OH HAI Sunday News Round-Up: New Year’s Resolutions Edition

Judgy cats will overseeing postingUnmentionable personal things of late have kept me from really wanting to blog more than I have been. I can’t really describe the details here, but suffice it to say, it’s one of those things that sort of takes up your whole brainspace and doesn’t leave much emotional energy leftover for doing anything else – one of those things that can cause you to spin down everything you *like* doing because you’re busy dealing with *the other thing.* Ugh. So, happy new year! One of my goals for the new year is to spin those likable things back up, and focus on arranging things for less of the bad and more of the good. You all wish me luck with that, now. A tangible outcome of that should be more blogging. (See Heather Corinna at Scarleteen for more talk about “more, not less” for the New Year). That said, here are some stories and issues of interest from recent days: ***** Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting in Newtown, CT: I can’t talk about this one without first extending my sympathy and condolences to everyone affected by this violence. SE Smith has a “factbomb” on mental illness and gun violence, including fact vs. reality on the stigma against mental illness that seems to be deepening in some ways in the wake of Newtown. My thoughts, and response to someone who made the stigma-increasing, ableist comment, “How about instead of worrying about the guns, we worry about the f.in...
Source: Women's Health News - Category: Medical Librarians Authors: Tags: Miscellaneous Events & Observances Laws, Legislation, & Courts News Round-Ups Access, Rights, & Choice Global Issues Abortion Abuse, Rape, & Safety Government Libraryland Mental Health Women's Health purity books Congress cul Source Type: blogs