Recent HIV/AIDS News from NIH

August 30, 2013: NIH Observes 20th Anniversary of Women’s Interagency HIV Study “The largest and longest-running study to investigate the impact of HIV on women in the United States marks its 20th anniversary this month. Findings from the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) have helped define how best to treat HIV-infected women in the United States and globally.” Read the NIH press release.   August 29, 2013:  2013 Avant-Garde Awards Explore HIV Without AIDS, Protective Genes “With proposals ranging from a combined cocaine/HIV vaccine to unlocking the mystery of genes that protect some people from the ill effects of HIV, three American scientists have been chosen to receive the 2013 Avant-Garde Award for HIV/AIDS Research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health.”  Read the NIH press release. August 29, 2013: Increased Risk of Neurological, Cognitive Deficits in Youth with HIV  “More than 65 percent of HIV-infected youth had mild to moderate impairments in fine-motor skills, memory, and other cognitive skills, although not enough to affect day-to-day functioning for most, according to a National Institutes of Health network study.” Read the NIH press release.