Patient advocacy actions by intensivist nurses
Conclusion Nurses understand patient advocacy as an important part of their work, as well as factors which may influence their decision to defend their patients, but are still unaware of the benefits of advocacy. (Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP)
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - August 5, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Sexuality in old age: knowledge/attitude of nurses of Family Health Strategy
Conclusion Nurses have adequate knowledge about sexuality in old age, but still present conservative attitudes. Investing in processes of continuing health education can improve the knowledge and practice of nurses. (Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP)
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Perinatal results and first-year of life according to maternal skin color: a cohort study
Conclusion Despite the unfavorable socio-demographic situation considering the selected outcomes, black/brown women did not have worse results. The hypothesis that the quality of care may negate the negative effects of their sociodemographic conditions needs to be tested in future studies. (Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP)
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Life experiences that favor the plenitude and transcendence of the elderly being: a phenomenological-hermeneutical study
Conclusion: Transcendence is favored by care in the life cycle. Nursing as a science of care can promote actions that facilitate the reach of the encounter of seniors at different stages of their lives.RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender as experi ências de vida que favorecem a plenitude e transcendência do ser-adulto idoso. Método: Estudo qualitativo com enfoque fenomenológico-hermenêutico. Foi realizado de janeiro de 2014 a março de 2017 em dois grupos de convivência de idosos. Seleção de participantes por amostragem intencional c om saturação de informação. As características dos participantes foram: ter 60 an...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

The influence of nurse education and training on communication, emotional intelligence, and empathy
Conclusion: Degree level and specialized training were shown to influence the study variables and it is therefore necessary to prioritize education and training programs that promote the development of these skills to ensure improved service quality.RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar o impacto da forma ção acadêmica do enfermeiro nas suas atitudes voltadas para a comunicação, a inteligência emocional e a empatia. Método: Elaboração transversal, na qual foi utilizado um instrumento para medir as atitudes voltadas para a comunicação, outro para a empatia e um último para a inteligênci a emocional e duas perguntas p...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Addressing medical errors: an intervention protocol for nursing professionals
Conclusion: The nurses prioritized counseling, legal advice, training in communication techniques, and refresher training to address the consequences of adverse events and discarded the possibility of compulsory temporary or permanent transfer.RESUMO Objetivo: Conhecer as medidas e a ções que deveriam incluir um protocolo de resposta institucional diante de eventos adversos graves que envolvam a equipe de enfermagem. Método: Estudo exploratório descritivo por meio de questionário com uma amostra de profissionais de Enfermagem, colegiados em Madri, Espanha. Resultados: P articiparam 248 profissionais de Enfermag...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Metamorphosis into mother after 35 years of age: a study of Grounded Theory
Conclusion From the results, the difficulties experienced by the mothers around the 2nd month are highlighted, which revealed an obscure side of motherhood unknown to mothers and the need to take care of themselves to overcome these difficulties.RESUMO Objetivo Compreender o processo de transi ção de mulheres que passam pela situação de maternidade após os 35 anos de idade. Método Utilizamos a metodologia construtivista da G rounded Theory (teoria fundamentada em dados) na elaboração da pesquisa, coleta de dados e análise. Resultados Os resultados permitiram a construção de um modelo abrangente da transi...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Social and conceptual adaptive skills of individuals with Intellectual Disability
Conclusion Education and health professionals and caregivers can collaborate more effectively in developing the autonomy of people wit h Intellectual Disability by promoting a more interactive environment which provides skills development and interpersonal relationships without discrimination, disrespect or prejudice. (Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP)
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Preventing falls in hospitalized elderly: design and validation of a team intervention
Conclusion The present study allowed validation of a team intervention by a panel of experts, so that teams can manage the risk of falls in hospitalized elderly. The reliability test results ensure that the intervention can be used safely in clinics and for research.RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo foi a elabora ção e validação, por um painel de especialistas, de intervenção em equipe para lidar com o risco de quedas nos idosos hospitalizados. Método O método usado foi uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, utilizando o método Delphi. O estudo foi desenvolvido em duas fases: na primeira, cinco pesquis...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Representations and care practices of health professionals for people with HIV
Conclusion It is important to encourage multiprofessional care for people living with HIV, so that professionals engage, develop critical thinking and are able to act in improving healthcare services. (Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP)
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 29, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Health alterations in nursing students after a year from admission to the undergraduate course
Conclusion: The nursing academic environment presents the potential for students to become ill. Institutions should rethink their curricular elements, promote resilience, and create spaces to promote students ’ health.RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar las alteraciones de salud en estudiantes de enfermer ía un año después del ingreso en la carrera universitaria. Método: Investigación longitudinal, prospectiva y cuantitativa, llevada a cabo en 2016 con estudiantes de enfermería del primer año de dos universidades de São Paulo. En el inicio y el fin del año lectivo, se aplicaron: Instrumento para Evaluación del Es...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 16, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Health literacy and adherence to treatment of patients with heart failure
Conclusion: The low level of literacy was directly related to lower adherence and the presence of barriers to medication adherence, as well as higher rehospitalization rates and death.RESUMEN Objetivo: Relacionar el nivel de literacia funcional en salud con la adhesi ón y barreras para la no adhesión medicamentosa, el reingreso hospitalario y el fallecimiento en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Método: Estudio transversal, analítico, con pacientes hospitalizados en servicio de urgencias, con diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca. La literacia fue eval uada en el alta por el Newest Vital Sign. La adhesión del p...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 16, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Musculoskeletal pain in undergraduate health students: prevalence and associated factors
Conclusion: The high prevalence of musculoskeletal pain demonstrates the need for strategies aimed at preventing this aggravation still in the academic setting.RESUMEN Objetivo: Verificar la prevalencia y factores asociados con el dolor musculoesquel ético en estudiantes de pregrado del área sanitaria. Método: Estudio transversal, realizado en con estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad del Sur de Brasil en el período de abril a julio de 2017. Se empleó el cuestionario de caracterización de los estudiantes y la versión brasileña del Standardized Nordic Questionnaire. Para el análisis, se emplearon estadístic...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 16, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Socioeconomic profile and degree of satisfaction of patients attending Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinics of a University Institution
Conclusion: Satisfaction surveys are important to identify opportunities for improving healthcare services, and it is incumbent upon managers, health professionals and even users to promote compliance with laws and decrees that seek to improve healthcare.RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o grau de satisfa ção e o perfil socioeconômico de pacientes que são atendidos em Clínicas Externas de Gastrenterologia de uma instituição universitária vinculada ao Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro. Método: Um questionário administrado por pesquisador foi aplicado durante uma entrevista estruturada em clínicas externas. Resultados...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 16, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research

Preventive risk analysis in the maintenance of patency of the peripherally inserted central catheter
ABSTRACT This theoretical and reflexive study analyzed the risks related to the maintenance of patency of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter with the use of saline solution in comparison with saline-filled syringes, through the application of the Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - HFMEA. The process was mapped, detailing the failure modes of each step. For the calculation of the Risk Priority Number, the severity and probability of the failure modes were analyzed. This analysis gave rise to the severity and probability matrix. Finally, actions to reduce the failure modes in the maintenance of patency wer...
Source: Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP - July 5, 2019 Category: Nursing Source Type: research