Course of adolescence pregnancy: a longitudinal study when the children are adolescents
Pesquisas sobre gravidez na adolescência (GA) apontam heterogeneidade de causas associadas e consequências ao desenvolvimento das mães e filhos. Este artigo apresenta a quarta etapa de um estudo longitudinal com oito díades (mães/primeiros filhos nascidos na adolescência), no momento que os filhos têm 14 anos. O objetivo do estudo foi atualizar dados de condições psicossociais das díades. Entrevistas, observações nas moradias, ASR, CBCL e YSR foram instrumentos aplicados nas residências. Os resultados indicaram: prejuízos às trajetórias escolares e profissionais das mães; relações com a família de orige...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Hemodialysis and depression: social representation of patients
This study aimed to analyze the different semantic fields associated with inducing stimuli: Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) treatment, hemodialysis and depression, elaborated by patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) on hemodialysis with and without symptoms of depression. Fifteen patients on hemodialysis participated in this study, their aged were between 20 and 73 years (M= 46.05; SD = 13.4), who answered to a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Free Word Association Test. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and factorial correspondence analysis. The re...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The autistic logic: an analysis through the autobiography of one autistic
A literatura referente ao autismo fornece indícios das condições nas quais é possível a saída do fechamento autístico. Há o testemunho da vontade de muitos autistas de romper com as barreiras de autoproteção, desde que haja respeito à lógica autística, o que fornece indícios das possibilidades terapêuticas e de caminhos viáveis para o tratamento que podem ser encontrados na análise da autobiografia do escritor autista Naoki Higashida. O presente texto analisa o potencial transformativo da escrita, propiciando a mudança da posição subjetiva do autista. A invenção da literatura de Naoki retrata os efeit...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Daily life, affectivity and schizophrenia: a study with portuguese adults
This study aimed to analyse the daily life experiences of Portuguese people with schizophrenia diagnosed with particular emphasis on the affective dimension of experience. The Experience Sampling Method (ESM) was used to collect data on the daily life experience, over a week. Participated in this study 14 people diagnosed with schizophrenia for at least three years, medically stabilized, living in the community and professional rehabilitation targets. The results indicate that the participants spend most of their time in their homes, alone or with their families and performing leisure activities. The positive affective asp...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Matrix support in mental health according to the professionals of the family health strategy
O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em compreender o sentido do apoio matricial em saúde mental oferecido pela equipe de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) segundo profissionais que atuavam em três unidades da Estratégia de Saude da Família (ESF) em Goiânia, Goiás. Foram entrevistados doze profissionais a partir de um roteiro semiestruturado, formado por questões abertas e fechadas, que investigou dados sociodemográficos dos participantes, formação profissional, tempo de trabalho na ESF e compreensão sobre o apoio matricial. Os dados apontaram a realização de atividades conjuntas entre as equipes do CA...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Ecocentrism and behavior: a bibliographic review on environmental values
This study consists of a literary review on researches about Ecocentrism. The term was defined to specify a set of values and beliefs of human beings about their relationship with the environment. Since the 1970s, psychological science has been interested in these beliefs and values as object of study. For the literary review, national indexers (BVS-PSI and Scielo) and international indexers (ISI Web of Knowledge e Scopus) were consulted, compiling investigations on five major themes: (1) the role of information, (2) personality, (3) green consumption, (4) cultural aspects and social roles and (5) measurements in ecocentri...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The development of self meaning-making in children from a dialogic cultural perspective
This article analyzes Gisele's case study. As a result of the empirical research, we identified three affective-semiotic fields that configure Gisele Self system: to be versus not be pretty, to be versus not be smart and to be versus not be loved. These four affective-semiotic fields highlight the tensions in Gisele self system. According to the results, the transition from Preschool to Elementary School configured and reconfigured several affective-semiotic fields towards the balance as well as the transformation (development) of Gisele Self system. The emergence of new Self-meanings provided for the dynamics inside the f...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Development of children's personality: the role of early childhood education
Este trabalho, de cunho teórico-bibliográfico, tem por objetivo trazer à discussão a relação que se estabelece entre a prática pedagógica desenvolvida na Educação Infantil e a formação da personalidade da criança. Tem por fundamentos os pressupostos da Teoria Histórico-Cultural e busca responder, fundamentalmente, às seguintes questões: O que é a personalidade?; Quais são as forças motrizes do seu processo de desenvolvimento nos primeiros anos de vida da criança?; Quais as especificidades do trabalho dos professores da Educação Infantil e como a atividade pedagógica pode contribuir para o desenvolvim...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Subjectification processes experienced by mothers in a neonatology unit
Nesta pesquisa buscou-se investigar a experiência de ser mãe de um bebê prematuro na unidade neonatal, contexto da primeira etapa do Método Canguru. O conceito processos de subjetivação foi utilizado com base nas leituras de Deleuze, Guattari e Rolnik. O estudo se caracterizou como qualitativo com a produção de dados empíricos realizada em um hospital público da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG. Foram envolvidas seis mães de bebês prematuros internados na unidade de neonatologia desse hospital e utilizadas entrevistas semidirigidas e a observação participante para a produção dos dados. Os resultad...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

(Source: Psicologia em Estudo)
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - March 11, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Desafios teóricos da psicologia macrocultural: entrevista com Carl Ratner
This study used the qualitative research method of focus groups, attended by 20 teenagers, divided into 3 groups, controlled for age and socioeconomic status. The results showed that adolescents distinguish between the private and public dimension of the use of social networking; that they use the social network facebook to know what happens in the lives of others as well as to communicate with friends and family. The results also showed that in some situations adolescents find it easier to share online some issues than in face-to-face context and that with regard to the concept of friendship in social network, it often wo...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - January 10, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Archives: une littérature de l'infime
This study used the qualitative research method of focus groups, attended by 20 teenagers, divided into 3 groups, controlled for age and socioeconomic status. The results showed that adolescents distinguish between the private and public dimension of the use of social networking; that they use the social network facebook to know what happens in the lives of others as well as to communicate with friends and family. The results also showed that in some situations adolescents find it easier to share online some issues than in face-to-face context and that with regard to the concept of friendship in social network, it often wo...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - January 10, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Perspectives of adolescents about Facebook use: a qualitative study
This study used the qualitative research method of focus groups, attended by 20 teenagers, divided into 3 groups, controlled for age and socioeconomic status. The results showed that adolescents distinguish between the private and public dimension of the use of social networking; that they use the social network facebook to know what happens in the lives of others as well as to communicate with friends and family. The results also showed that in some situations adolescents find it easier to share online some issues than in face-to-face context and that with regard to the concept of friendship in social network, it often wo...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - January 10, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

Mother's perception of the performance of children with developmental coordination disorder
Crianças com dificuldades na realização de tarefas rotineiras que requerem habilidades motoras podem ter problemas específicos de coordenação motora, atualmente denominados Transtorno do Desenvolvimento da Coordenação (TDC). No Brasil esse diagnóstico ainda é pouco comum, embora seja muito utilizado na literatura internacional. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a percepção de mães brasileiras sobre o desempenho nas atividades diárias de crianças com transtorno da coordenação motora. Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas, seguidas por análise de conteúdo. Os relatos evidenciaram que todas as informantes...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - January 10, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research

The judicializing machinery and the government of unequal childhoods
This article provides a problematization of the judicialization of life and particularly, of the judicialization of childhood. It finds in the manufacturing of unequal childhoods, in the twentieth century in Brazil, a historical event to think about the provenance and about the effects of the judicializing machinery. It proposes to put in question whether the Minors Code of 1927, as a legal-juridical formulation, would be enough to understand the judicialization of childhood process. Based on Michel Foucault's work, the discussion follows the methodological proposal of genealogy, that allows us to see in the heterogeneity ...
Source: Psicologia em Estudo - January 10, 2015 Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: research