The 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013)

ECSCW 2013 calls for submissions reporting on investigations intocooperation in real world settings and designs of innovativetechnologies to support collaboration. ECSCW is interested in cooperative settings in the workplace, ineveryday life, and the civic society, and across boundaries betweenthese spheres of life. The conference is soliciting high quality contributions that advancethe state of the art in CSCW:- empirical studies of work that contribute to the design space,- novel techniques and technologies,- enhancement of the conceptual foundations. In particular, the conference welcomes contributions that focus on:- Empirical studies of collaboration in settings ranging from work to  civic engagement and everyday life.- Comparative analyses of empirical studies that contribute to a  deeper understanding of domain specific or more general CSCW principles.- Empirical studies on the appropriation of innovative technologies.- Studies on collaborative work in emergent and developing economies.- Investigations into the usage and design of coordination artefacts as    well as webs of technology (infrastructures).- New technology-enabled forms of organization and virtual organizing.- Innovative technologies, applications, or functionality in support of  collaborative work.- Conception, construction and use of CSCW technologies in complex   and demanding settings, like manufacturing, software engineering,   healthca...
Source: MEDEV Events - Category: Universities & Medical Training Source Type: events