Efficacy and safety of cryotherapy, cold cone or thermocoagulation compared to LEEP as a therapy for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: Systematic review.
CONCLUSIONS The treatment of premalignant lesions of cervical cancer with cold knife reduces the risk of residual disease. Nevertheless, cryotherapy reduces the risk of minor bleeding in the 24 hours after treatment and increases the risk of recurrence of disease and infections.RESUMEN OBJETIVOS Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del uso de crioterapia, cono frio o termo-coagulaci ón en comparación con el procedimiento de escisión electroquirúrgica en asa (LEEP) para el manejo de neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales. MÉTODOS Revisión sistemática de ensayos controlados aleatorizados en mujeres con neoplasia intraepi...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - March 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Cross-cultural adaptation of the Clear Communication Index to Brazilian Portuguese
CONCLUSION The process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Clear Communication Index provided an adapted version to the Brazilian Portuguese language. (Source: Revista de Saude Publica)
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - March 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Relationship between anthropometric indicators and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adults and older adults of Rio Branco, Acre
CONCLUSION Anthropometric variables are important predictors of cardiovascular risk; however, their assessments should be performed independently, according to sex and age group.RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar a associa ção entre variáveis antropométricas e os fatores de risco cardiovascular na população de adultos e idosos de Rio Branco, Acre. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal de base populacional com 641 adultos e 957 idosos. As análises estatísticas consistiram na distribuição das variáveis antropométrica s segundo os fatores de risco cardiovascular por medidas de frequência e dispersão. Foram calculadas a correlaçÃ...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - March 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

The case of eculizumab: litigation and purchases by the Brazilian Ministry of Health
CONCLUSION Eculizumab represented extremely significant expenditures for the Brazilian Ministry of Health during the period. All purchases were made to meet demands from lawsuits, outside the competitive environment. The market approval of eculizumab promoted an important price reduction. This study indicates the relevance of licensing and the need for permanent monitoring and auditing of drug purchases to meet legal demands.RESUMO OBJETIVOS O estudo examinou as aquisi ções de eculizumabe, um anticorpo monoclonal de alto custo utilizado no tratamento de doenças raras, pelos órgãos federais brasileiros, em termos das...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - March 2, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Practices and challenges on coordinating the Brazilian Unified Health System
CONCLUSION The limiting factors of coordination show the need to promote actions that offer all SUS users full access to health services.RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar os entraves e desafios enfrentados pelos gestores e profissionais de regula ção em suas práticas nas centrais reguladoras municipais. MÉTODOS Estudo descritivo exploratório com enfoque qualitativo, aplicado em quarenta gestores e profissionais de regulação, no período de setembro de 2017 e novembro de 2018, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, resultando em duas categorias de análise: fatores limitantes e fatores facilitadores da gestão e operacio...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - February 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Health access to immigrants: identifying gaps for social protection in health
CONCLUSIONS Disadvantages persist regarding the access to and use of health services by immigrants as opposed to Chileans compared with information from previous years. It is necessary to reduce the gaps between immigrants and people born in Chile, especially in terms of health system access. This is the first barrier to effective use of services. The generation of concrete strategies and health policies that consider an approach of social participation of the immigrant community is suggested to bring the health system closer to this population.RESUMEN OBJETIVO Comparar el acceso y uso efectivo de servicios de salud disp...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - February 17, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Structure and practices in hospitals of the Apice ON Project: a baseline study
CONCLUSION The study strengthens the relevance of the Apice ON project as an inducer of change of the care model in teaching hospitals and, therefore, as a strategy for the implementation of the national public policy represented by the Stork Network.RESUMO OBJETIVO Este artigo descreve algumas caracter ísticas dos 97 hospitais de ensino participantes do Projeto de Aprimoramento e Inovação no Cuidado e Ensino em Obstetrícia e Neonatologia (Apice ON). MÉTODOS Foi adotado como linha de base o semestre anterior ao lançamento do programa, para permitir avaliar as mudanças estruturais e process uais decorrentes dess...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

AGRASS Questionnaire: Assessment of Risk Management in Health Care
CONCLUSIONS The AGRASS Questionnaire is a potentially useful instrument for the surveillance and monitoring of the risk management and patient safety in health services.RESUMO OBJETIVO O estudo objetiva descrever a constru ção e análise da validade do Questionário Avaliação da Gestão de Riscos Assistenciais em Serviços de Saúde (AGRASS). MÉTODOS Trata-se de estudo de validação de um instrumento de medida nas etapas: 1. construção do modelo conceitual e itens; 2. apreciação formal multidisciplinar; 3. grupo nominal para análise da validade com especialistas da esfera nacional; 4. desenvolvimento de softw...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Sociodemographic factors associated with the consumption of ultra-processed foods in Colombia
CONCLUSION In Colombia, industrialized bread is the ultra-processed product that is most easily assimilated into the traditiona l diet, along with snacks and sugary drinks. Children and adolescents residing in urban areas and households with greater purchasing power have some of the highest intakes of ultra-processed foods in the country.RESUMEN OBJETIVO Analizar el consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados en la poblaci ón colombiana según factores sociodemográficos. MÉTODOS Se usaron datos de la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional en Colombia del año 2005. El consumo de alimentos se evaluó por medio de ...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Compliance of infant formula promotion on websites of Brazilian manufacturers and drugstores
CONCLUSION We identified non compliances with the Law No. 11,256/2006 in almost all websites of infant formula manufacturers and in all the websites of drugstore networks. Most promotion strategies were found at drugstore websites, which are the main channels for online sales. (Source: Revista de Saude Publica)
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - February 11, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Democracy and Health: reflections and challenges before the 16th Brazilian National Health Conference
ABSTRACT This text aimed to analyze characteristics and challenges of the 16th Brazilian National Health Conference based on the conference three thematic axes: Health as a right; Consolidation of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) principles; Adequate and enough funding for SUS. Given the initiatives to dismantle the social security model and the setbacks of social protection policies, to delimitate health in an expanded sense is essential to defend the SUS project. We analyzed the proposal of Universal Health Coverage as an alternative to universal systems. We then presented the restrictions of universal coverage ...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - January 31, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Whither social determinants of health?
Abstract This critical commentary extends the debate on social determinants of health and disease. Its main argument is that while further studies are unnecessary to demonstrate the fundamentally social distribution of health outcomes, extant analyses rarely engage with the fact that poverty and other forms of oppression are political choices made by societies, which are both contemporaneously contingent and historically situated. This view must guide research and debate in the area so that studies intending to bring injustice to light do not end up naturalizing it. Research based on this fundamental understanding may help...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - January 31, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Resolution, access, and waiting time for specialties in different models of care
CONCLUSIONS Primary health care services have been responsible for a large number of treatments, whereas the demand f or referrals has decreased, suggesting that such services have established themselves as a gateway to the health system and achieved the expected solvability, although the waiting time for some specialties is very long. (Source: Revista de Saude Publica)
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - January 31, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Pre-frailty, frailty and associated factors in older caregivers of older adults
CONCLUSION Many factors associated with the frailty syndrome may be related to the act of providing care, which emphasizes the importance of the development of coping strategies for this population. (Source: Revista de Saude Publica)
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - January 31, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research

Feeding practices of low birth weight Brazilian infants and associated factors
CONCLUSIONS The low prevalence of diverse feeding combined with the high prevalence of ultra-processed food consumption characterizes the low quality of feeding of low birth weight Brazilian infants. Individual and contextual factors impact the feeding quality of this population, suggesting the need for effective strategies to increase the consumption of fresh and minimally processed foods and decrease the consumption of ultra-processed foods by this vulnerable population.RESUMO OBJETIVO Caracterizar a alimenta ção complementar e analisar a influência de fatores individuais e contextuais sobre práticas alimentares de...
Source: Revista de Saude Publica - January 31, 2020 Category: International Medicine & Public Health Source Type: research