Age With a Good Mental Health

A lot of men and women who are in the age group of 55-74 say that they are satisfied with their lives and are in good health. There are bouts of depression that are found in the seniors and this is not a normal course of ageing found in the seniors. Depression is considered to be the most common form of health concern that is found in the older people. It usually affects around 15-20% of the adults who live in a community. The symptoms that can be found are decreased energy, poor sleep and pre-occupation with the health problems that can be viewed as the possible symptoms of the illness.There is treatment for depression but a lot of people remain undiagnosed and untreated as they do not feel the signs and the symptoms of depression. The mental health specialists consider the following definition of depression-. Symptoms remain for two weeks or longer than that. People usually are found in depressed moods or are unable to enjoy life. A person can be found with a major depression problem if there is change in sleeping habits more or less than usual. Change in eating habits and fluctuation in the weight, low energy or fatigueDepression can be generally described as an imbalance of the brain chemicals that are found due to stress in the life events that includes biological, psychological and various social factors. People should not consider depression to be a character or a personality flaw, it is a disorder. The signs of depression indicate some other problems or...
Source: DoctorMental - Category: Internists and Doctors of Medicine Tags: Age With a Good Mental Health Source Type: blogs