Court Awards $969,474.91 for MMR Vaccine Causing Boy’s Autism

CONCLUSIONParents consistently report having a typically healthy child prior to being vaccinated. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) has already recognized vaccine-induced brain damage, including autism, as a vaccine injury.I’m glad Ryan Mojabi was awarded a large amount of money as his life and his family will never be the same. I suspect there are many other children suffering the same fate he did. The sad truth is that many more thousands of children who are injured by vaccines will never be compensated.If you decide to vaccinate your children, you do so at your own risk. No vaccine manufacturer is liable for your child’s vaccine-related injury or death from a recommended vaccine.AcknowledgementI would like to thank the Autism Action Network who initially reported and alerted me to this court case. [4] References Photo Credit 
Source: - Category: Health Medicine and Bioethics Commentators Authors: Tags: Jeffry John Aufderheide Top Stories Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Centers for Disease Control (CDC) encephalitis National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ryan mojabi Source Type: blogs