April the giraffe and I

Everywhere I look I have been seeing links to and comments about April the giraffe and thelive cam feed on her. April is pregnant and the birth of her calf is imminent. Or so it has seemed for days. Today the zoo says "“All in due time and without a rush. She continues to be in great physical and mental condition.” April and I have something in common. No, I am not about to have a baby, but my long-awaited book is now truly on the way. It is at the printer now and my publisher tells me they expect to receive the first copies around March 24.I started work on this book waaaay back in 2010. I went through 12 complete versions and revisions before deciding last  spring that it was as good as I could make it, time to stop filleting with a word here and a paragraph there and submit it to a publisher.Then came to process of trying to guess where it had the best chance of finding welcome. In April of 2016, I signed a contract with Karnac Books. More small revisions, selection of a cover design, soliciting reviews. Now it feels like a real book to me.You will notice a new link above, a link toThe Fat Lady Sings.There you will find more information on the book, the table of contents, an excerpt and reviews. And a link to where you can preorder it now.I am very excited and hope readers will comment and discuss with me here.
Source: Jung At Heart - Category: Psychiatry & Psychology Source Type: blogs