An analytical method for solving exact solutions of a nonlinear evolution equation describing the dynamics of ionic currents along microtubules

Publication date: Available online 31 January 2017 Source:Journal of Taibah University for Science Author(s): Md. Nur Alam, Md. Mahbub Alam In this article, a variety of solitary wave solutions are found for microtubules as nonlinear RLC transmission lines. We tackle to find exact solutions of NLEE involving parameters of a special interest in nanobiosciences and biophysics which describe a model of microtubules as nonlinear RLC transmission lines. We find solutions such as hyperbolic, trigonometric, rational and exponential function solutions and also obtain soliton-like pulse solutions in the above equation. A comparative study with the other methods approves the validity of the technique and shows that the method provides additional solutions that are new. Finally for suitable parameter values, we plot 2D and 3D graphics of exact solutions that we found by using the method.
Source: Journal of Taibah University for Science - Category: Science Source Type: research