We have a Jesuit Pope
Oswald Sobrino has a link to Pope Francis' interview in the Jesuit magazine America. His answers have been celebrated; the interviewer and his questions were excellent in their own right. (Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans)
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - September 27, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

'Anti-Psychotic' Drugs and Bipolar Disorder
A few words on the odd seeming fact that all of the drugs for schizophrenia, all of the 'anti-psychotic drugs,' have been found useful for bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia is a disorder characterized by loosening of ego boundaries. As a recent cartoon in the New Yorker captioned 'I can't tell if that is an internal thought or something I already said.' Viewed in a topographic sense, these drugs tighten up those boundaries. I can recall walking down the hall of the ward with the Vice Chief of Psychiatry at the VA and a patient walked up to us and indicated some way in which he had been hostilely treated by Dr. Charles. Dr. C...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - September 24, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

This weekend an APA task force released a report saying that 'antipsychotic drugs' are overused*. The comments at USAToday had a delighted group of psychiatry bashers. In reviewing the literature, I find that other adult bipolar drugs are just not found useful in Adolescents. Further, from a criticism standpoint, the spokesman, Joel Yager, MD is from the same Medical School that treated the man found armed to the hilt at the scene of the Aurora Colorado movie shooting. Presumably he has some prominence at the Medical School as well. Are we to be speculatively happy that the shooter wasn't about to develop diabetes from Ris...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - September 23, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

The Mass in the setting of Yom Kippur
After going to Yom Kippur Saturday, I heard Mass differently. The opening prayer, after greetings, in the Mass is: Brethren (brothers and sisters), let us acknowledge our sins, and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries. I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God In the J...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - September 16, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

Gerald Ford said in his taking over the presidency from Nixon, 'Our long national nightmare is over;' rather the reverse happened when James Earl Ray killed Martin Luther King, Jr. As David Brooks said this week*: The idea was to reduce ugliness in the world by reducing ugliness in yourself. King argued that “unearned suffering is redemptive.” It would uplift people involved in this kind of action. It would impose self-restraint. The strategy of renunciation and the absorbing of suffering was meant to guard against all that. In short, the method relied upon a very sophisticated set of paradoxes. It relied on leaders wh...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - September 2, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

'Boris' should get more respect. Brad DeLOng had a good day blogging. As I thought the other day 'Some element of surprise may be lost or ambiguity in what the military's action will be if there is a resolution (regarding US military action in Syria). On the other hand some general resolution affirmatively stating one of the purposes the president or Secretary of State has given for military action and authorizing it in Congress would desirably remove the penumbra of Obama as being imperator in the Roman sense.' So I am pleased at the president's request for congressional approval. I understand that 100 members of Congress...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - September 1, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

Mohammed Athari, commenting in Megan's blog, provided a good Pb and behavior reference.
From an EPA reference, .. Final volume, p. 6-45, "Cord blood Pb levels were not associated with the prevalence or nature of behavior problems reported by teachers." Though apparently a regression analysis did show a correlation between tooth Pb and the ACBP Total Problem Behavior Scores which assess both both "under- and overcontrol of behaviors. Only weak associations were seen between tooth Pb concentrations and the tendency to score in the clinically significant range on these scales." Earlier in the very extensive discussion, the reports suggests it is 'problematic' to make an association with behavior and what Pb leve...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - August 18, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

I'm a little distant from my first Calculus class with Dr. Wall (at UT Austin). It started, as I recall, with going through the obvious in a slow walk of how one might calculate the area under the line 1/x. Taking the walk from where physics was before the paper of Oppenheimer and his student demonstrating the necessity for black holes would also seem to promise a transforming exercise in understanding physics. Freeman Dyson would seem to recommend Reappraising Oppenheimer: Centennial Studies and Reflections, edited by Cathryn Carson and David Hollinger which has a chapter on the paper. (Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans)
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - August 15, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

Ron Rosenbaum said that in lieu of graduate school in English just subscribe to the London Review of Books. I enjoy their review of DSM-V which includes a nice review of the recent history of psychiatric diagnosis and the DSM iterations. (Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans)
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - August 7, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

Uruguay and Marijuana
Uruguay to legalize marijuana. I like the statement of the first legislator quoted. (Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans)
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - August 2, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

The Father of Fracking Dies
George Phydias Mitchell, Galveston son of a Greek Immigrant, as portrayed in the Dallas Morning News. (Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans)
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - July 27, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

An opinion on the Zimmerman trial
Appreciated the remarks of Charles Barkley. What has gone on in the public arena since the trial of George Zimmerman has a tribal Lord of the Flies 'Kill the Beast' quality to it. What the book lacked was a reason for the projection of evil which was to be projected into the other. In this case the violence of TM is ignored, his youthful homophobia and all fault is projected into George Zimmerman who came into his circle of consideration. So we have a completion of the 'Kill the Beast' orgiastic excitement. I am genuinely shocked at its primitiveness. The president's remarks are a minor help but certainly don't acknowledge...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - July 24, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

Again Greg Mankiw has an article Defending the One Percent. On another topic, I think Obama's decision to extend air cover over a part of Syria is thoughtful. Also I hav really been shocked by the fact that if it weren't for the Apaches and Comanches, much of the area north of Mexico would be or have been Spanish and then Mexican. This is part of the perspective of Empire of the Summer Moon. (Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans)
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - June 16, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

Greg Mankiw referred to his comencement address the other day. He said in part:It is an honor to be able to speak to you today. When Mr. Conrad invited me, he suggested that maybe, as a professional economist, I could talk with you about the future economy that you will soon be entering and in which you will be spending your lives. It is true that as an economist, I know precisely what the future holds. But union rules prevent me from sharing that knowledge with the general public. So we economists usually just make stuff up, and it often turns out to be wrong. I won’t burden you with those made-up stories today. Th...
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - June 11, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs

A Turkish man said something not politically correct enough in Turkey and was sentenced for insulting Mohammed and gave a dispassionate and informative critique of the founder of the religion at his 13 month sentencing. (Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans)
Source: a psychiatrist who learned from veterans - June 1, 2013 Category: Psychiatrists and Psychologists Source Type: blogs