Scary monsters...maybe

When I was a small boy I believed in monsters, since I grew up during the beginning of the Cold War, when every Saturday you could drop a quarter to watch a creature triple feature at the local theater. I also suffered serious abuse throughout most of my youth. To this day, nearing my 7th decade on this God forsaken rock, I still suffer from severe sleep disorders. My p\arents grew very frustrated with all my phobias, "how many times do we have to tall you there are NO monsters. Now go to bed and turn off the light." Decades later I learned my parents lied, there are monsters, not from outer space or mutated lizards, but genuine monster that walk among us. They sit in corporate board rooms, hold public office, maybe they even sit next to us on the bus, in church or other public events...I'll discuss this more later. Sigh, I still cannot motivate myself to write the way I once did, which is probably due in large part to deep depression. Add to that one of the only two people I can count as friends may not make it. Here's guy who has never been sick a day in his life and at 68 gets hit with bladder/kidney cancer. He endured a first round of chemo, which almost did him in, in preparation for the rather radical surgery he just had. I got a call from a relative of his who told me at this time it does not look good as he had a heart attack either during or just after the surgery. His blood pressure dropped to critical levels and I was told he's heavily sedated (sounds like a medica...
Source: Nightmare Hall - Welcome to my nightmare - Category: HIV AIDS Source Type: blogs