Does Gout Cause Diabetes?
Could you explain to me the connection between gout and diabetes? I heard that a new study showed that one causes the other. If you have gout, how would you avoid diabetes? (Source: Dr. Weil Q and A)
Source: Dr. Weil Q and A - January 28, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Drug Resistant Tuberculosis?
What can you tell me about drug resistant tuberculosis (TB)? Does this mean that people who get TB these days can't be cured? Are there any new treatments that work?  (Source: Dr. Weil Q and A)
Source: Dr. Weil Q and A - January 26, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Worrying About Alzheimer's?
Is it true that being stressed out and anxious increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease in women? How much does the risk increase? If true, this news just gives me something else to worry about. (Source: Dr. Weil Q and A)
Source: Dr. Weil Q and A - January 23, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Why Cry?
You advocate for laughing as it has demonstrated health benefits, but what about crying? Is it healthy to have a good cry every once in a while? (Source: Dr. Weil Q and A)
Source: Dr. Weil Q and A - January 20, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news

Need a Shingles Shot?
I had a case of shingles a few years back. One doctor said I should get the shingles vaccination while another said it isn't necessary. What is your opinion? (Source: Dr. Weil Q and A)
Source: Dr. Weil Q and A - January 19, 2015 Category: Consumer Health News Source Type: news