HIV awareness week- Southampton

This year, Southampton HIVE’s committee decided to set themselves a challenge of holding an entire week of events in the run up to World AIDS day to fundraise for SIC and increase awareness. After many weeks of preparation, moments of stress and hard work from everyone, wearing our red T-shirts and ribbons we were excited for the week ahead to spread the word! We kicked off the events on Monday 25th November with a teacher training evening to recruit new teachers. All who attended were very enthusiastic and have already been to schools to get involved! With piles of tins and tupperwares full of wonderful red cakes, cookies and other yummy treats, Tuesday afternoon comprised of a HUGE bake sale at campus. This was a big success, despite the icy temperatures the sellers had to endure! On Wednesday, we joined forces with Medsin and held a speaker event. The panel included a local infectious diseases consultant, the chairperson of Positive Action and a member of Harmony Women’s support group and we are very grateful to them for giving up their evenings and giving such interesting speeches. The title we asked the speakers to discuss was: ‘Has the Stigma of HIV in the UK Changed for the Better?’.  The lecture theatre was packed which was an achievement in itself! We were thrilled so many people wanted to learn more about such an important topic. Anyone at Southampton University, anyone who has visited or has friends here will certainly go on about the infamous Jesters. ...
Source: Support for International Change : HIV AIDS - Category: Global & Universal Authors: Tags: HIVE UK Activities awareness charity fundraising HIV Awareness HIV positive HIV/AIDS HIVE Southampton Home World AIDS Day Source Type: news