Yesterday's news, segway to bigger things to come

I have a few corrections to make, 911 was NOT an inside job, Colorado and Sandy hook shootings were merely the work of lone gun nuts, pResident Obama is the best white house resident we have ever had, there are no racial or class problems in the USA, it all rumors from a small handful of malcontents, there is NO Illuminati or New World Order, the globalist bankers and corporate execs have only our best interests in mind, everything is go back to sleep or our jackbooted attack squad will have to break your door down, pillage your home, rape your wife, daughters and dog then cart you off to an undisclosed location for reeducation, Here's this week's big list off assorted weapons of mass distraction to look while you wait for the local secret police to arrive at your door. A Call For Humanity 1 A Call To Humanity 2 A retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army weighs in on Boston Abagond 500 words a day on whatever I want AID TO THE ENEMY joetalk100 Americans snapping by the millions America’s (Black Dominated) Cities are ready to explode Anti white Racism has Reached Critical Mass in America Archbishop prays while topless gay activists shout curses and douse him with water Being a Conspiracy Theorist is a Healthy Way to Live Boston Black Ops Operation Plan Reconstruction Boston Black Ops Operatives Boston Blowout joetalk Boston bombers were about to plant MORE devices Boston bombing citizen video-analysts creating major problems for controlled media...
Source: Nightmare Hall - Welcome to my nightmare - Category: HIV AIDS Source Type: blogs