No disease, no natural conception, no mind of your own. Excited?
Imagine a world without sex and disease, and where all of our brains are networked. It sounds wonderful, but it will bring a new set of moral questions (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - June 1, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

World’s environment parliament agrees 25 steps to save the Earth
A major meeting of world environment ministers has adopted resolutions to tackle global problems, but most of these are unlikely to usher in much change (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 31, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Google plans to replace smartphone passwords with trust scores
Goodbye, Password1. Goodbye, 12345. You've been hearing it for years, but now it might really be happening: the password is dead (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 31, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Vaccines might be able to stop Alzheimer’s plaques from forming
The plaques linked to Alzheimer's disease seem to be made by the brain defending itself from attack. Dialling down this defence may stop the disease (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 31, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Do you get your best work done in coffee shops? Here’s why
It isn't the clattering of plates and the whir of the coffee machine that makes you work better – it's the contagious concentration of the other people (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 27, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Controversial software claims to tell personality from your face
A start-up says its face-recognition tech can identify people's personality type from photos – and spot terrorists, paedophiles and poker players in crowds (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 27, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Not all surgeons follow checklists that prevent bad mistakes
Surgical checklists prevent avoidable mistakes, but one audit in a UK hospital found they were completed only 50 per cent of the time – empowering nurses could improve this (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 26, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

New Scientist Live
Welcome to New Scientist Live, a four-day festival of ideas and discovery. Here, you’ll find the best, latest and most provocative science, guaranteed to touch all aspects of human life (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Feedback: A quantum mystery – where do missing teaspoons go?
Plus trees that smell of manure, vomit, and worse, passive aggressive laundry labels, a lawn fish, a cucumber snake, and more (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

I slept for just 20 minutes at a time for 6 months
Marie Staver has been following a polyphasic sleep cycle for years in a bid to cheat Morpheus. But are those extra hours in the day really worth it? (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

5 sleep disorders you didn’t know existed
Ever shouted at your partner while you slept, or woken up unable to move? From apnoea to exploding heads, here are some strange things that go bump in the night (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Bloated baby black holes spotted in the distant universe
Two blobs detected in the distant, ancient universe may be the seeds of the supermassive black holes that now dominate every galaxy (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Tags: solar system space Source Type: research

World’s largest sponge discovered in deep sea is as big as a car
We use them to lather and exfoliate while bathing, but the largest of these marine animals wouldn't fit in a bathtub - or even a Jacuzzi (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Tags: biology ocean Source Type: research

How to nap like a pro
Napping isn’t lazy – it’s a smart way to reap the rewards of sleep. Here's the science behind the secrets of the true power nappers (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research

Can you cheat the sleep system with a smart napping schedule?
Some people get extra hours awake by hacking their sleep patterns – be careful, though (Source: New Scientist - Genetics)
Source: New Scientist - Genetics - May 25, 2016 Category: Genetics & Stem Cells Source Type: research