigos de pesquisa originais sobre a salutog ênese e a s...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - January 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Perceptions of domestic workers on labor rights and impacts on their working and health conditions
Conclusion: constant evaluation and dissemination of the legislative changes with the domestic workers is essential, so that chronic situations of devaluation and precariousness of domestic work are replaced by the empowerment and transformation capacity of these women.RESUMEN Objetivo: comprender las percepciones de las trabajadoras dom ésticas sobre los cambios legislativos y los efectos sobre sus condiciones laborales y de salud. Método: estudio cualitativo que se desarrolló en una ciudad del interior del estado de San Pablo entre diciembre de 2016 y marzo de 2017, realizado por medio de entrevistas individuales...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - December 20, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Grounded theory: use in scientific articles published in brazilian nursing journals with qualis a classification
Conclusion: the need for consensus among Brazilian nursing researchers on the methodological characteristics to be described in studies using the Grounded Theory is highlighted.RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el uso de la teor ía fundamentada en los datos como referencial metodológico en artículos científicos publicados en revistas brasileñas de enfermería con Qualis Capes A1 y A2. Método: estudio documental descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo. Las fuentes utilizadas fueron las cinco revistas brasileñas de enfe rmería con Qualis A1 y A2 en la evaluación de 2016. La recopilación de datos se ha desarrollado en el ...
Source: Texto e Contexto - Enfermagem - December 20, 2019 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research