Debunking the paleo diet: Christina Warinner TED TALK

Debunking the paleo diet: Christina Warinner at TEDxOU - YouTubeA beautiful expert debunking of the myths that the popular Paleo diet fad is built on that claims we need to ditch grains and eat mainly meat at a TED Talk at TEDxOUStone Age Diet,  Paleo Diet , Primal BluePrint, New Evolution Diet, Neander ThinLeading UK nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston says  "yes processed,  refined grains have a big part to play in the demise of health and rise of chronic disease but so too does modern processed meat. Ditching all grains in favour of meat and dairy for optimal health is delusional. Wholegrain wholemeal foods come with fibre and a host of vitamins and minerals especially B vitamins they are a much more useful food group than meat to combat the problems caused by our modern diet.""This is a clear case of a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. All the evidence is pointing to a meat based diet is dangerous and increases risk and a plant based diet reduces risk. Yes if you ate wild rabbit and mountain grass fed goat or Scottish wild salmon then you'd likely end up with a better ratio of essential fats but how many people on a paleo diet eat that sort of meat? The evidence from the biggest studies show eating at least 8 portions of veg and fruit a day is the best way to reduce risk of chronic disease"Nutritionists London
Source: Healthy Eating and Nutrition News - Category: Nutritionists and Food Scientists Source Type: blogs