Night Owls Should Give A Hoot About Health Risks of Staying Up Late
Are you a night owl or an early bird? Do you burn the midnight oil or are you early to bed, early to rise? It is customary now to divide people into morning and evening people. The morning type has peak performance in the morning. They are perky, get up easily and get started with work with a clear head. This is as it is supposed to be in nature. Then there is the evening type, who is at peak performance in the afternoon or evening.  They have difficulty waking up and can't function without their coffee. It takes them more effort to concentrate on a morning task and they often don’t seem cheerful until later in the day...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - February 13, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

The Autism Connection
Should We Be Blaming Just Genes for the Increase in Autism? We can't blame our genes for this horrible disease anymore! What's causing the increase in Autism cases in children? The danger of having an autistic child is very real.  According to the CDC about one out of every 100 children are born with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  But what is the cause of this horrible disease? For a long time scientists believed that autism is caused by bad genes.  Until recently. Since 1980 there was a dramatic rise in the new cases of Autism.  This was difficult to explain with bad genes, because if a disease is linked to gen...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - February 13, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Can we defeat cancer?
Are you afraid of dying from cancer?  I am, because I have a family history of cancer. I also know how much one can suffer with cancer. And cancer is hitting people more and more now. The chance that you’ll die from cancer is about 20 to 25%. That’s a scary statistic. But is there anything we can do about it?  Or is it our destiny? Even though Richard Nixon declared a war on cancer a long time ago --in 1971-- we are still far away from defeating cancer.  But what about some official medical sources that are declaring victory over cancer? They claim declining cancer death rates, but many doctors believe that the ...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - February 12, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Do women have to have menopause?
Don’t let it hit too early! I see it in my office every day. A woman in her early 50s comes in, complaining of hot flashes, brain fog, memory loss, fatigue and low sex drive. The cause is most likely menopause. Everything looks pretty straightforward, so I shouldn’t have any further questions. Except one: does she really need to suffer? Does she really have to have menopause and its miserable symptoms? According to the mainstream point of view, yes. A woman has to have a menopause. There’s even an explanation out there; it’s called the grandmother hypothesis. According to this theory, a postmenopausal woman is supp...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - February 5, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Working out: exercise caution!
How hard should you push yourself? The benefits of regular exercise are very well known:  it boosts the immune system and brain function, and improves mood and heart function.  Many people go to a gym to jog on a treadmill, or do aerobic exercises that are low-intensity but do them for a relatively long period of time. The lowdown on low-intensity workouts But lately there’s been a debate about whether this is a good practice. Some people believe that low-intensity exercise for a relatively long period of time doesn't do any good. Their rationale is: in the animal kingdom, there is no such thing as low-intensity, susta...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - February 5, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Are geniuses losing their genius?
How to boost your brainpower Despite technical advances like supercomputers and the internet, there have been very few big scientific breakthroughs in recent years. Most new scientific advances are based on old knowledge—not completely new thinking. What’s going on? Are there no geniuses anymore? No new Einsteins or Darwins out there? Has everything in science been explained already? Hardly. But there has been a dramatic shift in how scientists practice modern day science. (  Even though almost all information is at our fingertips, it seems that ...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - February 5, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Fat Free Food Is Harmful For Weight Loss Plan
Only Fewer Calories Will Help Diet Goals! In order to lose weight, we need to eat less calories. Absolutely. There is no doubt about it, and no argument against it. Obesity cannot be blamed on our families, because the truth heredity does play a role, but only a small role in our weight. You know who is truly responsible for our weight? We are! And it is not only in the amount of calories that we eat, but in where those calories come from that can decide how much weight we take off or put on. In a recent article by Dr. Marc Hyman, he describes in detail the truth about how fat free foods can actually make us eat more. (htt...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - January 31, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Aspartame Controversy
It’s common knowledge that losing unhealthy weight by reducing caloric intake is a good idea, but a way to make the process easier isn’t clear. One of the suggested ways to lose unhealthy pounds is to substitute sugar (which is rich in calories) with artificial sweeteners, which have almost no calories. The idea became so popular, that even traditional makers of sweet soft drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi decided to introduce drinks with artificial sweeteners. The idea worked, people liked artificial sweeteners so much that they are now in more than 6000 food products and beverages worldwide, including (but not limited ...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - January 31, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Antibiotics In Our Meat Can Build Up Our Resistance
For over 50 years, the animals that eventually end on our plates have been given antibiotics to kill pathogens, but now, the FDA is warning that the misuse and overuse of the antibiotics is causing us to be more resistant. And right now, the concentration desperately needs to be on trying to develop ways to reduce resistance. How did it get to this point? Well, it’s simple. Using chemicals, medicines, poisons in our food is killing us. We are beyond toxic. A full story on the dangers of our meat causing the resistance can be found here: So, yes, ...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - January 31, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Bisphosphonates Have Been Linked To Esophageal Cancer Adding to the List of Possible Problems They Can Cause
Once again, bisphosphonates are in the news, this time being linked to esophageal cancer. Bisphosphonates are a common treatment used for osteoporosis. We have written about it on our site before for the damage they can cause to bones. Bisphosphonates, especially in the case of osteoporosis, cause the bones to have constant turnover, and inhibits the digestion of bone by osteoclasts. Bisphosphonates actually create an abnormal bone, which is relatively fine for about seven years and then becomes more prone to breaking. It’s also noted that prolonged treatment, while it can decrease the number of fractures, can actually ...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - January 24, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Energy drinks: death in a can?
You need energy for everything you do, from doing your job, to having s.e.x., to walking down the street. But drinking an energy drink to increase your energy just might send you to the emergency room. This isn’t just my opinion, it was reported on a government health website, which reports an increase in ER visits due to energy drink consumption: ( And energy drinks might do more than send you to the ER. Can caffeine kill? November 2000.  An 18-year-old student drank three Red Bull energy drinks before a basketball game and died during the match. The medi...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - January 24, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs

Flu prevention tips
Flu can kill—arm your immune system against it! I’m exposed to sick patients all day long. With this year’s flu epidemic, I’m exposed to even more sick patients than usual. Some of them ask me, “Doc, aren’t you sick yet?  Did you get flu this year?  Did you get vaccinated?” Yes, the flu season this year is bad. In Boston, at least 18 patients died recently and they declared a medical emergency. New York has also declared an emergency. But you don’t have to be one of the statistics. I’m living proof that flu can be prevented In my practice, one patient ended up in the hospital, and countless others are...
Source: Doctor Kalitenko antiaging blog - January 24, 2013 Category: Physicians With Health Advice Authors: admin Source Type: blogs