Still So New!

A lot is going on in my life right now, but I don't know if it's really blog-worthy.  I'm not FEELING a lot of anything, just doing a lot of activities and constantly on the go. I don't have much time to stop and think, "how am I feeling?", when before I moved, I had way too much time to think about it.  That may have been part of my problem.The house situation is kind of in limbo at the moment.  We're waiting to see if the home owners will make the necessary repairs that the inspector found - nothing major, but now that we know they're there, of course we want them fixed.  So strange, in Illinois, just to buy a house, both parties apparently hire attorneys and work through those instead of the real estate agents communicating these things to each other and negotiating.  Seems a little over-the-top but...who am I to argue.  When in Rome?  I've started throwing myself a lot more into school lately - I hope it continues.  I really want to finish!  I'm tired of going to school, and something else.  I absolutely LOATHE the commute to the city! My school is a mile from the train station and I don't mind walking, I actually like the exercise, but it's not so great when it's 3 degrees with a negative wind chill or when it's cold and raining outside.  Then it's absolutely miserable!I will say people on the Metra (train that goes to and from the suburbs to the city) are quite fascinating to me.  ...
Source: - Category: Mental Illness Source Type: blogs