Pitt Research Program Receives $70 Million To Develop Hiv Prevention Products

Based out of the University of Pittsburgh and the Magee-Womens Research Institute, the Microbicide Trials Network (MTN) is one of five HIV/AIDS clinical trial networks sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Since 2006, the MTN has completed 13 clinical trials, and 11 more trials are in progress or will commence within 12 months. The MTN is focusing research on the development of microbicide devices applied inside the vagina or rectum to prevent HIV transmission. Although progress in the field of HIV prevention and treatment has been nothing short of breathtaking over the last decade, there are two groups who continue to have high rates of new HIV infections young women and men who have sex with men, Sharon Hillier, PhD, professor and vice chair for faculty affairs at the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, said in the press release. You will find the original content at this website http://www.healio.com/infectious-disease/hiv-aids/news/online/{e7c914c8-1426-4adb-ad08-eee1d0e92d28}/pitt-research-program-receives-70-million-to-develop-hiv-prevention-products
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