Critical theory and social psychology: relevance of empirical research
The objective of this essay is to indicate limits and advances obtained by social psychology, as it is delimited by the Critical Theory of Society, especially by T.W. Adorno, through some empirical studies developed since the 1990s in our country. To achieve this goal, the essay was divided in three parts. In the first one, we discuss about the discipline of social psychology, from the Critical Theory of Society viewpoint. In the second part, the importance of the empirical research for the Critical Theory is emphasized. Finally, in the last part, some results of the mentioned above researches are presented, indicating con...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 8, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Women, higher education, labor market and society: an overview
The objective of this article is to present a theoretical study about female participation in Brazilian society, giving special attention to higher education and the labor market. Statistics are presented to compare and discuss female and male data on: academic choice; the average number of hours devoted to work activities and domestic/family activities; and the average remuneration in the labor market. The results point to different patterns - according to gender - in the choice of higher education and in the assumption of responsibilities related to domestic tasks. In addition, the data show that predominantly male areas...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 8, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Becker and the silence about writing in graduate school: old solutions to the current brazilian scenario?
We present a theoretical essay on the association between the forms of social influence: compliance, identification and internalization - and moral development from child to adult, through the levels: Pre-conventional, Conventional and Postconventional - consecutive with the development of thought, postulating the existence of Groupthink between the egocentric thinking - proper of the Pre-conventional level in the infancy, and sociocentric thinking, proper of the Postconventional level, possible to the adult. The Groupthink is established in the Conventional level and is perpetuated in the adults due to processes of domina...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The political dimension of work: cooperation as society management tool
We present a theoretical essay on the association between the forms of social influence: compliance, identification and internalization - and moral development from child to adult, through the levels: Pre-conventional, Conventional and Postconventional - consecutive with the development of thought, postulating the existence of Groupthink between the egocentric thinking - proper of the Pre-conventional level in the infancy, and sociocentric thinking, proper of the Postconventional level, possible to the adult. The Groupthink is established in the Conventional level and is perpetuated in the adults due to processes of domina...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Social influence, active minorities and moral development: theoretical essay on brazilian political representativeness
We present a theoretical essay on the association between the forms of social influence: compliance, identification and internalization - and moral development from child to adult, through the levels: Pre-conventional, Conventional and Postconventional - consecutive with the development of thought, postulating the existence of Groupthink between the egocentric thinking - proper of the Pre-conventional level in the infancy, and sociocentric thinking, proper of the Postconventional level, possible to the adult. The Groupthink is established in the Conventional level and is perpetuated in the adults due to processes of domina...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Bicicle becoming supporting the healthcare network
RESUMO Este artigo investiga pr áticas de apoio na rede de saúde ao problematizar o cuidado à população em situação de rua. Apoiado pelo conceito de biopoder, o estudo analisa as formações disciplinares e a regulamentação da vida que atravessam a rede de cuidados, que, normalmente, espera receber usuários já padroniza dos, o que traz como efeito a marginalização de determinadas populações. A pesquisa-intervenção cartográfica norteia o método ao desenhar uma trajetória de cuidado em uma situação experienciada entre Consultório na Rua, Unidade Básica de Saúde e usuário morador de rua. Como resulta...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Social media: self narratives construction of adolescents
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é compreender como o espaço digital permite a construção de narrativas de si para adolescentes, evidenciando novas estratégias de sociabilidade contemporâneas, a partir de uma aproximação teórica bakhtiniana. Trata-se de uma investigação exploratória e de inspiração etnográfica. Os pa rticipantes da pesquisa foram seis pessoas, com idade entre 16 e 18 anos. O processo de pesquisa ocorreu através da observação das movimentações no Facebook e entrevista individual. A análise partiu das narrativas e da produção discursiva dos adolescentes, organizada nos eixos: economia e ...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Relations between professional self-concept and high productivity in the graduate school context
RESUMO As pesquisas que abordam a atividade docente, sobretudo no contexto da p ós-graduação, têm acumulado considerável aparato denunciativo acerca da intensificação do trabalho docente, no qual o produtivismo impera. Nesse âmbito, o presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender efeitos do produtivismo sobre o trabalho docente e seus reflexos na estruturação do autoc onceito profissional, tendo em vista os aspectos disfuncionais derivados da racionalidade econômica. O estudo de abordagem qualitativa ocorreu por meio de entrevistas em profundidade feitas com a participação de seis docentes pertencentes a progr...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Contributions of gonzÁlez rey’s qualitative epistemology to transdisciplinary studies
This article observes that Gonz ález Rey ’ s thought is a possibility for a transdisciplinary study because it approaches the methodological pillars: the complexity thinking and the Hidden Third are present in his works, and the author also walks towards the understanding of levels of reality. In addition, the author breaks up with the subject simplification and any kind of dogma, and establishes a path for conducting a research that questions the hegemonic studies. (Source: Psicologia e Sociedade)
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Loves to love: polyamory at contemporaneity
RESUMO O amor construiu-se historicamente com base no amor rom ântico, patriarcal, heteronormativo e de monogamia compulsória. Atualmente, novas construções - dentre elas o poliamor - defendem a possibilidade de amar e/ou se relacionar sexualmente com mais de uma pessoa simultaneamente. O objetivo desta pesquisa - qualitativa descritiva e exploratória - fo i compreender as expressões do poliamor. Foram realizadas entrevistas narrativas com seis participantes que se identificaram como poliamoristas ou declararam estar envolvidos em relação amorosa e/ou sexual múltipla consentida por todos. Os dados foram analisados...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Participation is trendy: a social psychological approach to the participatory budget
This study aims to analyze structural factors underlying participation, often neglected by social psychology. An exploratory study was carried out on participatory budgeting sessions in three municipalities in Portugal. From an ethnographic perspective, we have compared contextual factors related to different participatory budgeting models; differences in citizens ’ participation which may be attributed to the social, cultural and political contexts of each municipality; and how the spatial organization, the resources applied and the type of communication used in the different budgeting sessions may possibly shape the w...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Precocity in making decision about college career
This article aims to problematize the process of professional choice among students of different age groups. We use social constructionist psychology and Pierre Bourdieu notions (habitus, space of possibilities, social space). We interviewed 14 Psychology students from a Spanish public university, as different ages, with different types of access to university, graduates of high school (bachilleratos). We used the narrative interview, we organized the data with the help of the Atlas-ti program; we use thematic categorical analysis. We identified three types of academic trajectories (precocious, intermediate, late), which w...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Research in rural contexts: ethical and methodological challenges for psychology
This article discusses the methodological strategies adopted in a survey in rural settlements of the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Piau í, and shares the difficulties experienced in making decisions and facing challenges when it comes to investigating these contexts. It is intended to help in new works that, in addition to denouncing these population's vulnerable conditions, will also generate knowledge that increases access public policies and subsidize professional actions consistent with the needs and characteristics of territories, as well as qualify the discussions for the rural populations are not investigated ...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The body and the adoption of sustainable practices: a case study in an ecovillage
This article investigates the role of the body in the adoption of sustainable social practices. Based on Social Practice Theories, it indicates the role of routinization in the maintenance of unsustainable lifestyles. Grounded in a case study carried out in a Brazilian ecovillage, it shows that the existence of environmental values does not automatically lead people to change their behaviors. The transformation of daily practices demands a change in habits and automatisms embodied through one ’ s socialization in the consumer society. The intentional embodiment of new practices is a process that demands time and a work o...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

World economic crisis: childhood and adolescence in the analysis of unicef documents
This article had as goal to investigate the historical production of childhood and youth in several countries affected by the global financial crisis that ecloded in 2008 at the United States. Various documents produced by UNICEF describing how the financial system collapse affected or aggravated the life conditions of children and adolescents were used, as well as other international articles that gave support to the documental data analysis. This research was done by means of a historical revision and problematization of literature narratives in the African, Asian, European and American continents. The search found stron...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - June 7, 2018 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research