Ups and downs

Drive to a visit in a part of town where we now have very few patients. I have been this patient's doctor for over twenty years but this is the first time I have visited her at home. I take this as further evidence that her current malaise is due to depression, as I'm sure she would have come to the surgery otherwise.Back at the surgery I am infuriated by a man who answers his mobile phone as he walks into my consulting room, and has a conversation for over a minute before paying any attention to me. He seems to pick up that I am angry, and apologises. I later learn he is a psychotherapist. On a more positive note, a couple of patients appear impressed by and grateful for the explanations I provide for their symptoms. Since so many of my patients nowadays seem to have multiple intractable symptoms and no faith in my abilities, this is a welcome change.
Source: A fortunate man - Category: Family Physicians Authors: Source Type: blogs