RESUMO Os estudos de g ênero e feministas têm sido desenvolvidos em diversas áreas das ciências humanas e sociais no Brasil, contribuindo para a consolidação de um campo de pesquisa amplo, marcado por uma heterogeneidade epistemológica, teórica e metodológica. Entretanto, a literatura indica que o campo do gêner o tem vivido uma crise significativa, principalmente a partir das críticas que tal noção recebeu das feministas da terceira onda. Interessou-nos analisar se e como no contexto brasileiro tais críticas têm marcado a produção em psicologia social. Para tanto, identificamos e analisamos as produ çõe...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

RESUMO Nosso objetivo foi caracterizar os artigos sobre a Teoria das Representa ções Sociais (TRS) publicados na revista Psicologia& Sociedade entre 1996 e 2015, analisando: (a) tipo de artigo; (b) institui ção do primeiro autor; (c) localização geográfica do primeiro autor; (d) área de conhecimento do primeiro autor; e (e) temas do objeto de pesquisa em 55 artigos. Houve um aumento substancial dos artigos publicados comparando as duas décadas investigadas, passando de 14, na primeira, para 41 n a segunda. Predominaram artigos empíricos (83,6% do total), em especial na segunda década pesquisada. Autores do S...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

This article presents a descriptive and exploratory analysis of the publications of the online journal Psicologia& Sociedade, which address the 'Work' as an object of study. Such analysis was performed in four steps, being the first bibliometric: quantification of magazine production in the five-year period 2010-2014, in all its categories of publications. Later phases of the analysis corresponded to metasynthesis the titles and abstracts of articles with special cutout in each method of production. Finally, two articles from theoretical research were analyzed in order to support an internal critique of the scientific ...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Historical analysis of communitarian social psychology in brazil
RESUMO Este texto apresenta debates relativos ao campo da Psicologia Social Comunit ária (PSC) tomando como base suas produções textuais nas últimas duas décadas (1990-2010). O mapeamento do conjunto de artigos, teses, dissertações e livros produzidos sob o signo PSC foi o procedimento utilizado para problematizar o que tem sido realizado por este movimento que se constitui como uma das versões contemporâneas da Psicologia Social. Contextualizamos as produções a partir das mudanças de rumo da profissão e da reivindicação por uma nova direção para a Psicologia Social produzida em território latino-american...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The timeliness of critical theories and the revitalization of the analytical category "ideology" in social psychology
RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar a atualidade das teorias críticas ao campo da Psicologia Social, propondo a revitalização da categoria analítica ideologia. Trata-se de um artigo teórico-empírico, dividido em quatro partes: (a) breve histórico do conceito de ideologia, (b) articulação teórica da ideologia com a Psicologia Social, (c) identificação das tendências na produção de artigos na Psicologia& Sociedade, de maneira a verificar alguns caminhos conceituais de ideologia nesta revista e (d) reflex ão sobre como o emprego da ideologia no sentido crítico pode colaborar na análise do atual co...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The social psychology of theodor adorno in brazilian production (1984-2015)
This article presents part of a study that sought to illuminate a Brazilian tradition of research in Social Psychology, based on Theodor Adorno's theory. Its aim was to identify and discuss references and appropriations of Adorno's theory, particularly its proposal for Social Psychology, by Brazilian researchers between 1984 and 2015. Through the analysis of scientific literature, 197 articles were found, and a thematic analysis was carried out in 87 of those, characterized as belonging to Psychology, based on the categories: studies of social domination and violence (24); studies on the individual and cultural formation (...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The formation of social psychology as a scientific field in brazil
This article continues with a presentation of the critiques originated in the United States and Europe, on the social relevance of this discipline. Finally, it discusses the meaning of this critique and the different answers that were given to the Brazilian case. (Source: Psicologia e Sociedade)
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The (im)possibility of dialogue: public conversations and lgbt rights
This study discusses the use of the Public Conversation Project (PCP) strategies in the promotion of dialogues about civil rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Four group meetings were audio-recorded and fully literally transcribed afterwards. The analysis focused on the identification of arresting moments, which were discussed in the articulation with PCP technique, social constructionism and contemporary discussions about ethics and human rights. PCP conversational structure favors the creation of conditions appropriate to dialogue once it adjourns the necessity of producing immediate solutions and ag...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Narrative identities and youth organizations in cali popular sectors
In conclusion, it can be said that stories are contextualized but reflect how young people re-create and subvert their sociopolitical realities. (Source: Psicologia e Sociedade)
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The community in social representations of violence
RESUMEN El presente art ículo propone un estudio teórico de la violencia en las representaciones sociales desde la concepción de lo comunitario. Esta categoría es analizada no solo desde la noción tradicional de lo comunitario como espacio geográfico sino explicada como cualidad o vínculo social de simetría o asime tría. Para ello, se revisaron artículos clásicos sobre estas categorías así como artículos de revistas arbitradas e informes de comunidades científicas y centros de investigación, preferentemente publicadas en los últimos diez años. Se examinan los presupuestos de la teoría de las represe ntac...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Territory and social and community psychology, political and epistemological paths/implications
RESUMEN "Territorio" es un concepto originado en el campo disciplinar de la Geograf ía, que a lo largo del siglo XX ha ido reformulándose según las distintas corrientes del pensamiento social. Es factible reconocer que en la actualidad dicho concepto ha trascendido su ámbito disciplinar y es utilizado profusamente en el campo de las ciencias sociales, en general, y en la Psicol ogía Social y Comunitaria, en particular. Trascendiendo el encuadre disciplinar de la geografía, el presente trabajo se propone realizar un recorrido analítico para comprender las implicancias políticas y epistemológicas que supone el uso d...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Young women in the rural context: gender, life projects and territory in photocomposition
This article analyzes the interface between gender and territory as identity markers present in the speeches and pictures about life projects of young women from rural areas. The research process included autobiographical narratives interviews and photo compositions made by the participants, which sought to integrate aspects of their academic trajectories, vital and professional projects, life choices and cultural and community demands that influence in the process of defining their vital projects. The approach to this group, often on the margins of production of knowledge in Psychology, allows us to understand how the ide...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Forms of subjectivization of young people in territory with social and environmental conflict
RESUMO A instala ção de um grande empreendimento de mineração transformou a dinâmica social e ambiental na região próxima à Conceição do Mato Dentro, interior de Minas Gerais. A proposta extrativista alterou profundamente as relações históricas entre sujeitos, comunidades e territórios. A partir de uma pesquisa de orientação etnográfica analisamos como os jovens se subjetivam frente aos deslocamentos provocados na região. Os modos de subjetivação se constituem na configuração de formas de ser, sentir e agir frente às mudanças objetivas no território. Embora os jovens se queixem do empr eendimento ...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Construction of identity(ties) in old age: the territories as identitarian landmarks
This article aims to reflect on the specific contribution of the territories - the house, the street, the surroundings - as a key reference in the identity construction of the elderly. Our reflective base was built from observations and descriptions of the territory known as "Alta", situated in the historical core of Coimbra, Portugal, and semi-structured interviews with 12 of its residents as well as from field notes, systematized in a research logbook, built for this purpose. The identity construction of much of the elderly is deeply anchored in the territories where they live, especially when these people have been livi...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Medicine with the binding vote: the criminally insane
This article discusses the insertion of medicine in the legal order concerning crimes committed by person in state of insanity in Brazil in the period comprehended between 1890 and 1940. The comprehension of this insertion is justified for the necessity of debating the present treatment dispensed to this population, in order to understand the historical processes that built it. The studied material points to a medical science identity capable of unveiling the enigma of insanity and crime, providing answers when the two phenomena occur simultaneously in the court. Therefore, allegedly holder of this capability, medicine has...
Source: Psicologia e Sociedade - October 18, 2016 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research