The last nail in the NHS coffin

We all know that politicians lie but as I have followed the story of the unravelling of our NHS I find it quite difficult to grasp the depths of their dishonesty and duplicity. It's one thing to be economical with the truth but to deliberately mislead the public repeatedly is altogether more serious. If a doctor were to do this in the course of his work he would be struck off the register. Perhaps we deserve the honesty rating accorded to us in public polls. Certainly politicians deserve their ranking at the very bottom.
What's new, I hear you say. We all know politicians lie. We all know it's wrong. We all know this is the way of our world and we are stuck with it. Sadly you may well be right. But what is new is that in recent days yet another enormous political lie has come to light which spells the death knell of the NHS.
If this blog has had a purpose goading me to put pen to paper early on a Sunday morning, it has been to warn and warn again of the plans of successive governments to do away with the NHS as we know it. To begin with I was something of a loan voice. Colleagues I met in the hospital corridor looked at me as if I was deranged when I told them that I thought the NHS was being privatised. If they didn't know, what hope was there that the public would grasp what is happening?
By the time of the Health and Social Care Bill many of my colleagues had woken from their slumbers and were looking for reassurance that the NHS was safe from the fragmentation and p...
Source: Dr Grumble - Category: Internists and Doctors of Medicine Source Type: blogs