Iowa Professor Cops To Faking Results Of Big-bucks Aids Vaccine Research

Dong-Pyou Han, an assistant professor of biomedical sciences, resigned after owning up to tampering with rabbit blood to get desired outcomes in research animals, according to the Des Moines Register . RELATED: HIV REMOVED FROM MOUSE CELLS WITH ENZYME: REPORT Federal documents released Monday show that Hans flimflam was presented at science conferences over the years. Suspicious researchers finally nailed him after they were unable to produce the same results. Han mixed human blood components with the bunny blood to get desirable results from his experiments, said James Bradac, who oversees AIDS vaccine grants for the National Institutes of Health. RELATED: HIV TRIAL IS ‘BREAKTHOUGH’ OF 2011 Anna Rise/Getty Images/iStockphoto Professor Dong Pyou-Han mixed rabbit blood with that drawn from people who had developed antibodies to HIV, making it seem like his vaccine was helping the animals build up a defense against the disease. The scientist drew blood from people whose bodies had developed antibodies to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, making it seem like the vaccine was helping the animals build up a defense against the disease. You will find the original content at this website
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