Billie Holiday, in — karaoke? Please tell me this is a bad choice. No, there’s not a link in this screen grab. I don’t think I want you to have it… Filed under: asides, music (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 28, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: asides music Source Type: blogs

Barnaby Conrad, Bullfighter and Novelist, Dies at 90 – NYTimes.com
Barnaby Conrad, Bullfighter and Novelist, Dies at 90 – NYTimes.com. My first writing teacher, and a good friend. Filed under: Ephemera (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 26, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: Ephemera Source Type: blogs

Just so you know… I actually still am reading Proust. So there! Filed under: asides, books (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 25, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: asides books Source Type: blogs

qotd February 23, 2013
Signature of Richard P. Feynman (Photo credit: Wikipedia) It doesn’t seem to me that this fantastically marvelous universe, this tremendous range of time and space and different kinds of animals, and all the different planets, and all these atoms with all their motions, and so on, all this complicated thing can merely be a stage so that God can watch human beings struggle for good and evil — which is the view that religion has. The stage is too big for the drama. Richar...
Source: white pebble - February 24, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: qotd God physics Quantum Mechanics Richard Feynman Source Type: blogs

Reblogged from the selfish years: Read more… 3 more words (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 22, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: Ephemera Source Type: blogs

Planck length
Just when I think I know a bit of math, I find a new unit of length or something and then I realize I will never know any math. Planck length – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Filed under: asides, Mathematics Tagged: math, Mathematics, Planck (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 22, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: asides Mathematics Planck Source Type: blogs

Music. Again, and ever more again.
Of course, listening to the music in the previous post has started me going through an orgy of music listening, currently switching through various songs on Tommy. I sit here with eyes half glazed over with one wish moving through my mind: I wish I was a DJ. Then and only then do I remember: I was. In college, my extracurricular activity — other than Buck — was my job as a DJ at the college radio station, WRVU Nashville. Yes, it was the mid-seventies and female DJ’s were not really welcomed with open arms by the industry, but this was a college station down on the nether end of the dial, and besides, giving me my tim...
Source: white pebble - February 19, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: art, etc. music arts Campus radio college radio station college station Disc jockey female dj mid seventies Spotify WRVU Source Type: blogs

Jackie Leven and Global Warming
And now, we finally have February like it’s supposed to be in Ohio. I have been thoroughly enjoying the global warming and its effects on the local wintertime, what with its sun and its higher than normal temperatures. Yes, I would rather it were not so, and that the average temperature of the globe was wherever it’s supposed to be. However, as long as the good weather lasts, I shall enjoy it. It did not last as far as today, and so I must soon venture out into the unpleasantness. This is the sort of day, I think, that was made with raincoats and boots in mind, even though there is no rain falling now. To listen to tod...
Source: white pebble - February 19, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: art, etc. music global warming Jackie Leven raincoats Source Type: blogs

It's going to be the sunny side / from now/ on. —Frank O'Hara bit.ly/Yk333f—   (@poetrymagazine) February 15, 2013 Filed under: Ephemera (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 17, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: Ephemera Source Type: blogs

Word of the day. Or at least the afternoon.
mondegreen Web definitions A mondegreen is the mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase, typically a standardized phrase such as a line in a poem or a lyric in… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondegreen Filed under: Ephemera (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 14, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: Ephemera Source Type: blogs

, I said, of God and all his forms. Would just sit there with no face between us, never looking in the same direction. Have to be looking at somewhere else than the other or creation cannot happen.</> Filed under: Ephemera (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 12, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: Ephemera Source Type: blogs

The Millions : A Book A Day Keeps Depression Away. Filed under: books, Link (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 11, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: books Link Source Type: blogs

for iPhone — Tools and Toys. Filed under: Link Tagged: mail, mailbox (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 11, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: Link mail mailbox Source Type: blogs

Now #reading … (experiencing?)
Silent History This is not just a book — audio and pictures as well. I have only just downloaded it, so am still exploring. It is a medical thriller / science fiction story that takes place thirty or so years in the future, and documents a growing number of young children who are born starting around 2011 and grow up never speaking. Looks good so far. Filed under: books Tagged: book, reading, Silent History (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 9, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: books reading Silent History Source Type: blogs

This comic strip understands me…. #xkcd: Conspiracy Theories
via xkcd — xkcd: Conspiracy Theories. Filed under: Humor Tagged: comic, Conspiracy, conspiracy theories, funny, Humor, New World Order, Randall Munroe, Webcomic, Xkcd (Source: white pebble)
Source: white pebble - February 8, 2013 Category: Cancer Authors: Patti Niehoff Tags: Humor comic Conspiracy conspiracy theories funny New World Order Randall Munroe Webcomic Xkcd Source Type: blogs