Receiving the wild heart of medicine : Earth

This is the third in a series of posts engaging with the five elemental phases in a visceral, symbolic way. You can find the post on the wood phase element by clicking here, and the post on the fire element by clicking here. With each of these posts, I catch myself wanting to start by saying how special the current element is, how different from the others! It’s true, each one is incredibly distinct, a separate universe. What does water know of fire, or fire of water? Yes, each is special–just as special as everybody else. Each a perfect child in the eyes of all-embracing mother earth. Earth is simple–so gloriously simple. Unassuming and unpretentious. She simply is. Here at the center of things, in the present moment, she allows. She embraces. And in her yin way, she transforms all that she holds, never rushing, never fronting. Simply abiding. Here and now. Earth is: Foundations. Roots. Bellies. Bodies. Home. Sweetness. Receptivity. Nourishment. Integrity. A container for spirit. Firmness. Mother. Unconditional Love. Gratitude. Milk and Honey. The calm at the eye of the storm. The hub of the wheel. The axis mundi. Where the world-tree grows. The present moment. Feet on the ground, head in the sky. May we all sink deeper into presence, into love, into receptivity. May we learn to appreciate life’s many sweetnesses, and to give thanks for the blessings in our lives. May we learn to care for others as we have been cared for, to give as we have received. May...
Source: Deepest Health: Exploring Classical Chinese Medicine - Category: Alternative Medicine Practitioners Authors: Tags: Foundational Science Source Type: blogs