Operation: Turkey Consumption…

It was the aftermath – an aftermath of social and epic proportions. I went to bed last night around midnight prying myself away from my computer and I am just now stirring about the house at 4 pm the next day. The sun is already growing slim on the horizon. I tell ya. All that socializing can take a toll on a socially anxious and introverted soul.  It was the first holiday soirée I’ve been to in years. Dad wouldn’t let me stay at home this time and he certainly wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Don’t act like you’re royalty! Thanksgiving is for being with your family!” he exclaimed. “So I expect to see you around noon. We eat at 1 pm.” Mom fixed me up a care package of leftovers this afternoon.  I drove over just a moment ago to get my sodas and all kinds of foods that were in a plastic bag and in containers next to my Coca-Colas. It looks like we are going to have turkey sandwiches for supper folks. We’ll save the salt cured ham for tomorrow. I won’t be surprised if I get up well after midnight and have a little chicken and dressing warmed in the microwave. An Official Engagement… One of my favorite souls on the internet got engaged to her long time boyfriend Matt. What wonderful holiday news!  Go to Annabel's Blog and wish her the best and congratulate her. I won’t lie and say I am not jealous. Her blog was often my most favorite blog as she wrote detailed descriptions of her and her life and days. She didn’t try to ram politics...
Source: The 4th Avenue Blues - Category: Mental Illness Authors: Source Type: blogs