Autobiographical narratives in the elderly with neurocognitive disorder: an integrative literature review
Conclusion: it is observed that the literature researched presents a limited number of articles, adressing the autobiographical narrative as a discursive activity in the elderly with neurocognitive disorder.RESUMEN Objetivo: realizar una revisi ón integrativa de la literatura sobre la narrativa autobiográfica como actividad discursiva del adulto mayor con trastorno neurocognitivo. Métodos: estudio descriptivo que cubrió las bases de datos Scopus, SciELO, PubMed y Science Direct, en el periodo de 2009 a 2019, con las palabras clave: na rrativa autobiográfica, demencia, reminiscencia, adulto mayor y el operador boolea...
Source: Revista CEFAC - August 19, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Speech profile in Down syndrome: speech apraxia x speech disorder of musculoskeletal origin
This study presents an analysis of linguistic aspects at the segmental and suprasegmental levels in individuals with Down syndrome with or without a diagnosis of speech apraxia. Ten individuals of both sexes, aged between 13 and 32 years, participated in the study. Data collection was performed, individually and separately, in a video recorded therapeutic session. Speech tasks consisted of word repetition, repetition of sentences and automatic speech. The speech samples were submitted to phonetic transcription with a description and analysis of phonoarticulatory alterations, typology of disfluencies and prosodic alteration...
Source: Revista CEFAC - August 5, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Audiological assessment and otoacoustic emissions in patients with head and neck cancer
Conclusion: individuals with a history of head and neck cancer had higher pure-tone auditory thresholds than their controls, especially at the higher frequencies. This evidences the deleterious effect of ototoxicity on the peripheral auditory system of adults. The otoacoustic emissions were similar in the two groups.RESUMO Objetivo: descrever os achados audiol ógicos e das emissões otoacústicas em pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço e compará-los com indivíduos sem a doença. Métodos: estudo observacional transversal comparativo realizado em dois grupos: Estudo: indivíduos com histórico de câncer de cabe...
Source: Revista CEFAC - July 17, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Relation between acoustic analysis of swallowing and the presence of pharyngeal residue and penetration/aspiration in resistant hypertensive patients with obstructive sleep apnea
Conclusion: a relationship between measurements of swallowing acoustic signal and pharyngeal re sidue in this population was found, but not between swallowing sounds and penetration/aspiration. (Source: Revista CEFAC)
Source: Revista CEFAC - July 17, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Preparing printed information materials to share speech-language pathology and audiology promotion and recommendations with health professionals
(Source: Revista CEFAC)
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 19, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Study on hearing loss and its relationship with work in pesticide-exposed tobacco growers
ABSTRACT The Purpose of this case report is to present four cases of tobacco growers with hearing loss due to occupational exposure to pesticides. A qualitative case study comprising three cases of sensorineural hearing loss with causal nexus (Cases 1, 2 and 4), and one (Case 3) of sensorineural hearing loss compatible with ototoxicity by pesticides, with causal nexus mainly based on minor neuropsychiatric disorders. The sample was composed of rural workers with health problems, in working age, having started working early in life, exposed to various pesticides, including organophosphates. The auditory and neurovegetative ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Effect of spectral overlays on visual parameters and reading ability: an integrative review
Conclusion: the effectiveness of overlays in improving reading quality is consistently demonstrated in the literature. The reviewed articles showed that the overlays ’ effect is more expressive when the visual stress is associated with conditions that present sensory alterations and cortical hyperactivity.RESUMO Objetivo: oferecer uma revis ão integrativa dos artigos indexados publicados de 2009 a 2019 sobre o efeito das lâminas espectrais (overlays) em parâmetros visuais e na habilidade de leitura. Métodos: utilizou-se a pesquisa de palavras-chave em sete bancos de dados. Foram excluídos registros duplicados, re...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Sustained auditory attention ability in children based on the breathing mode
Conclusion: it can be concluded that individuals with oral and oronasal breathing had more complaints in the auditory behavior and worse performance in the SAAAT, especially for inattention and total errors.RESUMO Objetivo: analisar, em crian ças com diferentes modos respiratórios, o comportamento auditivo e o desempenho no Teste da Habilidade de Atenção Auditiva Sustentada (THAAS). Métodos: participaram 30 indivíduos, na faixa etária dos sete aos onze anos, sendo 11 do sexo masculino e 19 do sexo feminino. Os mesmos foram distri buídos nos grupos de respiradores nasais, orais e oronasais. Foi aplicado, aos respo...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Transcultural translation and adaptation of the Assessment Battery for Communication (ABaCo) for the Portuguese population
Conclusion: ABaCo has proved to be an appropriate instrument for assessing communication in the Portuguese adult population. Despite the limitations, this instrument is expected to be useful in the evaluation of the communication, following TBI.RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a tradu ção e adaptação transcultural da bateria ABaCo para a população portuguesa e verificar as suas propriedades psicométricas. Métodos: foi realizada a tradução e retroversão da ABaCo. Foram recrutados 40 participantes sem patologia. Foram utilizadas as duas Formas equivalentes (Forma A e B) , constituídas por quatro escalas: linguística,...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Characterization of neuropsychomotor and language development of children receiving care from groups at an extended Family Health Care Center: an interprofessional approach
Conclusion: it is concluded that children both at risk and with psychomotor delays pose a great demand. Most of them present language delays, and have difficulties in other areas as well, confirming the need for health professionals ’ multi- and interdisciplinary actions. NASF is an option for promoting follow-up and intervention.RESUMO Objetivo: caracterizar o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e de linguagem de crian ças encaminhadas para fonoaudiologia e fisioterapia do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família (NASF) de Paranaguá-PR, Brasil. Métodos: 36 crianças de 3-13 (7,9±2,3) anos foram avaliadas por meio de an...
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Metanalysis: building evidence-based speech therapy
(Source: Revista CEFAC)
Source: Revista CEFAC - June 4, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Educational institutions as a field for speech-language-hearing research: an analysis of publications in brazilian journals
Conclusion: national speech-language-hearing research conducted in educational institutions has privileged practices in the fields of language and voice, in elementary school, with students and teachers.RESUMO Objetivo: analisar e caracterizar as publica ções fonoaudiológicas que têm como campo instituições de ensino brasileiras. Métodos: houve o acesso nas páginas de todas as revistas ativas e inativas da Fonoaudiologia nacional para análise dos títulos e resumos de todos os artigos que remetiam à pesquisa em instituições de ensino. F oram selecionados artigos publicados nos periódicos analisados, que trat...
Source: Revista CEFAC - May 8, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Ankyloglossia and breastfeeding: what is the evidence of association between them?
Conclusions: ankyloglossia may be related to impaired breastfeeding. The standardization of instruments for the diagnosis of ankyloglossia is necessary to improve the evidence in future research.RESUMO Objetivo: investigar as evid ências científicas na literatura sobre a relação entre a anquiloglossia e as dificuldades no aleitamento materno. Métodos: tratou-se de uma revisão integrativa. Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados Medline e Pubmed, utilizando os descritores em associação: “ anquiloglossia ” , “ rec ém-nascido ” e “ amamenta ção ” , entre 2014 e 2019, em portugu ês, inglês e espa...
Source: Revista CEFAC - May 8, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

The influence of the bimodal stimulation on the auditory ability of temporal ordering
Conclusion: bimodal stimulation, education and speech therapy influenced the performance of the frequency pattern test, while the implanted side influenced the performance of the duration pattern test.RESUMO Objetivo: analisar habilidade auditiva de ordena ção temporal em usuários de implante coclear unilateral e com estimulação bimodal. Métodos: fizeram parte do estudo 15 indivíduos usuários de implante coclear unilateral, sendo seis com estimulação bimodal e nove usuários de implante coclear exclusivo e um grupo controle formado por 15 i ndivíduos ouvintes. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos ao teste padrão ...
Source: Revista CEFAC - May 8, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research

Tele-education applied to human communication health to cope with triple epidemics in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil: an experience report
Conclusion: the implementation of the tele-education service had repercussions on statewide views and was approved by 100% of the participants, constituting a promising, easily accessible, comprehensive proposal in the continued education of health professionals working in primary care and at Family Health Support Centers.RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar o processo de implanta ção de sessões de tele-educação para os profissionais que atuam na Atenção Primária à Saúde e nos Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família, com temáticas voltadas para as repercussões da tríplice endemia na saúde da comunicação humana no esta...
Source: Revista CEFAC - March 17, 2020 Category: Speech-Language Pathology Source Type: research