Mud-dirty communities: from destruction to resignification and resistance in mariana/mg, brazil
Resumo No dia 5 de novembro de 2015, o rompimento da barragem de rejeitos de Fund ão em Mariana-MG (Brasil) de propriedade das mineradoras Samarco, Vale e BHP Billiton destruiu comunidades e contaminou o Rio Doce, sendo reconhecido como o maior desastre/crime sócio ambiental do Brasil. Nosso objetivo neste artigo é compreender os sentidos de comunidade construídos e acessados pelos atingidos dessas localidades anteriormente ao desastre e após o mesmo. Para tal, recorreremos a dados coletados durante diferentes contatos com o campo realizados pelas três autoras e que incluíram a realização de visitas aos territór...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - August 13, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Social representation of family in transformation: fifty years in the famÍlia cristà magazine
This study is based on the constructs of social influence, ideology, and social representation. Catholic Christian ideology underlies this magazine's discourse, how ever, the family representation is shaped by socio-historical changes as well as influenced by different kinds of knowledge and institutions. Thereby, different meanings are produced: the patriarchal family as a selfless woman's responsibility; the families that are diverse and maintained through vi olence and misery; the educating family that must be subordinated to science; the Christian family that must follow the Church ’ s rules and practices; and finall...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - August 13, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Bodies, ‘minds’, emotions: an analysis on adhd and child socialization
This article discusses the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), understanding that its clinical and social delimitation is guided by norms of conduct that configure the process of child socialization. It deals with issues emerging from two fieldwork projects carried out in a children's psychiatry outpatient clinic (the author's master's dissertation) and in Brazilian schools (doctoral thesis). Respectively, the first one was from 2009 to 2011 and the second from 2012 to 2016. The gender issue raised by the prevalence of the disorder is used to analyze some of these norms of social conduct, especially those rela...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - August 13, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The social work psychology as a field of practices, knowledge and resistances
This study aimed to understand, from a bioecological analysis, how the relationships between tradition and sociability in Candombl é centers of the city of Uberaba-MG, Brazil, are based on the developmental narratives of their followers. We interviewed 14 followers from two centers of different nations (Ketu and Efon), with at least seven years of initiation. The results indicated strong tradition and generational and oral tra nsmission of knowledge. Interpersonal relationships in the Candomblé meeting places are fraternal and rescue elements of the family hierarchy, with a strong perception of the social support of this...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - July 10, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The tradition and socialization in the candomblÉ centers of uberaba-mg: bioecological analysis of religious trajectories
This study aimed to understand, from a bioecological analysis, how the relationships between tradition and sociability in Candombl é centers of the city of Uberaba-MG, Brazil, are based on the developmental narratives of their followers. We interviewed 14 followers from two centers of different nations (Ketu and Efon), with at least seven years of initiation. The results indicated strong tradition and generational and oral tra nsmission of knowledge. Interpersonal relationships in the Candomblé meeting places are fraternal and rescue elements of the family hierarchy, with a strong perception of the social support of this...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - July 10, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Analytical research operators with archives on michel foucault
Resumo Estudar documentos n ão é algo comum à Psicologia, porém, é um caminho pertinente para operar a problematização de nosso presente, que diz respeito a uma área tradicionalmente trabalhada pelos historiadores. Contudo, a Psicologia Social e Institucional tem buscado se apropriar dessa metodologia e, assim, aberto um campo relevante de estudos até então negligenciado pelos pesquisadores em Psicologia. Como nossa pesquisa se insere em um campo de estudos ainda pouco explorado pela Psicologia, acreditamos ser pertinente apresentar apontamentos sobre os embates que operaram no campo da história, para que se f o...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - July 10, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Perceptions and affections in prison: analysis of prisoners' and penitentiary officers' narratives
Resumo Trata-se de um estudo de caso numa penitenci ária do Ceará, Brasil, cujo objetivo foi identificar e analisar percepções ambientais de usuários em ambiente penal, pela expressão de suas experiências no lugar, bem como das simbologias a ele atribuídos. Por meio de entrevistas narrativas realizadas em novembro de 2017, participaram da pes quisa seis presos e seis agentes penitenciários. Suas respostas passaram por análise de conteúdo, permitindo identificar dimensões macro, meso, exo e microsistêmicas de relações ambientais na prisão. Fundamentado na Psicologia Ambiental, concluiu-se que a prisão provo...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

[trans] existence: erratic bodies, political gestures of resistance
Resumo Neste artigo trazemos a no ção de errância proposta no campo da arte e da arquitetura, para fazer uma analogia do transitar no espaço urbano com o trânsito de gênero. Considerando que a errância embute uma concepção de circular pelo espaço da cidade apenas orientado pela experiência de afetação no espaço-tempo p resente, discutimos a possibilidade de transitar entre masculinidades/feminilidades como um percurso corporal. Tomamos a noção de abjeção aqui para pensarmos a maneira desumanizada como essa errância é marcada, perdendo assim sua condição de alteridade. Consideramos que há um potencial...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Voice hearers of a mental health service: voice characteristics and coping strategies
Resumo Objetivou-se compreender a experi ência de ouvir vozes a partir das características e conteúdos das vozes, e das estratégias utilizadas por dezesseis ouvidores usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial do Sul do Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório. Se deu através de entrevistas semiestr uturadas e análise de conteúdo. Evidenciou-se que as características e conteúdos das vozes podem ser determinantes das reações emocionais dos ouvidores frente à experiência, sendo mais difícil lidar com ela quando os conteúdos são negativos. Através das estratégias utilizada...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Wandering and female nomadism: the case of two female wanderers
Resumo Para investigar o papel da mobilidade na constitui ção dos gêneros, realizamos uma pesquisa com mulheres trecheiras - mulheres sem residência fixa, transitando de cidade em cidade e que utilizam os serviços de assistência social. Participaram do estudo duas mulheres usuárias dos serviços da casa de acolhimento aos migrantes de uma cidade do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, situada na divisa dos Estados de São Paulo e Paraná. Mediante a perspectiva cartográfica e utilizando entrevistas abertas, observamos trajetórias marcantes de ruptura com a vida sedentária e a passagem para uma vida em trânsito, despren...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Crossing between coastlines: proposals for mental health in mozambique
This article is built on reflections based on a Brazilian psychoanalysis with an interface in social psychology, aiming to integrate it into the Mozambican Mental Health. Mozambique is a country that operates in a non-westernized logic; with a care system that for centuries has come from healing practices, known in the country as Traditional Medicine. As public mental health policies are governed by a Western perspective, a question was raised about the theoretical reformulations that might be necessary for the insertion of new clinical devices in the country, including traditional knowledge. Being a traverse, the method o...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Co-breeding between cognition and emotion in a location-based game
This study addresses cognitive and emotional processes in hybrid physical-digital spaces. It describes how emotional experience, cognitive processes, and coupling with technology play an important role in the production of narratives relating to gaming practices. As an empirical basis, workshops were held in which participants explored a digital game based on location. As indicators of analysis we observed the emergence of two levels of meaning production in the narratives: one related to the descriptions of the programming and another related to the performance of the player - his/her way of being present and of acting in...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Fatalism in peasant labor: from submission to the possibilities of rupture
This article focuses on discussing fatalism in peasant labor and its possibilities of rupture. It is based on the theoretical contributions of Ignacio Mart ín-Baró and takes as an empirical reference the reports of peasants from the Center-South region of the State of Paraná, Brazil. The reports were obtained through a conversation circle with agroecologist farmers and semi-structured interviews with five tobacco-producing families. Taking tobacco p roduction and the diversification of this production for agroecological agriculture as an example, this work seeks to highlight labor relations as a source of fatalism in th...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Producing ethical education with deleuze at a brazilian municipal school for youth and adult education - eja
Resumo Neste texto, amparados pelos conceitos de Deleuze e utilizando-nos do m étodo cartográfico, que consiste no acompanhamento de processos de uma realidade, objetivamos compartilhar um momento de nossa pesquisa-intervenção centrada na produção estética dos corpos em escolas, realizada em escola municipal de EJA. Focar-nos-emos no acompanhamento do caso de uma estuda nte, a qual angustiava aos educadores por ser entendida como sujeito de educação especial e vítima de abuso sexual. Lançando mão da noção deleuzeana de ética para acompanhar esse caso, discutiremos como se dá a construção de uma educação...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Graffiti that (contra)dict : genders and sexualities on urban scene's polyphony
This study aimed to analyze the discursive communication on women, feminisms, gender and sexuality of urban graffiti that were inscribed in circulation routes and on public and private buildings in neighborhoods of Rome's urban and historical center, in Italy. An interdisciplinary work was carried out between social psychology and architecture in a dialogical discursive, historical-urbanistic and historical-architectural perspective. Moreover, it was carried out the graffiti's geolocation; contacts with the graffitti main authors; and an analysis of graffiti discursive practices. This was carried out considering the social...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 2, 2020 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research