Closing Time

On August 3, 2005, the first Emergiblog post was published. Eight years and 935 posts later, and with a part of me dreading this even as I write, it is time to say good-bye. It’s been 10 months since my last entry. Many times over those months, I’ve run into a situation and thought, “this would make a great blog post!” Yet, I did not put my thoughts into writing. The passing of time has not rekindled the passion to write, and when the desire to write is gone, one is no longer a blogger. Damn, that was hard to write. ***** There are still topics I could write about: the metamorphosis of my hospital into a corporate appendage, the uselessness of electronic medical records (very sad realization, that), the feeling that as nurses advance their education, basic nursing care is being forgotten (oh, the stories!). Topics like this used to rev me up, make me head for the keyboard and blow out a rant. Now, all I want to do is reach for the Prilosec. Even if I still had the urge to write, I wouldn’t want to sound like a bitter, sarcastic nurse who is angry all the time. And I would sound like that (I wrote the paragraph above four times before it stopped sounding like I was ready to punch the wall.) That isn’t fun to read, and it certainly does nothing to help the profession. These days, frankly, I’d rather spend my time off in Portland with my grandson, catching up on Doctor Who episodes from the last 50 years and cheering my head off for NASC...
Source: Emergiblog - Category: Nurses Authors: Tags: Blog A Blog Around the Clock blogger blogging BlogWorld Bora Zivkovic electronic health records Emergiblog Hugh Hewitt James Lileks Johnson & Johnson Mod Mother New Media Expo nurse Nurse Ratched's Place nursin Source Type: blogs