Past | Present - WeAre#EuropeForCulture project - 6-7 February 2020, Brussels, Belgium

WeAre#EuropeForCulture, financed in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, had the objective to realize a series of pop-up exhibitions across 2019 in various European cities, to celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage and to empower citizens in a more participative approach to cultural heritage. The exhibitions are co-created joining institutional cultural heritage with crowdsourced stories and personal items. On 6 February 2020, a sparkling event at the House of European History in Brussels will eventually celebrate the experiences of all the participatory exhibitions that took place throughtout Europe. Bringing together images, recordings and interactions from the various locations which hosted and created the pop-up exhibitions, PAST|PRESENT is a kaleidoscope of local history in European countries, showcasing the variety and commonalities of our cultural heritage. A multiscreen setting will allow visitors to travel through and interact with the stories unfolded at the different events throughout Europe. The exhibition will open with an invitation-only event at the House of European History on February 6th, 2020. From February 7th onwards it will be open to the general public.
Source: EUROPA - Research and Innovation: Events - Category: Research Tags: Environment - Cultural heritage - 4F208912-D8F2-F84E-9318CE6A572DBD6D Source Type: events